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SEN 460 : FALL 2016
Credit : (3 + 0) / Week
 The system requirements are defined and documented in compliance with the
development methodology.
 The system design is executed in accordance with the design methodology.
 The programs are constructed and documented in compliance with the
programming methodology.
 Testing is performed in compliance with the test methodology.
 The integration of the application system in a production environment complies
with the installation methodology.
 System maintenance is performed in compliance with the maintenance
 Assurance that the data entered, processed, and outputted by the
application system is accurate and complete.
 Accuracy and completeness are achieved through controls over
transactions and data elements, which should commence when a
transaction is originated and conclude when the transaction data
has been used for its intended purpose.
 The user has fully defined the functional specifications.
 The developed design conforms to the user requirements.
 The developed program conforms to the system design specifications.
 Functional testing ensures that the requirements are properly implemented.
 The proper programs and data are placed into production.
 The user-defined requirement changes are properly implemented in the operational
Ease of use
 The extent of effort required to learn, operate, prepare input for, and
interpret output from the system.
 This test factor deals with the usability of the system to the people
interfacing with the application system.
What is usability?
 Usability is: "The extent to which a product can be used by efficiency and
satisfaction in a specified context of use."
 Basically it refers to how easy to use an interface is, in terms
responsiveness, and intuitiveness of available functionality.
What is usability?
 Clarity: Is it clear what the information is about ?
 Purpose: Is it clear what the purpose of the information / web page is
 Navigation: Is it easy to move around, and not get lost ?
 Spatial Layout: Is the information confusing, cluttered or unreadable ?
 Responsiveness: Are you given prompt feedback on any action you
 Intuitiveness: Can you work it out without a manual ?
Ease of operation
 The amount of effort required to integrate the system
into the operating environment and then to operate the
application system. The procedures can be both
manual and automated.
Ease of operation
 The operational needs are incorporated into the system design.
 The operational procedures are tested to ensure they achieve the desired
level of operational usability.
 The operating procedures are implemented during the installation phase.
 Changes to the operational system are updated in the operating
 The effort required to locate and fix an error in an
operational system. Error is used in the broad context
to mean both a defect in the system and a
misinterpretation of user requirements.
 The desired level of maintainability is specified.
 The design is developed to achieve the desired level of
 The program is coded and designed to achieve the desired level
of maintainability.
 The system is inspected to ensure that it is maintainable.
 The system documentation is complete.
 Maintainability is preserved as the system is updated.
 The effort required to transfer a program from one hardware
configuration and/or software system environment to another.
The effort includes data conversion, program changes,
operating system, and documentation changes.
 The portability in moving the system among hardware or software
components is determined.
 The design is prepared to achieve the desired level of portability.
 The program is designed and implemented to conform to the
portability design.
 The system is subjected to a disaster test to ensure that it is portable.
 The documentation is complete to facilitate portability.
 Portability is preserved as the system is maintained.
 The effort required to interconnect components
within an application system and with all other
application systems in their processing environment.
 The amount of computing resources and code, a system
requires to perform its stated functions. Performance includes
both the manual and automated segments involved in
fulfilling system functions.
For a Pay roll system
Test Factor Assurance
Correctness Gross pay is properly calculated
Authorization Employee overtime pay is authorized by the
employee’s supervisor .
File integrity Customer addresses are correct
Audit trail Employee gross pay can be substantiated by
supporting documentation
Continuity of processing Recovery of an online system can occur within the
predetermined tolerances
For a Pay roll system
Test Factor Assurance
Service levels Application workload can be completed in accordance
with the application schedule. Pay roll should not take
more then certain minutes to generate monthly salary
Access control Access will be restricted to predetermined system
resources. Only accounts/finance department officers
and computers.
Compliance System is developed in accordance with budgets and
For a Pay roll system
Test Factor Assurance
Reliability Users can enter the correct information on a day-to-
day basis, some one lefts company, increment in
Ease of use Input forms minimize input errors, salary not less than
100 Rs.
Maintainable Segments of programs will be identified with
appropriate identifiers.
Portable Computer program will only use common language
features, try not to use imported libraries
Coupling Segments in one application requiring concurrent
changes in other applications will be properly
identified, Overtime disbursement with month salary,
For a Pay roll system
Test Factor Assurance
Performance Hardware and software usage is optimized.
Normalized data reduces redundant updation.
Ease of operations Operators are trained in any special application
operating procedures .

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