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Power System Operation and Control

Power System Security

Assessment and Control

Burhan Khan

Power System Security: The ability of the system to withstand major

Introduction (Contd.)
• Objectives of Energy Management System:
1. minimize operating cost
2. maintain balance between generated power
and load including interchange transactions
3. maintain nominal frequency
4. maintain absolute correct time
5. maintain operating conditions within equipment rating
6. maintain voltage within permissible limits
7. maintain power reserves in order to minimize the risk of
loss of load in the event of random generator outages
(1st assignment after mid)
8. meet pollution constraints
Introduction (Contd.)

• Ancillary Services
“those services necessary to support the transmission of electric power
from seller to purchaser given the obligations of control areas and
transmitting utilities within those control areas to maintain reliable
operations of the interconnected transmission system.”
1. scheduling and dispatch
2. reactive power and voltage control
3. loss compensation
4. load following
5. system protection
6. energy imbalance
7. minimize operating cost
Introduction (Contd.)

• Normal Operating State Demand Constraint

1. All load demands are met(power balance)

2. Frequency is Constant
3. The bus voltage magnitudes are within prescribed limits
4. No component is overloaded


• Why?
Introduction (Contd.)

• System Security
“The ability of the system to withstand random and planned
disturbances without service interruption”
1. System Monitoring
2. Security Assessment
3. Security Controls

1. System Monitoring
Introduction (Contd.)
2. Security Assessment
– The real time analysis procedures
– Steady state and dynamic procedures

3. Security Controls
– Integration of automatic and manual Cotrols

– Electric load transfer

– Bus voltage control
– Generation rescheduling
– Fast start-up Generation
– Electric load control
– Interchange control
– Load shedding
– Other

System Economics and Security

The Effects of Outage

• Different generating units contribute to the disturbances for

 Technical reasons
 Economic reasons

• Generating Units are classified into 3 groups:

 Baseload Units
 Controllable units
 Peak Loading Units

• Baseload Units:
 Nuclear and large fossil fired units
 Normally run fully loaded on 24 hour basis
 Low operating cost
 Cannot tolerate fast power changes
 They do NOT participate in regulation of frequency and net interchange (AGC functions)

• Controllable Units:
 Hydro generators and smaller fossil units
 Limitation on rate by which they can change output (MW/s)
• Peak Loading Units:
 Combustion turbine driven generators, hydro units, short-time energy storage units
 Relatively fast
 Low operating cost
 Cannot tolerate fast power changes
 They do NOT participate in regulation of frequency and net interchange (AGC functions)

• Control Loops in AGC

1. Voltage regulation loop Exciter: Excitation Cotrol

2. PSS loop

3. Primary load-frequency control loop Prime Mover:

4. Secondary load-frequency control loop Frequency Cotrol

• Decoupling of Excitation control and Frequency Control:

 Frequency control under normal operating conditions comprises smooth

transition from one operating point to another. The design of the control
loop is such that the time constants involved are relatively long.

 Excitation control become s active when large and abrupt deviations in the
operating point occur (stability and voltage control). The response of the
excitation control loop is relatively fast resulting in relatively short time
Primary Generation Control System
• Governor/Hydraulic Actuator

• Turbine

• Generator

• Electric Load
X B  a3X A  a4 X c

X c  a5  (X B )dt
X A  a1f  a2 Pc
X c  a5  (a1a3 f  a2 a3 PC  a4 X C )dt
dX c aa aa
 a4 a5 ( 1 3 f  2 3 PC  X C )
dt a4 a4

d  X c 1 G 1
  X C  G (   f   PC )
dt TG TG R
TG time constant of the speed governor system d  X c 1 1
  X C   f   PC ( AssumeG G  1)
R Speed regulation due to governor action dt TG TG R
1 1
 X c ( s )  H G ( s )(   f ( s )   PC ( s )) whereH G (s) 
R 1  sT G

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