Consumer Behavior in Islamic Perspective (Needs) : Here Is Where Your Presentation Begins

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Here is where your presentation begins
1. daruriyat (primary)
Primary needs are needs that must be met in order for a human to live. This need is a natural need which, if not fulfilled,
can interfere with human life.

2. hajiyat (secondary)

As already mentioned above, secondary needs are generally in the form of goods that support productivity and improve
the quality of life of the community.

3. takmiliyat (tertiary) in Islam

As explained above, tertiary needs include goods and services that aim to satisfy consumption appetites and have the
nuance of luxury goods.
Give 2 examples for
each of the needs:

daruriyat (primary) hajiyat takmiliyat

(tertiary) in Islam.
daruriyat (primary)
1.Clothing / Clothing Clothing or clothing is classified as a primary need
for humans. Clothing itself is needed to cover the body from disease
attacks, exposure to hostile weather, maintain body temperature, and
cover vital organs.
2.Board / Shelter A decent home is a basic need (Jessica Bryant)
A place to live or often called a house is a location where humans can
rest and protect themselves from bad weather, hot sun exposure, and
other dangers.
Examples of Secondary Needs

Handphone / smartphone that is useful for

communication, reading literacy, and entertainment
2. A computer or laptop that is useful for supporting work
productivity, learning activities, literacy, and
Example of Tertiary Needs
Luxury vehicles such as sports cars, motor sports, private jets, yachts, and others that
only aim to increase social status and increase the comfort of life.

Jewelry that aims to increase social status and flaunt wealth such as gold rings,
diamond necklaces, pearl bracelets, diamond earrings, and the like.
2.Understanding Maslahah In simple terms
maslahah can be interpreted as all forms of state,
both material and non-material, which are able to
increase human support as the most noble
being.Besides that mashlahah is defined as all forms
of worldly and spiritual dimensions, material and
spiritual and individual. and collectively and must
meet the three parties responsible for sharia (halal),
be useful and carry Instagram (thoyib) in all
aspects as a whole.
a. Physical and psychological benefits, namely in the form of meeting human
physical or psychological needs such as hunger, thirst, coldness, health,
security, comfort, self-esteem, and so on.
b. Intellectual benefits, namely in the form of fulfilling the needs of human reason
when he buys a good or service such as the need for information, knowledge,
skills, and the like.
c. Benefits to the environment, namely in the form of positive externalities from
the purchase of a good or service or benefits that can be felt by non-buyers of
the same generation.
d. Long-term benefits, namely the fulfillment of long-term worldly needs or the
preservation of future generations against losses resulting from not buying
goods or services.
“when you have a lot of money you will forget who you really
are, but if you have no money then everyone will forget about
thank you

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