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Final Script: Learning

Less than, Greater

than, or Equal To
Josue Mena Ochoa
EDU 214-1001
May 5, 2021
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Good Morning class!
Students: Good Morning Mr. Mena Ochoa!
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Awesome energy this morning! Who here had a big breakfast?
All Students at once: ME!
MR. Mena Ochoa: I’m so glad to hear that everyone, because we are learning a new subject today and you're
going to need all that brain juice from your breakfast. As we are learning how to differentiate greater than, less
than, or equal to. Greater than means that the number value of one number is greater than the other. While Less
than means that the number value of one number is less than the other. Finally, Equal too mean that one number
value has the same value as the other number, so they are the same. Would you like an example?
Students: Yes please.
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Alright. Let start from the beginning. Now, everyone put both hands up and follow along as
I demonstrate. With your left hand you are going to make an “L”. As you make your L, turn it slightly to the
right to make a weird V. This will represent Less than. Less than means that the number value of one number is
less than the other. Now, with your right hand you're going to do the same thing. Make a reverse L and slightly
turn it to the left, until you get a weird V. This will represent Greater than. Greater than means that the number
value of one number is greater than the other. Last to show is Equal to. Now, make your hand look you're going
to do a karate chop, and place one hand above the other. This represent equal too. Equal too mean that one
number value has the same value as the other number, so they are the same. Would you guys like a video
explanation as well?
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Awesome! Now everyone direct your attention to the screen as I put a visual example for the class.
(shows video)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok class, now that the video helped you guys understand a little bit more of how greater than, less than,
and equal to symbols looks and operates. Can anyone demonstrate what it looks like for the class?
Various Students: Me Mr. Mena Ochoa!
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok, by a raise of hands, let me get some volunteers to come to the front of the class and draw on the
white board how the symbols look like.
(teacher chooses students, and they write on the board symbols and explain those symbols)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Outstanding! Very good job. Now let's take our seats as I continue into the lesson, and I show you guys
some slides.
(Turns Slides for the classroom to see)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: And remember class, if you see any addition or subtract in the problems, make sure to do those first
before answering the comparison of less than, greater than, or equal to.
All Students: Ok Mr. Mena Ochoa
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
LESS THAN Greater than

9 11 8 3
Equal To

1 1
Remember class! To read your problems like a book, from left to right.
You are comparing the number on the left to the number on the right.
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok class, now that you have learned what Less than,
Greater than, or Equal to is. Do you guys have any question that you want
to ask before we do the activity together as a class?
Student: (student raises hand) I do Mr. Mena Ochoa.
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok, what question do you have?
Student: So, the less than symbol eats the smaller number?
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Well, it depends. The symbol does face the bigger
number it’s going to eat. But we must remember which symbol represent
Less than, and what symbol represents Greater Than. Do you remember
from the beginning how I taught you guys how to remember which hands
represents which?
Student: Yes, Mr. Mena Ochoa.
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok good, now remember what I said. You must read the
problem from left to right. So, if 45 is on the left and 75 is on the right. What
symbol would you use in the middle for this problem?
Student: Less than?
MR. Mena Ochoa: Correct! Does it make more sense now?
Student: Kind of, I think I need more practice, I’m having a hard time.
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Don’t worry, as a class we will do some practice problems in
the activity together, and afterwards if you still don’t get it, I’ll help you out
some more, ok?
Student: Ok, Mr. Mena Ochoa.
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Remember class, these practice problems in the activity are
to be done together, because you are going to turn them in right after we’re
done. So, write on a separate paper, and remember to follow along.
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
1.) 2_____4 6.) 32______2
2.) 8______7 7.) 6+3______9+0
3.)12______12 8.) 9-2______2+5
4.) 9______9 9.) 20-
5.)28______21 7______7+6
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok class, now that we have done a couple of practice
problems together, write your name on the top of your activity sheet and leave it
on the corner of your desk so I can come around and pick it up. In the
meanwhile, let’s do a quick review shall we. In what direction should you do the
Student: Left to Right!
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Correct, Good job! How does the symbol for Less than look
Students: (Shows Less than symbol)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: wow you guys are good! How about the symbol for greater
Students: (Shows Greater than Symbol)
Mr.Mena Ochoa: Correct again! Lastly what about the Equal to symbol?
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Students: ( shows Equal to symbol)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Correct Again! Now, what do you do if you have a math equation
in your problem?
(Student Raises hand)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Yes, Alex.
Student: You do the math equation first and then answer if it’s greater than or less
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Correct. Now class, does anyone have anymore questions about
what we have covered?
Students: (silence)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok, well since no one has any questions. POP QUIZ! Clear off
your desk and only leave a pencil on your table as I come around and give you your
quiz. Also, leave your activity sheet in the corner of your desk as I come around and
pick it up. Make sure you have your name written in the corner.
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
(Teacher walks around passing Quiz and collecting Activity sheet)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok class, don’t turn your quiz around just yet. Does
everyone have a quiz on there desk?
Students: Yes, Mr. Mena Ochoa.
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok, good. This quiz consist of 10 questions that are similar
to the activity. Since you guys are so smart, you should have no problem
finishing this in 15 minutes. Are you guy ready to start?
Students: Yes, Mr. Mena Ochoa
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Alright! Remember to write your name in the corner. You
may now flip over your quiz and start it now.
(Students take 15 minutes to take quiz)
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok, pencils down, time is up! Please turn your quiz around
and place it face down on the corner of your desk so I may pick it up.
(Teacher walks around class picking up quiz)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: What did you guys think of the pop quiz? Was it easy or
Student: It was easy Mr. Mena Ochoa, I was struggling at first, but I
remembered less than or greater than with my hands and it helped me.
Mr. Mena Ochoa: I’m glad to hear that, did anyone else have a similar
experience as Alex?
Various students: Me, Mr. Mena Ochoa!
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Well, I’m glad that everyone remembered their hand
symbols, and everyone finished their quiz. Now, I’m going to teach you guys
how to make your own activity sheet for your homework.
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: We are going to do this together as a class for practice, so you guys can make your own at
home and bring me back your work by the end of the week. So, I need everyone to go to the laptop cart and
go grab a chrome book and head back to your desk.
Students: Ok, Mr. Mena Ochoa
(Student grab Chromebook and head back to desk)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok Class, is everyone ready?
Students: Yes, Mr. Mena Ochoa
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok good, now everyone direct your attention to the screen as we go over what to do
together. And if anyone is having a hard time, or needs me to slow down, please tell me so by raising your
hand. Now, lets all go together to Microsoft word shall we. It show be located on the bottom of your taskbar
and it should look like this.

Mr. Mena Ochoa: Click the Blue symbol that has a small “W” on the left side of it. If you're having a hard time
finding it, look at the screen as there is an example of how it looks like. Is anyone having
any difficulties finding Microsoft word?
Student: No, Mr. Mena Ochoa
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok good. When you having Microsoft
Word open, raise your hand. So we can continue as a class..
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok class, your monitor
should look like what I have on the screen
now. Once your there, on the top left corner,
you should see the follow.

Mr. Mena Ochoa: Make sure your font is

on Times New Roman, and your character
size is at 26 like in the picture. Is everyone
still doing, ok?
Students: Yes, Mr. Mena Ochoa.
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Alright, so let's move on
to the next step.
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok class, now that you have the correct font and character
size, lets go together right next to it where you see “Paragraph” like in the
picture. By paragraph there is a small arrow in half box pointing down. Click
on that, if you can’t find it, look at board and there is a arrow showing you
where it’s located.
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Is everyone still following along?
Students: Yes, Mr. Mena Ochoa
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok Good, When you click on that
arrow you should have something pop up on your
monitor. Is everyone there?
Most Student: Yes,Mr. Mena Ochoa,
Individual student: Mr. Mena Ochoa how is the pop up suppose to look like?
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: It’s supposed to look like the image
shown on the screen. Do you have the same pop-up?
Student: Yes, Mr. Mena Ochoa
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok good. Now class, we are going to
change 4 thing. Start off where the blue arrow is pointing
where it says “special” and click on that bar and change it
to none. The next step is where the red arrow is pointing,
which is title Line spacing. Click on that and change it to
double. Is everyone still doing ok, or am I going to fast?
Students: We’re ok, Mr. Mena Ochoa
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Good. Next, were go to where the green
arrow is located. Where it says after, you will click on
down arrow until it says auto. And right underneath it you
are going to click the little box and a check mark should
appear. Once you have changed all four things, you can
press Ok on the bottom of the screen where the black arrow
is pointing. Does anyone need any help?
Student: No, Mr. Mena Ochoa
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok, good. After you press “OK” the pop up should disappear and you should be back to the home page.
Is everyone there now?
Student: Yes, Mr. Mena Ochoa.
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok, good. Now we have one more thing to do before we can start our activity sheet. On the top of the
page where paragraph was located, there are some number underneath references. Click on this and you should have the
number one appear on your page. If you are having a hard time locating the number, look at the board and the red arrow
will show you what to click. Does anyone need any assistance?

Students: No, Mr. Mena Ochoa

Mr. Mena Ochoa: Alright. Now that all the settings are in place and you have a number one on your page, we
can now start the activity sheet that will be for homework and due in two days. In this activity sheet, we will
make our own 10 problems of Greater than, Less than, or Equal to. Again, if anyone is having a hard time,
please raise your hand and let me know so I can help or slow down.
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Now class, eyes up on the screen and
away from your monitors. On the screen, is an example
of what you're going to make as an activity sheet. You
are going to make 10 of your own questions similar to
mine. You can not use my examples; you must make up
your own. Inside of your activity sheet you must do 2
things. Include problems that contain Less than, Greater
than, or Equal to. Additionally, you must have at least
two problem that involve some math equation. It doesn’t
have to be anything crazy guys, just make sure one is
an Addition problem, and one subtraction problem. Does
anyone have any question, before I continue?
Student: ( raises hand) I do Mr. Mena Ochoa
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Yes, Sam.
Student: How do you make that line in-between the
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Good question Sam. Let me show the
class together how to do this, since others might have
the same issue.
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok class, on the screen there is a picture
of your chrome book keyboard. You must do two thing at
the same time to get the lines in the middle of your equation.
you must press down on the shift key, where the red arrow is
located. While you are holding the shift key down, you must
press the two-line button where the green arrow is Pointing.
if you do these two actions together, you should get the line
for in-between your problems. Is any still struggling with this?
(Few students raise their hands)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok, I will be going around now to
help anyone who is struggling doing this. Those who
are not struggling, Can start on your activity sheet in
the meantime. Remember class, this activity sheet is
homework. So, if you finish in class now, you don’t
have to take it home and do it later. Now, before I walk
around, does anyone have any other questions besides
how to make the lines?
Student: (silence)
Learning Less than, Greater Than, or Equal to
(Teacher walks around helping students who needed help)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Alright class, 1, 2, 3!
Student: Eyes on me!!
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok class, we only have a few minutes before we must move onto English. Those of you who have
finished your activity sheets you can turn it in now, those who didn’t; Well, I guess you have homework to do. Let’s start
putting our chrome book away now and grab your book from your backpack and so we can learn some english . As your
doing that, we are going to do one last review as a class.
(Student’s start moving)
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Ok class, is 1000 greater than or less than 200?
Student: Greater than!
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Correct! Is 22 greater than or less than 33?
Students: Less than!
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Correct! Is 88 greater than or less than 88?
Student: Equal to!
Mr. Mena Ochoa: Good job! I thought I was going to trick you there. Last question before the class bell rings, is 1+1
greater than or equal to 3-1?
Student: Equal to!
(Bell Rings)

Mr. Mena Ochoa: Correct again! Make sure to practice your Less than, greater than, or equal to guys. And remember that
you have homework for those who didn’t finished today. Now math is over; let’s open our book up to page 34.
That concludes
today's lesson
everyone, thank you!
Josue Mena Ochoa
EDU 214-1001
May 5, 2021

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