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 Background of Hosting Company
 Background about the Project
 Activity During Internship
 Overall about Internship
 Conclusion and Recommendation
Background of Hosting Company

 The internship program was carried out on water supply and sanitation project in
SNNPRS, Wolaita Zone Boditi town.
 Wolaita zone is one of the fourteen zones that found in southern nation,
nationality and peoples regional state.
• It was established in 1998 E.C, in order to ensure the availability of sufficient
good water quality.
 Zonal town (SODO) is located at south- west of the regional capital town
 Mission of the Company
 Attending and controlling the construction of water works
 Providing maintenance work for damaged structures
 Increasing quantity and quality of the water for the people

 Vision of the Company

 Improving the existing water supply system
 Providing clean and adequate water in short distance

 To be competent, trust worthily and profitable in the area of water work

Background about the Project
 Location of Project Area
• The Project area is found in Wolaita zone Boditi town administration
• The project site is located at a distance 147 km south west of Hawassa ,370
km south of Addis Ababa and 18km from the Sodo town which is capital of
Wolaita zone
 Climatic Condition
• the average ground elevation raining from 1955m-2139m a.s.l
sub-humid local name Waina Dega
Objective of the Project
 General Objectives of the Project
• To provide safe, adequate and sustainable water supply and sanitation
• To fully provide efficient and quality services to the current residents of the
town plus the projected populations 20 years from now
 Specific Objectives of the Project
• To increase the availability and accessibility of clean water.

• To increase the proportion of people with access to safe water supply

• To supply clean and potable water within a short distance for the target
Work Flow Structure Of Project

Activity During Internship

I. Internship Activity in Office

II. Internship Activity at project Site
Internship Activity in Office

 Population Forecasting
• Is the method of determining the expected population for a particular design
period of water supply system.
• It is necessary to redact what the future population will be.
• The knowledge of population forecasting is important for design of any water
supply project.
• The date in the future projection is made depends on the particular component of
the system is being designed by geometric method selected for this project
Pn = Po(1 + r)^n
P20= 53433 (1 + 0.03)^20
= 96506

 Water Demand
• In the design of any water supply system, it is necessary to estimate the number
of people who will be served in the design period.
• To ensure adequate supply of potable water, well organized water supply system
is essential.
• Therefore, according to the mode of service the capital of project area is 50l/c/d
 Water Source
• After knowing the population number and the water demand of the Boditi town .
• The first step in designing water supply system is selecting a potentially
available source or a combination of water sources.
• The capacity of selected should be able to meet all the demands as much as
possible. The source of water selected for this specific project is borehole. A
Borehole is technically and economically more feasible than surface source for
water supply project. The yield from borehole is estimated to be 132l/second is
designed for this project.
• The yield from the borehole meets the demand of design population for the
design period of 2031 E.C
 Capacity of Reservoir
• The capacity of reservoir can be determined by different methods. Among those
methods due to unavailability of data and hence to determine reservoir capacity
one-third of the maximum daily demand is adopted. Thus, maximum daily after
20 years will be 6031.625m3/day.
So, CR= 1/3*6031.62m33/d
• The above result implies 2010.54 m3 Reservoir will be needed.
• The nearest standard for the calculated value is 2000m3 and therefore 2000m3
reservoirs will be recommended
Accessories of the serivce Reservoir
 Inlet Pipe
 Ladder
 Manholes
 Outlet pipe
 Overflow Pipe
 Washout pipe
Internship Activity at project Site
 Service Reservoir Construction

Materials Used in Service Reservoir Construction

• Bar (Reinforcing steel)
• cement
• Stone
• Sand and aggregate
• Concrete
• Timber Cutting tool
• Truck
• Mixer
• Vibrator
• Excavator
 The General Construction procedures of Service Reservoir
The construction process involves the various working procedures
1. Site cleaning
2. Excavation
3. Hard coring
4. Leaning of lean concrete
5. Polyethylene sheet lining,
6. Reinforcement for base slab,
7. Base slab Concrete filling,
8. Wall reinforcement,
9. Wall Concrete filling
 Site cleaning
• It shall consist of the removal of all trees, other vegetation, rubbish, houses,
• It is removing of unwanted materials
 Excavation of Project Area
• The soil that exists on the project area is; black cotton soil
• Property of black cotton
• Black cotton soil, a cohesive soil, is considered a problematic soil for civil and
corporative engineers.

 Selected material
• is compacted in order to avoid void particles
the machine used to compact this material is roller compactor
 Hard Coring
• To differentiate soil part from upper structural part
• sink down lengthwise at about 25cm thickness
Main Pipes Used

Selection of Pipe Materials

The GI ,HDPE and DCI pipes are used in Boditi town water supply
Overall about Internship

• The internship program has very bold and key advantages in

improving of practical skill..
• internship is exposing the students to the real world to translate
theoretical knowledge in to practical work.
• I try to visit different construction site and deliver the form for
different organization. This helped me to build myself confidence in
searching my work place.
Overall Benefits Gained From

 Improving leadership skills

 Improving work ethics issues
 Improving our interpersonal communication skills
 Improving practical skills
 Theoretical knowledge Upgrading
 Gain valuable Work experience
 Improving my team playing skills
Problems Encountered During the Internship period

 International problem Covid -19 (corona virus)

 Climatic condition of the project site is very hot.
 Financial problem.
 Lack of computer access in office during office work.
 the main one is project manager and site engineer have no
time to show the enter project sequence and work flow .
Measurement Taken to Overcome the Challenge

 By wearing mask
 By keeping social distance
 Washing my hand with soap and alcohol
 Taking some amount of money from family and relatives.
 Improving theoretical knowledge about water supply by reading some
 Asking project manager and site engineer to give us time to show the project
work flow according to the schedule
The Boditi water supply Sanitation project focused on providing potable water for
population of the town. The source type of the Boditi water supply project is bore
hole which makes it reliable and durable

The yield from Bore hole, and the capacity of the Reservoir for Boditi town Water
Supply Project are 132l/s and 2000m3 respectively.

Internship practical activity gave us great importance in developing technical skill,

by relating with theoretical knowledge, so good to give real practical skills
• One of the problem is conflicts in the project area by land owners due to
unbalanced payment for their resource
• I recommend the government should gives priority to land owners and pay
amends to solve their conflicts in project area to run the safe of project.
• The project Lacks some Mechanical equipment that is important in Water supply
project so the government give attention to the equipment to build standard
• The payment of the university is not enough to cover the student requirement
during stay period at internship


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