Intelligent Control: Lecturer: VU VAN PHONG

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Intelligent Control

Lecturer: VU VAN PHONG

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control


 Instructor: Dr. Vu Van Phong

 Email:
 Websites:

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control


Chapter 4: Fuzzy Implication

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

4 4.1 Linguistic Variables
 Consider the sentence: ”Today’temperature is hot”: If we consider “
Today’s temperature” is a variable, then word “hot” is described the
value of variable “Today’s temperature”.
 Definition: A variable can use the word in natural language to
describe its value is called linguistic variable. The word is
characterized in term of fuzzy sets.
 For example: Temperature is a variable. The range of temperature is
[-50, 50], its values are “cold”, ”cool”, and “hot” words

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control


Cold Cool Hot

0 20 40

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

6  Linguistic variable consist of :
 Name: e.g. Temperature
 Values: e.g. “hot”, “cool”, ”cold”
 Range: Range from minimum temperature to max temperature

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

7 4.2 Fuzzy Rules

 IF (…) THEN (...)
 Example:
 IF “Temperater is hot” THEN “ Speed is Fast”
 Fuzzy rule includes:
 (…) fuzzy proposion
 IF-THEN Operation

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

8 4.2.1 Fuzzy Proposition
 Consider a fuzzy rules: “ IF (…), THEN (...) ”
 (...) is called a fuzzy proposition.
 Classification:
 Atomic fuzzy proposition:
 “ x is hot”; ”y is hight”; ...
 Compound fuzzy proposition
 “x is hot and hight and light”
 “ y is rich and beautiful and white skin”
 Compound fuzzy proposition can consist of several atomic fuzzy proposition:
 “x is fast” or “y is slow”

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

9  Operation on Fuzzy Proposition
 Fuzzy proposition is described under the fuzzy relation or
fuzzy sets.
 Operation “AND”
 Compound fuzzy proposition:
 FP= ”x is A” and “y is B”
 A and B are two fuzzy sets on universe sets X and Y.
 This fuzzy proposition is expressed the fuzzy relation:
 t is the intersection

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

 Operation “Or”
 Compound fuzzy proposition:
 FP=”x is A” or “y is B”
 A and B are two fuzzy sets on universe sets X and Y.
 This fuzzy proposition is expressed the fuzzy relation:
 s is the union

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

11  Operation “NOT”
 Compound fuzzy proposition:
 FP=”x is A” or “y is Not B”
 A and B are two fuzzy sets on universe sets X and Y.
 This fuzzy proposition is expressed the fuzzy relation:
 s is the union and c is complement

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

 Example: Describe the following compound fuzzy
proposition under the fuzzy relation.

 Not(“ x is A” and “y is Not B”) or ”z is C”

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

13 4.2.2 Fuzzy Implication
  Fuzzy Implication is described the “IF-THEN” operation.
 Fuzzy implication: “IF p THEN q” is represent “
 ““or “(


Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

14   “ IF FP1 THEN FP2”
 Fuzzy Implication is represented in term of Fuzzy relation.
 Operations of a fuzzy relationship definition
 Complement:
 Intersection:
 Union: ⋁
 Noted: Because there many operations of complement, intersection
and union cause many calculation methods for fuzzy relation

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

15 Formula for fuzzy implication
   “ IF FP1(x)THEN FP2(y)”

 Dienes-Rescher Implication ()
 =;=
 =1- where
 is max
 max(1-, )=

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

  Lukasiewicz Implication ()

 =;=
 =1- where
 is Bounded Sum
 min(1,(1- )=

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

  Zadeh Implication ()

 = ; = ()
 =1- where
 is max
 Intersection is min

 max(min(, ),(1- )=

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

 Godel Implication

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

Mamdani Implication
 Noted: This is the most important and popular
 is defined
 ”
 is Min
 min( )=
 is Product
 =

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

20   Example 1: Consider two fuzzy set “small” on universe set X={x1,
x2, x3} and “Big” on universe set Y={y1, y2, y3}
  0.1 1 0.8
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙={ + + }
𝑥1 𝑥 2 𝑥 3
 big
 Fuzzy rule:
 IF x is “small” THEN ” y is Big”.
 Find fuzzy implication: a) Dienes-Rescher Implication , b) Zadeh
Implication , c) Mamdani Implication (min)

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

  Example 2: Consider two fuzzy set “small” on universe set X={x1,
21 x2, x3} and “big” on universe set Y={y1, y2, y3} , “ high” on
universe set Z={z1,z2}
  0.1 1 0.8
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙={ + + }
𝑥1 𝑥 2 𝑥 3
 big
   high
 Fuzzy rule:
 IF x is “small” and “y is big” THEN ” z is high”.
 Find fuzzy implication: a) Dienes-Rescher Implication , b) Zadeh
Implication , c) Mamdani Implication (min)
 Use standard intersection.

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control


Thanks for Listening

Dr. Van-Phong Vu-Department of Automatic Control

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