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Computer Security and Penetration


Chapter 6
Encryption and Password Cracking
• Understand basic cryptographic principles
• Understand the fundamentals of encryption
• Describe the most common ciphers in use today
• Identify the most common attacks on passwords
• Use various programs for cracking passwords

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Encryption and Password Cracking

• Strong passwords
– Good defense against unwanted entry
• Guessing, stealing, or cracking passwords
– Foundation of defeating any kind of security

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• Cryptography
– Algorithm encrypts a ciphertext document from a
plaintext document
– Algorithm decrypts the ciphertext back into plaintext
• Transposition
– Change in the position or order of letters or words
– Does not rely on length of password
– Transposition is based on probabilities
– Anyone can break a transposition cipher based on
frequency of letters

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Cryptography (continued)

• Substitution
– Replacement of a letter or group of letters with
another letter or group of letters
– Enigma
• Possibly the most famous substitution cryptography
• Used by the German Army during World War II
– Turing Bombe
• Machine to crack the “Enigma Code”
• Developed by Alan Turing

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Cryptography (continued)

• Substitution (continued)
– Colossus
• Programmable computer (1943 by Max Newman)
• Common terms when dealing with cryptography
– Cleartext
– Cyphertext
– Key
– Algorithm
– Hash

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Symmetric and Asymmetric Key
• Encryption can be performed with either a symmetric
key or an asymmetric key

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Symmetric Key Encryption
• Sometimes called secret key algorithms
• Uses same key to encrypt and to decrypt the data
• Sender and recipient must have a copy of the key
– Inherent vulnerability of secret key algorithms is that
the key must be transmitted
• Faster that asymmetric key algorithms

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Symmetric Key Encryption (continued)

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Symmetric Key Encryption (continued)
• Stream Ciphers
– Use a key stream to encrypt and decrypt a plaintext
• Key stream is similar to a one-time pad
– A list of random numbers from 1 to 25
– Numbers in the one-time pad are added to the letters
in the plaintext to encrypt
• And subtracted from the cyphertext to decrypt
– Algorithm XORs key stream with plaintext message

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Symmetric Key Encryption (continued)
• Block Ciphers
– Operate on blocks of data
• Algorithm breaks the plaintext document into blocks
(usually 8 or 16 bytes long)
– Operates on each block independently
• Plaintext will always be padded
• Block ciphers allow you to reuse keys

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Asymmetric Key Algorithms
• Also called public key algorithms
• Two keys for encrypting and decrypting data
• Each user has a public key and a private key
– Public keys can be sent unencrypted over unsecured
• Public key encrypts data
– Private key decrypt s data encrypted with public key

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Asymmetric Key Algorithms

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Asymmetric Key Algorithms
• DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)
– Digital signature connects documents with the holder
of a specific key
– Considered too slow for general encryption
• Digital Time Stamps
– Connects document with a specific time of origination

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• Cryptanalyst decodes messages to make them
• First and most important step in cryptanalysis
– Detecting the key values

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Description of Popular Ciphers
• Average user tends to confuse the categories within
the cryptographic taxonomy

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Symmetrical Key Ciphers
• DES (Data Encryption Standard)
– A block cipher
– Developed in the early- to mid-1970s
– FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithm
– Uses a 56-bit key to encrypt and decrypt
– Breaks the plaintext into 64-bit blocks
• Applies a series of permutations to each block
– Can use same algorithm for encryption and decryption

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Symmetrical Key Ciphers (continued)
• Security of DES
– Dependent upon the chosen key
– Susceptible to brute-force attacks
• 3DES (Triple DES)
– Encrypts text three times with DES using different keys
• Speed of 3DES
– Almost three times slower than DES
• Security of 3DES
– Equivalent to single DES using a 112-bit key

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Symmetrical Key Ciphers (continued)
• AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
– Also known as Rijndael
– Block cipher adopted as an encryption standard by the
U.S. government
– Superseded DES in 2001
– Uses a block size of 128 bits, and can use either 128-,
192-, or 256-bit keys
– Input bit sequence is copied to a 4×4 array of bytes
known as the State array
• Transformed via a series of substitutions/transpositions

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Symmetrical Key Ciphers (continued)
• Speed of AES
– Faster than DES, but slower than Blowfish
• Security of AES
– All successful attacks upon AES have been through
side-channel attacks
– Side-channel attacks are based on factors other than
the strength of the algorithm

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Symmetrical Key Ciphers (continued)
• IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)
– Algorithm developed at ETH Zurich, in Switzerland
– Uses a 128-bit key, and operates on 64-bit blocks
– Uses series of identical operations applied to the data
for both encryption and decryption
• Speed of IDEA
– Somewhat faster than 3DES, but slower than DES
• Security of IDEA
– Resistant to differential cryptanalysis
– Some weak keys are known
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Symmetrical Key Ciphers (continued)
• Skipjack
– NSA-developed encryption algorithm that was
developed for use in the Clipper chip
– Uses an 80-bit key size and operates on 64-bit blocks
– Partially vulnerable to differential cryptanalysis
• RC4
– Designed by RSA Data Security, Inc.
– Main benefit of RC4 is its speed
– Can be useful where moderate security is needed

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Asymmetric Key Ciphers
• RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman)
– Most popular public key encryption standard
– RSA develops keys that are the product of two 1024-
bit prime numbers
– Invented in 1977
– RSA is based on the fact that it is very difficult to factor
large numbers
• Security of RSA
– Some progress has been made in factoring large
(300+ digit) numbers

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Asymmetric Key Ciphers (continued)
• Diffie-Hellman
– Allows two parties who do not have prior knowledge of
each other to establish a shared secret key
• Over a public, insecure channel
– Currently considered secure
• DSS (Digital Signature Standard)
– Based on the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
– Used to generate digital signatures for authentication
of electronic documents
– Combination of public key cryptography and a hash
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Asymmetric Key Ciphers (continued)
• Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems
– Elliptic curves are harder to solve than factoring the
products of large prime numbers
– Elliptic curves, as used in cryptography, are mainly
defined over finite fields
– Shorter keys can be used
• Neo for Java
– Uses a matrix of 251 8-bit numbers
– Said to be the equivalent of RSA-1024

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Asymmetric Key Ciphers (continued)
• Lattice-Based Cryptosystems
– Based on NP-complete problems involving geometric
shapes built of lines or vectors
– Lattice-based systems have not proven to be effective
for cryptography
• As they are too slow in practice

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Cryptographic Hash Functions
• Hash functions are used in cryptography to
transform variable length into a fixed-size hash value
• Hashes are often referred to as “digital fingerprints”
• One-way hashes
– Easy to create the hash from the input data, but very
difficult to recreate the input data from the hash
• Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5)
– Secure hash algorithm developed in 1992 by Rivest
– Operates on input data using 512-bit blocks, and
produces a 128-bit hash value

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Cryptographic Hash Functions
• SHA, SHS (Secure Hash Algorithm)
– Developed by the U.S. government and adopted as a
FIPS standard
– Several variations of SHA hash functions exist
– Operates on either 512-bit blocks or 1024-bit blocks
– SHA-1 hashes are 160 bits long
– SHA-2, produce larger hashes (224, 256, 384, and
512 bits)
– Considered superior to MD5

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Attacks on Passwords
• Password protection is open to many kinds of attack
– From dictionary attacks to sheer guesswork

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Dictionary Attacks
• Guessing passwords by using a list of common
• Can determine the key necessary to decrypt an
encrypted document
• Usually do not work against complex passwords
• Crackers need the file that contains the passwords
of the target
• Defense: limit the number of guesses allowed before
the user is locked out

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Dictionary Attacks (continued)
• Hybridization attacks
– Guess passwords by creating new words
– Add letters or numbers to every word in a dictionary
– Some hybridization methods use a number spread
• Insert numbers into passwords
– Duplication: duplicating a word to form a new word
– Substituting with symbols: replacing letters in words
with symbols that look similar to the missing letters

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Dictionary Attacks (continued)

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Dictionary Attacks (continued)
• Guidelines to protect against dictionary and
hybridization attacks
– Avoid using the same password for everything
– Avoid using one’s own name in a password, as well as
that of a child, spouse, friend, or pet
– Avoid using common words or names for passwords
– Include random letters, numbers, and characters
– Avoid writing down difficult passwords where they
might easily be found

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Brute-Force Attacks
• Use all possible combination of letters, numbers, and
special characters to determine the target password
• Very time consuming and requires patience
• Slow compared to dictionary attacks
• Need a large amount of RAM and a fast processor
• Most effective when the encrypted document or
password hash file
– Can be extracted from the target system and tested on
an anonymous offline location

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• “Snooping,” “eavesdropping,” or “shoulder-surfing”
• Used whenever an attacker has physical proximity
– And can literally watch the victim type in their
username and password

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• Records every key pressed on the target’s computer
• Can easily be installed on any computer
• Keyloggers are generally invisible to the victim

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Social Engineering
• Cracker can pretend to be a legitimate user of the
target system
– And extract information simply by asking
• People behave naively when a so-called computer
expert questions them
• Another form of social engineering is called phishing

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Sniffing Methods
• Crackers use packet sniffers
– To catch cleartext passwords from protocols such as
Telnet, FTP, and POP3

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Password File Stealing
• Cracker can steal or copy the files where the
password hashes are stored
– From the victim’s computer
• Cracker can take all the time necessary to perform a
brute-force attack
• Sometimes passwords are not stored in the main
system but in a shadow file
– Readable only by users with administrative privileges

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Password Crackers
• Some widely used cracker programs are:
– Cain and Abel
– Crack
– John the Ripper
– Telnet_crack
– THC Hydra
– L0phtCrack

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• Alec Muffet designed Crack for UNIX-based systems
in 1991
• Scans UNIX password files and then extracts weak
logon passwords
• Can also detect encrypted ciphertext by using the
Crypt (3) algorithm

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John the Ripper
• A fast password cracker
• Currently available for many versions of UNIX, DOS,
Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS
• Primary purpose is to detect weak UNIX passwords
• Can edit its dictionary to add more common words
• Modes
– Wordlist mode, single-crack mode, incremental mode,
and external mode

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THC Hydra
• Useful network authentication cracker which
supports many different services

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L0phtcrack and Lc5
• Developed to help system administrators and
security professionals
– Check password weaknesses of the Windows NT
operating system
• The company that owned L0phtCrack, the @Stake
company, was purchased by Symantec
• Symantec has discontinued support

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• Requiring the use of effective, strong passwords is
one of the best ways to secure a network against
• Basic types of cryptography include transposition and
substitution ciphers
• Encryption can be performed using either symmetric
key algorithms or asymmetric key algorithms
• Popular symmetric key ciphers include DES, 3DES,
AES (Rijndael), IDEA, Skipjack, and RC4

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Summary (continued)
• Popular asymmetric key ciphers include RSA, Diffie-
Hellman, DSS, and elliptic curve cryptography
• Cryptographic hash functions generate a fixed-size
hash value from a message of any length
• Effective password security depends on choosing
strong passwords
• Common attacks on passwords include technical
measures and physical techniques
• Password-cracking programs are readily available

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Computer Security and Penetration

Chapter 7

Understand the mechanics of spoofing

Describe the consequences of spoofing

Define various types of spoofing

List and describe some spoofing tools

Learn how to defend against spoofing

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A sophisticated way to authenticate one machine to another
by using forged packets

Misrepresenting the sender of a message to cause the human
recipient to behave a certain way

Two critical issues for internetworked systems



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Spoofing (continued)

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Spoofing (continued)

Authentication is less critical when there is more trust

A computer can be authenticated by its IP address, IP host
address, or MAC address

TCP/IP has a basic flaw that allows IP spoofing

Trust and authentication have an inverse relationship

Initial authentication is based on the source address in trust

Most fields in a TCP header can be changed (forged)

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The Process of an IP Spoofing Attack

A successful attack requires more than simply forging a single

Requires sustained dialogue between the machines for a
minimum of three packets

IP takes care of the transport between machines

But IP is unreliable

TCP is more reliable and has features for checking received

TCP uses an indexing system to keep track of packets and put
them in the right order

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The Process of an IP Spoofing Attack

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The Process of an IP Spoofing Attack

To spoof a trusted machine relationship, the attacker must:

Identify the target pair of trusted machines

Anesthetize the host the attacker intends to impersonate

Forge the address of the host the attacker is pretending to be

Connect to the target as the assumed identity

Accurately guess the correct sequence

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The Process of an IP Spoofing Attack

You can use any network protocol analyzer to monitor your

You can anesthetize, or stun, the host that you want to

By performing a SYN flood (or SYN attack), Ping of Death,
or some other denial-of-service attack

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The Process of an IP Spoofing Attack

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The Process of an IP Spoofing Attack

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The Process of an IP Spoofing Attack

Forging the address of the stunned host could be done with the
same utility

Used to stun the trusted machine

Big problem is guessing something close to the correct
incremented victim-side sequence number

ISNs are not random, so the guess is not random

Sequence numbers start at 1 when the machine is booted up and
incremented by fixed values

See Table 7-2

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The Process of an IP Spoofing Attack

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The Process of an IP Spoofing Attack

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The Process of an IP Spoofing Attack

Once the hacker has put the trusted machine to sleep with a
SYN attack

Sends a SYN packet to the victim machine

Hacker should connect to the victim machine several times on
port 23 or 25

To get an idea of how quickly the ISN advances

Attacker also needs to deduce the packet’s round-trip time

When the attack is done, the trusted machine must be released
and returned to normal

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Costs of Spoofing

Costs to the victims of successful spoofing attacks

Are tied to the amount of information that was copied and the
sensitivity of the data

Tangible and intangible losses

Successful spoof attacker usually leaves back door

To get back in later

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Kinds of Tangible Costs

Economic Loss

May occur when valuable data is lost or duplicated

Surreptitious nature of a successful spoofing attack

Company might not know what happened or when

Strategic Loss

Loss of strategic data that outlines events planned for the

Could lead to loss of both money and goodwill for the
spoofed company

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Kinds of Tangible Costs (continued)

General Data Loss

Usually has less of an impact than the first two categories of

Comes from unsecured documents used by employees

Working on various projects or engaged in the day-to-day
business of the company

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Types of Spoofing

Main categories of spoofing include the following:

Blind spoofing

Active spoofing

IP spoofing

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) spoofing

Web spoofing

DNS (Domain Name System) spoofing

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Blind Spoofing

Any kind of spoofing where only one side of the relationship
under attack is in view

Hacker is not aware of all network conditions

But uses various means to gain access to the network

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Active Spoofing

Hacker can see both parties, observe the responses from the
target computer, and respond accordingly

Hacker can perform various exploits, such as

Sniffing data, corrupting data, changing the contents of a
packet, and even deleting some packets

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IP Spoofing

Consists of a hacker accessing a target disguised as a trusted
third party

Can be performed by hackers through either blind or active
methods of spoofing

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ARP Spoofing

Modifying the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table for
hacking purposes

ARP table stores the IP address and the corresponding Media
Access Control (MAC) address

Router searches the ARP table for the destination computer’s
MAC address

ARP spoofing attack involves detecting broadcasts, faking the
IP address

And then responding with the MAC address of the hacker’s

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ARP Spoofing (continued)

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Web Spoofing

Hacker spoofs an IP address through a Web site

Hacker can transfer information or get information

Hacker can spoof using a strategy

That ensures that all communication between the Web site and
the user is directed to the hacker’s computer

Hacker may also falsely acquire a certificate used by a Web site

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DNS Spoofing

Hacker changes a Web site’s IP address to the IP address of the
hacker’s computer

Altering the IP address directs the user to the hacker’s computer

User is accessing the hacker’s computer

Under the impression that he or she is accessing a different,
legitimate, site

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Spoofing Tools

This section covers the following spoofing tools and their uses:




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Provides a list of options that can be used to perform various
spoofing operations

See Table 7-3

Hacker selects the action to perform from multiple options,

ARP poisoning

Viewing interface

Packet filtering/dropping

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Ettercap (continued)

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Ettercap (continued)

Ettercap works on the following platforms:

Linux 2.0.x - 2.4.x

FreeBSD 4.x

OpenBSD 2. [789] 3.0

NetBSD 1.5

Mac OS X (Darwin 1.3. 1.4 5.1)

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Part of the dsniff suite

Can be used to spoof ARP tables

General syntax
– arpspoof [-i interface] [-t target] host

Changes the MAC address specified for the IP address of the
destination computer

In the ARP table of the source computer

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Prevention and Mitigation

To avoid or defend against IP spoofing:

Wherever possible, avoid trust relationships that rely upon IP
address only

On Windows systems—If you cannot remove it, change the
permissions on the $systemroot$\hosts file to allow read only

On Linux systems—Use TCP wrappers to allow access only
from certain systems

Install a firewall or filtering rules

Use encrypted and secured protocols like IPSec

Use random ISNs
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Prevention and Mitigation (continued)

To avoid or defend against ARP poisoning:

Use methods to deny changes without proper authorization to
the ARP table

Employ static ARP tables

Log changes to the ARP table

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Spoofing definitions

Trust and authentication are at the heart of internetworking

A successful IP spoofing attack requires a complete, sustained
dialogue between the machines for a minimum of three packets

Steps to spoof a trusted machine relationship

The costs to the victims of successful spoofing attacks are tied to
the amount of information that was copied and the sensitivity of
the data

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Summary (continued)

Types of spoofing: blind spoofing, active spoofing, IP spoofing,
ARP spoofing, Web spoofing, and DNS spoofing

Apsend, Ettercap, and Arpspoof are three common spoofing tools

To avoid or defend against IP spoofing, avoid IP-address-based
trust relationships, install a firewall, use encrypted protocols, and
use random ISNs

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Summary (continued)

To avoid or defend against ARP poisoning, use methods to deny
changes without proper authorization to the ARP table, employ
static ARP tables, and log changes to the ARP table

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