Tefl. Elma and Sebastian

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Group 2

 Elma sumurubu (C1A119013)

 Sebastianus torino sandri (C1A119003
The audio-lingual method

The Audio-Lingual Method, like the direct method we have just examined, is also an
oral-based approach. However, it is very different, in that rather than emphasizing
vocabulary acquisition through exposure to its use in situations, the audio-lingual
method drills students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.also ,unlike the
direct method, it has a strong theoretical base in linguistics and phychology.
As we enter the classroom, the first thing we notice is that the students are attentively
listening, as the teacher is presenting a new dialogue, a conversation between two
people, the students know they will be expected eventually to memorize the dialogue
the teacher introduction. All of the teacher’s introctions are in english, sometimes she
uses actions to convey meaning, but not one word of the students native language is
uttered .

1.The teacher introduces a new dialog

• Sally: good morning, Bill
• Bill : good morning, sally
• Sally: how are you?
• Bill: fine,thanks. And you?
• Sally: fine, where are you going?
• Bill: i’m going to the post office.
• Sally: i am too. Shall we go together?
• Bill: sure.let’s go.
2.The language teacher uses only the target langage in the classroom.
Actions,pictures, or realia are used to give meaning other wise
3.The language and teacher introduces the dialog by modeling in two
times; she introduces the drills by modeling the correct answers; at other
times, she correct mispronuncition by modeling the proper sounds in the
target language
4.The students repeat each line of the new dialog several times.
5.The students stumble over one of the lines of the dialog. The teacher uses
a backward build-up drill with this line.
•Teacher: repeat after me: post office
•Class: post office
•Teacher : to the post office
•Class; to the post office
•Teacher : going to the post office
•Class: going to the post office
•Teacher : i’m going to the post office
•Class : i’m going to the post office
• 6. The teacher initiates a chain drill in which each student
greets another
• Example:
• Teacher : Good morning,Adama
• Student : Good morning, Teacher
• Teacher : How are you?
• Student :Fine, thanks and you?
• Teacher : Fine
• 7. The teacher uses single-slot and multiple-slot substitution
• Example for single-slot substiution drills;
• Teacher: I am going to the post office

• Teacher : the bank, i am going to the bank

Example for multiple-slot substitution drills;
• Teacher :”I am going to the post office. She.”
• Student :”She is going to the post office.”
• Teacher :’ To the park.”
• Student :”She is going to the park.”

8. The teacher says,” very good” when the students answer correctly.
9. The teacher uses spoken cues and picture cues.
10. The teacher conducts transformation and question and answer drill.
11. The teacher provides the student with cues; she calls on individuals; she smille
encouragement; she holds up picture one after another.
12. New vocabulary is introduced through lines of the dialog; vocabulary is limited.
13. Students are given no grammar rules; grammatical points are taught through
examples and drills.
Thinking about the experience
Observation Principles
• 1. The teacher introduces a Language forms do not occur by
new dialog themselves; they occur most naturally
within a context
2. The language teacher uses The native language and the target
only the TL in language have seperate linguistics
classroom.actions, picture,or systems. They sould be kept appart so
realia are used to give that the students’ native language
meaning otherwise interferes as little as possible with the
students’ attempts to acquire the target
3. The language teacher One of the language major roles in that of
introduces the dialog by a model of the target language . Teacher
modeling it two times; at should provide students with a native
other tines; she corrects mis speaker- like model. By listening to how it
pronounciation by modeling is supposed to sound, students should be
the proper sounds in the able to mimic the model.
target language.
4. The students repeat each line of Language learning is a procces of
the new dialog several times. habit formation. The more often
something is repeated, the srtonger
the habit and the greater the
5. The students stumble over one of It is important to prevent learners
the lines of the dialog, the teacher use from making errors. Errors lead to the
a backward build-up drill with this line. information of bad habits, when errors
do occur, they sould be immedialety
corrected by the teacher.
6. The teacher initiates a chain drill in The porpuse of language learning is to
which each student greets another. learn hoe to use the language to
7. The teacher uses single-slot and Particular parts of speech occupy
multiple-slot substitution drills particular “slot” in sentence in order
to create new sentences, students
must learn which part of speech
occupies which slot.
8. The teacher says,”very good”, when Positive reinforcement helps the
the students answer correctly students to develop correct habits
9. The teacher uses spoken cues and Students should learn to respond to
picture cues. both verbal and nonverbal stimuli
10. The teacher conducts Each language has a finite number of
transformation and question and patterns ,pattern practice hels
answer drils students to form habits which enable
the students to use the patterns.
11. When the students can handle it, Students should” overlearn” i,e learn
the teacher, proses the question to to answer automatically without
them rapidly stopping to think.
12. The teacher provides the students The teacher should be like an
which cues; she call on individuals; she orchestra leader- conducting, guiding,
smilles encouragement; she holds up and controling the students, behavior
picture one after another. in the target language.
13. New vocabulry is introduced The major objective of language
through lines of the dialog; teaching should be for students to
vocabulary is limited acquire the structural patterns;
students will learn vocabulary
14. Students are given non grammar The learning of a foreign language
rules; grammatical points are taught should be the same as the acquisition
through examples and drills. of the native language. We do not
need to memorize rules in order to use
our native language. The rules
necessary to uses the target language
will be figured out or induced from
15. The teacher does a contrasive The major challenge of foreign
analysis of the target language and the language teaching is getting students
students, native language in order to to overcome the habits of their native
locate the places where she language. A comparison between the
anticipates her students will have native and target language will tell the
trouble. teacher in what areas her students will
probably experince difficulty.
16. The teacher writes the dialog on Speech is more basic to language
the black board toward the end of the than the written form, the “natural
week.the students do some limited order” the order children follow when
written work with the dialog . learning their native language of skil
acquisition is: listening ,speaking,
reading and writig.
17. The supermarket alphabet game Language cannot be seperated form
and a discussion of american culture. Culture is not only literature
supermarkets and football are and the arts, but also she everyday
included. behavior of the people who use Trget
language. One of the teacher
responsibilities is to present
information about the culture.s
Reviewing the principles
 Goals
Teachers want their students to be able to use the target
Over learning- automatically without stopping to think
Forming new habits through overcoming the old habit.
 Teacher role and students role
The teacher is like an orchestra leader and also providing
students with a good model for imitation.
Students are imitators.
 Characteristics of the teaching/learning process
New vocabulary and structural patterns are presented through
Dialogs- learning through imitation and repetition
Positively reinforeced
Grammar is induced from the examples.
 Student- Teacher interaction and student-student interaction

Student-teacher interction is teacher- directed

Student-student interction->chain drills and dialog.
The view of language and the view of culture
The view of language
• Influenced by descriptive linguists.
• Each level( phonological, morphological...) has its own
distinctive patterns.
• Everyday speech is emphasized.
• The level of complexity of the speech is graded .
The view of culture consists of the everyday behavior and
lifestyle of the target language.
The emphasis of language areas and language skills
• The emphasis is placed on the acquisition of the patterns of the
• The natural order of skills presentation is adhered to: listening,
speaking,reading,and writing.
• The oral/aural skills receive most of the attention.
• The students are taught pronunciation.
The role of native language
• The habits of the students’ native language are thought to
interfere with the students’attempts to master the target
• The target language is mostly used in the classroom instead of the
native language.
Nature :discrete-point->each question on the tes would focus on
only one point of the language at a time.
Deal with Erorrs
Students erorrs are to be avoided if at all possible through the
teacher’s awareness of where the students will have difficulty
and restriction of what they are taught to say.
Reviewing the techniques
Dialog memorization
Dialogues or short conversation between two people are often
used to begin a new lesson. Students memorize the dialogue
through mimicry; students usually take the role of one person in
the dialogue, and the teacher the other. After the students have
learned the first person’s liness ,they switch roles and memorize
the other person’s part.
Backward build-up ( expansion) drill
• This drill is used when a long line of a dialog giving students
• Teacher breaks a line into several parts, students repeat each
part starting at the end of the sentence and “expanding”
backward through the sentence, adding each part in sequence.
• Teacher : repeat after me; health care
• Class : health care
• Teacher : interested in health care
• Class interested in health care
• Teacher : I am interested in health care
• Class : i am interested in health care
Repetition Drill
Students are asked to repeat the teacher model as accuratelyand as
quickly as possible
Chain Drill
Students ask and answer each other one-by-one in a circular chain around
the classroom.
Sally : Good morning, bill
Bill : Good morning,sally
Sally : how are you?
Bill : fine, thanks
Single –slot substitutiont drill
The teacher says a line, ususally from the dialog.
Next, the teacher says a word a phrase- called the cue into the
line in its proper place.
• I am going to the bank
• I am going to the hospital
• I am going to the flower shop.

Multi –slot substituent drill

Same as the single slot drill, except that there are multiple cues
to be substituted into the line.
Example :
Teacher : i am going to library Teacher : i go to school by gojek
Class : i went to librar class: she goes to school by gojek.
Transformation Drill
Teacher gives student a sentence, then students are asked to
change a sentence into different forms,for instance
interrogative, negative,ect...
Example :
• He know my address
• He doesn’t know my address
• Does he know my address?
• He used to know my address
• If he had known my address
Question –and –answer Drill
Students should answer the teacher’s question very quickly. It is
possible for the teacher to let the students practice to ask
question as well.
Example :
• Teacher : Does he go to school? Yes?
• Students : Yes, he does
• Teacher : No?
• Student : No,he does not

Use of minimal pairs

Using contractive analysis, teacher use a different word pair one
sound, example : ship and sheep, lip and leap,hip and heap, dip
and deep,etc.
Complete the dialog
Selected words are erased from a dialogue students have
learned students
Grammar Game
Games like the supermarket alphabet game described in this
chapter are used in the audio lingual method.
• I ‘m going to supermarket
• ..................to library
• I need a little butter
• ..........few books

The audio-lingual method focuses on speaking and listening

conpetence stressing repetition and habit formation to learn a
second or a foreign language. This method make the learner
understand the second language by memorizing and practice
speaking with drilling from the people communication.
thank you

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