AI Desktop

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AI Desktop Assistant

Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of

the degree of
Submitted by: Under the Supervision of:
Lalit Kumar : 18BCS3770 Monika
Anubhav Singh : 18BCS3776
Naveen Chander : 18BCS3775
Akshat Sharma : 18BCS3786
Robin Mathew : 18BCS3756
• Introduction to Project
• Problem Formulation
• Objectives of the work
• Methodology used
• Results and Outputs
• Conclusion
• Future Scope
• References

Introduction to Project
We all know about Google Assistant and Cortana desktop, they
recognize the voice and perform an action according to our commands.
Actually it is a part of the smartphone concept. Just you have to give a
voice command and the system will help you to act on it. An intelligent
virtual assistant (IVA) or intelligent personal assistant (IPA) is a software
agent that can perform tasks or services for an individual based on
commands or questions. virtual assistants are able to interpret human
speech and respond via synthesized voices. Users can ask their
assistants to perform some task. A similar concept, however with
differences, lays under the dialogue system.

The system will ask the user with voice commands to perform certain
action and the user will respond to it. The main advantage of this
system is that use of keyboard is completely eliminated , the user will
have to respond through voice only.

Problem Formulation

As we all know their are many AI assistant present today. But the
biggest disadvantage is that any of these AI cannot send and write e-mail
to any one so we thought of making such an AI assistant which can send
as well as write an email.

In this AI Desktop assistant we have include many features and the
biggest advantage of this AI assistant is that it is capable of writing and
sending e-mail.
Among the Various roles played by AI assistant are:
• Searching things on wikipedia.
• Sending mail with only speaking
• writing emails.
• It can play music for you
• It can open many website for you.
• It is capable of opening your code editor or ide.

Methodology used
In the AI Desktop assistant we have use various python library using
which we are able to built our project.
Some of them are the following:-
1. Speech Recognition :
If you want to use speech recognition or simply convert speech to
text in python it is very easy to use. Let’s see how:-
• Working of speech recognition.
• Packages available in PyPI.
• How to install and how to use speech recognition package
using python library.

A handful of packages for speech recognition exist on PyPI. A few of
them include:
• Google-cloud-speech
• Watson-developer-cloud
• Pocketsphinx
• Wit
• Apiai
• SpeechRecognition

2.Text to speech and Text to speech, or TTS is a new wave technique of

for transforming voice commands into readable text. Not to mix it up
with VR Systems that instead, generate speech by joining strings
gathered in an exhaustive DB of preinstalled text and have been
developed for different goals which form full-fledged sentences,
clauses or meaningful phrases through a dialect’s graphemes and
phonemes. Such systems have their limits as they can only determine
text on the basis of predetermined text in their databases TTS
systems, on the other hand, are practically to "read" strings of
characters and dole out resulting sentences, clauses and phrases.
3. Proposed Architecture
The system design consists of :
1. Taking the input as speech patterns through microphone.
2. Audio data recognition and conversion into text.
3. Comparing the input with predefined commands.

Results and Outputs
The AI Desktop Assistant is made successfully using python various
library and it is capable of sending and write e-mail,opening various
website,playing music and many other things.

Through this AI Desktop assistant, we have automated various
services using a single line command. It eases most of the tasks of the
user like writing and sending email through your voice. We aim to
make this project a complete server assistant and make it smart
enough to act as a replacement for a general server administration.
The future plans include integrating AI assistant with mobile or tablet
as well .We have fun exploring and developing our own
Alexa/siri/Cortana .

Future Scope
AI is completely going to change our world in the future thus a-lot of
research is going on in this field .We have just try to make an AI
Desktop assistant which will help user to perform various
task just by giving command by their voice.we think there are many
features which are not their in our assistant such as phone calling and
sending image, document and attach another file in e-mail which can
be added in it in future.

“Speech recognition with flat direct models,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal
Processing, 2010.


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