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Individual Inventory Service

Information Service
Counseling Service
Placement Service
Follow-Up Service
Guidance aims at maximum development &
adjustment of the individual. This aim is achieved
through various services of guidance programme.
These are called Guidance Services.
These services are designed to result in the efficiency
in particular area i.e. educational, vocational or
personal, of an individual to make adjustment in that
area as well as to make individual an effective member
of the society.
This service is based upon a dictum given by Socrates
"Know thyself i.e. know yourself.
 As you know inventory means collection of facts, ideas,
things etc.
Thus the meaning is clear that individual Inventory includes
all the relevant facts (information) about an individual.
Then the question arises, what is the need of knowing on
The answer is to have a realistic picture of self and to know
oneself in socio comparative basis i.e. knowing oneself in
comparison to other people around.
Pupil Inventory Service
The Individual inventory is a synthesis of important
information about each student as he/she progresses
in the schools.
This is also known as Pupil Inventory Service.
This may also be defined as process of collecting,
recording, collecting and utilizing information
concerning all pupil
Objectives of pupil inventory service
 To identify the various abilities of
students by administration of various
tests; and
 To maintain various records
concerned with each student and
update them periodically.
Data to be Collected

 Identifying Data : includes name, date of birth, father's name, mother's name, address,
family history or socio economic information.
 Health & Physical Development: This includes physical characteristics &
developmental characteristics along with present state of health & health hisotry.
 Social Environment : Information about parents their age, qualification occupation,
number of siblings-age, grade, health, type of family-neutral/joint socio economic status
of family etc.
 Achievements: In scholastic & co curricular activities.
 Intelligence & Aptitudes: Mental abilities i.e. IQ and aptitude in particular field.
 Interests: Interest in various activities and in different areas i.e. educational, vocational
& recreational.
 Personality Characteristics like degree of independence, Extroversion /
Introversion, Temperament, Confidence etc.
 Personal Social Adjustment : Self concept, & relations with peers, silbings,teachers,
parents & other concerned persons.
 Educational & Vocational Life Goals: Tentative choice of goals for education as well as
 Any special talent : in music, painting
Principles for organizing Individual
Inventory service
Principle of Usability : Inventory
 should serve the purpose for which it has been set up in the
schools. The teachers, parents, counselor and the individual himself/herself may get all the
required. information from it.

Meaningfulness : Each & every information recorded in the inventory should have some
educational, vocational or personal value. Nothing irrelevant is recorded in this.

Objectivity : All the facts recorded should be according to the objective assessment of the
individual. There should not be any scope of subjective view about the individual, to be
placed in this inventory.

Accuracy : Every information should be derived from some reliable sources so as to assure
the accuracy of it.

Recency : The inventory should be up to date i.e. all the information about the individual
should be entered from time to time so as to make it meaningful in the present context.

Flexibility : Rigidity should not be adopted while maintaining the inventory as the
behaviour of an individual is dynamic. His physical/ mental, social, behavioural,
educational, vocational aspects may keep on changing. So all the changes s hould be included
in the respective area instead of sticking with the data filled previously.
 Proper recording : The facts / information should be recorded by adopting a
standardized pattern of record &. using reliable &. effective tools &. techniques.
Every care should be taken so that nothing wrong is entered in record.
Recording may be done on paper files or in computers. But in case of computer
recording, proper backup (in the form of soft and hard records) should be kept.
 Clarity : The information should be recorded in simple & understandable
language so that every concerned person may make best use out of it..
 Professional Use : The main purpose of maintaining Individual Inventory is
to provide guidance and counseling to the. individual. So keeping this in mind,
all the information which is generally required by the counselor to understand
the individual & to sort out his/her problems should be given proper place in
this inventory.
 Staff Involvement : The information about the individual can't be obtained
without consulting teachers, parents etc. As the teachers are always in direct
contact with students. Therefore, every staff member should be involved in this
service. We want comprehensive information about the individual which may
be obtained only if every concerned person is involved
Guidelines for Organizing the Service
Plan the service cooperatively with all the members of the staff
along with Principal's permission.
Arrange for finances
Adopt some established criteria in selecting the information to be
Follow a standard pattern of recording the information. .
Responsibilities should be given in advance to the involved staff
and each of them should have clarity of their roles.
Make arrangement of clerical assistance for physical maintenance
& accessibility.
Keep all the records at such a place where these are safe but easily
accessible to the persons who require these.
Facilities Required
3P's are a must to run this services effectively.
Proper Space, tools & Equipments : Proper tools &
equipment's for collecting the information like
Psychological tests, questionnaires etc and files, records &
computers etc. for recording the information arc required.
Space is required to keep these things.
Personnel : Without teachers, guidance works and
clerical assistance, this service is not possible.
Proper Budget : If finance is not be there, it is impossible
to gather & record the information and make the
Tools & Techniques used in Collection of
Tools of Data Collection
Rating Scale
Check List
Interview is a two-way method which permits an
exchange of ideas and information. As a research
technique, the interview is a conversation carried out
with the definite purpose of obtaining certain
information by means of the spoken word.
Observation is a more natural way of gathering data.
It seeks to ascertain what people think and do. By
watching them in action as they express themselves in
various situations and activities.
Purpose of Individual Inventory service for
identify & categorize the students on the basis of their abilities (ability
plan new instructional procedures for different groups in the class.
identify the individual with learning difficulties.
come to know about maladjusted & potential dropouts & its causes
refer such individuals to professionals, like counsellors etc.
identity the students with special needs (i.e. exceptional children) &
may make special arrangement for their education within regular
school, or may refer them to special schools.
arrange conferences with parents (on the basis of the information got
from the inventory) for/helping the individual in educational,
vocational & personal life
For Administrators

improve school plans so as to achieve the goal of

aground development of students.
make improvement in the curricular planning for
benefits of. students.
For Parents
Parents get the realistic picture of their ward and on
the basis of. this information, they may make
appropriate arrangement and create an environment at
their home that is the best for their child's
For Individual Himself /Herself
The individual may understand his attitudes,
interests, capabilities, aptitudes and other personality
aspects which lead towards self-actualization.
And with having such information an individual may
move from tentative plans to realistic plans for his/her

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