Week 4 - Delegation

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The Art of Delegation:

What is Delegation?
“Delegation is primarily about entrusting others .
This means that they can act and initiate
independently; and that they assume
responsibility with you for certain tasks.”(Blair
2015) An effective manager is knowledgeable
about the strengths and weaknesses of his
colleagues. Employees are looked upon as
members of a team; each playing a significant
role into getting a goal accomplished.
What is Delegation?

Delegation can be best described in the

acronym SMARTER

 Specific
 Measurable
 Agreed
 Realistic
 Timebound
 Ethical
 Recorded
Why is the ability to effectively
delegate important to a manager?
Allows time to focus on other initiatives and
increased flexibility (Yates, 2018).
It provides an opportunity for the manager to
gain trust in the performance of their employees,
and in turn earn respect from his employees
(Hughes, 2017).
While the manager has the final responsibility
for completing the task, delegating tasks can
also allow him to build on his leadership skills
(Nahavandi, 2018)
Why is the ability to effectively
delegate important to a manager?

Effective delegation can increase

communication between managers and
Effectively delegating can develop a balanced
workload, and provide time to have a life outside
of work
Delegating can promote a team environment and
lead to increased productivity
(Nahavandi, 2017)
Why is the ability to effectively
delegate important to a
 Those who manage people and  We “hire” people for a reason;
tasks cannot manage everything being able to delegate appropriate
themselves. responsibilities to these individuals
frees the manager to do their own
 The worst-case scenario is job.
called “reverse delegation” in
which the manager switches
 Subordinates cannot delegate the
authority which resides only with a
roles with their direct reports. manager.
 Delegation ensures that tasks
can be distributed and delegated
to subject matter experts and
completed quickly. (Callarman, 1988), (Bushardt,
Stephen C.,  Duhon, David L.,
et. al., abstract, 1991)
What CAN be delegated?

Do Delegate:
 Tasks that are non-management tasks. (Fracaro,
 Tasks with which you can pass on authority.
(Protch, 2017)
 Tasks that boost an employee’s
skills and challenges them.
◦ This is also called Trivial Pursuit.
 Tasks that are paired with
training, or are skill appropriate. (Nahavandi,
What CAN’T be delegated?

Don’t Delegate:
 Tasks that an employee does not have the skills to
◦ This is also called Punishment.
 Tasks that are busy work.
◦ This is also called Dumping.
 Tasks which you are constantly
detailing out instructions for.
◦ This is also called Puppetering.
 Tasks should not be constantly
delegated to the same individual,
 Tasks that involve personnel issues.
(Nahavandi, 2018)
Delegation vs. Dumping

Delegation Dumping
 Examine the tasks.  Handing off work that
the supervisor does not
 Coordinate the tasks. feel like doing.
 Assign the tasks.  Passing responsibility
 Support and provide and accountability.
 Reward completion

(Fracaro, 2006), (Shanley, Rohlander & DGR Communications, 1998),

(Foster, 2004)
Delegation and Ethical Issues

Ethical Issue Suggested Solution

1. Fair selection process Tie delegated tasks to Performance
Monitor number and type.

2. Scope of responsibility Clarify limits of authority.

3. Accountability Establish check points.
Check for law or policy violations.
4. Feedback & support Set up regular feedback.
5. Failure Establish ramifications for failure.
6. Recognition Distribute recognition fairly.

(Fracaro, 2004), (Kelly, 2005), (Tornqvist, 1999), (Hughes, 2005),

(Wayne, Shore, Bommer, & Tetrick, 2002), (Nahavandi, 2006)
Why Is Effective Communication a Direct
Link to Successful Delegation?

 Effective communication means delegates are able to understand and

carry out a given task.
 Direct link to successful delegation implies that good communication
equals success.
 Two individuals must establish and maintain bi-directional
communication - the manager and the delegate - in order that the link
between communication and delegation is achieved.
 The open line of communication will create a sense of confidence
enabling the delegate to carry out the task(s).
 Delegates who communicate effectively with one another will create
group cohesion and open doors to cooperation.
(Nahavandi, 2017)

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