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 Noise Pollution can be defied as unwanted or unpleasant

sounds that causes discomfort for all living things.

 The commonly used parameter for noise is the sound level in


 Human ears are sensitive in the frequency range of 20Hz to

 Road Traffic- depends an various factors such as road location and
design, land use planning measures, Vehicle standards and driver
 Air Traffic- depends on the type of aircraft flown, the number of
flights and flight paths
 Rail Traffic- The operation of trains and the maintenance
 Neighborhood & Domestic Noise- car alarms, building construction
and household noise, Celebrations- religious function, social and
 Industrial noise-Drillers, blowers
 Noise can disturb out work, rest, sleep and communication.
 It can damage our hearing and evoke other psychological,
physiological and possibly pathological reactions.
 It effects health efficiency and behavior. It may cause damage to
heart, brain, kidneys and liver.
 It causes muscles to contract leading to nervous breakdown,
 Change in hormone content of blood, which turn increase the rate
of heart beat.
 Recently it has been reported that blood is also thickened by
excessive noise.
 Hearing damage : it can cause permanent hearing loss.
1.REDUCTION IN SOURCE OF NOISE : Heavy vehicles and old
vehicles may not be allowed in populated areas.
2. Noise making machines should be kept in containers with sound
absorbing media.
3. Proper oiling will reduce the noise from the machinery.
4. Planting more trees having broad leaves.
5. The use of fireworks or fire crackers shall not be permitted
6.Through law

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