The Basics of Rheology and Rotational Rheometry

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The Basics of Rheology and Rotational Rheometry

Part 1: Theoretical background and measurement of the dynamic shear viscosity

The world leader in serving science


• The origin of the term rheology

• The Deborah number

• Definitions of basic rheological terms and parameters

• Viscosity and elasticity

• Deformation, shear stress and shear rate

• Factors affecting the viscosity

• Temperature

• Shear rate (Newtonian and non-Newtonian behavior)

• Pressure

The origin of the term rheology

The term rheology was proposed by E.C. Bingham and M. Reiner in 1929 for an
interdisciplinary (liên ngành) field of material sciences

It derives from the Greek terms for flow ῥεῖ (rhei) and for word (or science) λόγος (logos)

Rheology is the study of deformation and flow of matter

The Deborah Number

M. Reiner proposed the ancient aphorism panta rhei* (everything flows) as the motto of the
Society of Rheology**

Panta rhei! But does really everything flow?

Time of relaxation (depends on the material)

Deborah Number*** =
Time of observation (depends on the experiment/process)

* Heraclitius (Simplicius)
** the Society of Rheology was officially formed on December 9, 1929
*** after prophetess Deborah, Judges 5:5

The visco-elastic behavior of Silly Putty

Bouncing ball Gravity acting over time

• Short observation (experiment) time • Long observation (experiment) time

• High Deborah number • Low Deborah number
• Elastic behavior dominates (sự đàn hồi chiếm ưu thế) • Viscous behavior dominates

The longest experiment in the world

Pitch drop experiment at the University of Falling drops

Queensland in Brisbane, Australia 1. 1938

2. 1947
• Funnel with sealed stem filled with hot
3. 1954
pitch in 1927 4. 1962
• Cool down and relaxation period 5. 1970
• Funnel stem opened in 1930 6. 1979
7. 1988
8. 2000
9. 2014

University_of_Queensland_Pitch_drop_experiment.jpg: John Mainstone derivative work: Amada44 (

white_bg.jpg), „University of Queensland Pitch drop experiment-white bg“,

Viscosity and elasticity

“The resistance which arises from the lack of slipperiness of the parts of the liquid, other
things being equal, is proportional to the velocity with which the parts of the liquid are
separated from one another.”

Sir Isaac Newton, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica 1687

“The power of any spring is in the same proportion with the tension thereof.”

Robert Hooke, True Theory of Elasticity 1678

Rheology, viscosity and elasticity

Rheology is the study of deformation and flow of matter

Viscosity is a measure for the resistance of a material against flow

Elasticity is the ability of a material to resist deformation

Viscosity and elasticity

Viscous behavior Elastic behavior

irreversible flow: reversible deformation:

all applied energy dissipates all applied energy is stored in

completely the system

Dashpot: Spring:
Complex Systems

Investigated mainly with tests Investigated mainly with tests

performed in rotation performed in oscillation

Determination of the dynamic shear viscosity

Newton’s law of viscosity

Shear stress τ
Viscosity  =
Shear rate 

Shear stress t: Pascal (Pa)

Shear rate  : 1/s

Viscosity h: 1 Pa∙s = 1000 mPa·s = 1000 centi Poise (cP)

Determination of the dynamic shear viscosity

The two-plates model

Md xA F

Shear stress: Deformation: Shear rate:

Force F Displacement Dx Change of deformation Δ

t = g = g· =
Area A Gap h Time Δt

Unit: Pascal (Pa) Unit: - or % Unit: 1/s

Ideal and non-ideal flow conditions in a rotational rheometer

Ideal conditions Non-ideal conditions

• Linear velocity gradient • Measurement gap too big • Critical shear rate exceeded
• Small gap • Non-linear velocity gradient (vượt quá tốc độ cắt tới hạn)

• Laminar flow • Problematic especially with yield • Turbulent flow profile

stress samples (Dòng chảy rối)

Calculation of the dynamic shear viscosity

Instrument parameters Rheological parameters

Torque Md · Geometry factor A Shear stress τ

= = Viscosity 
Rotational speed W · Geometry factor M Shear rate 

shear stress

shear rate

Geometry factors are calculated from the dimensions of the measuring geometry

Experimental determination of the viscosity

Absolute Measurement

The geometry factors A and M can be calculated for

the measuring geometry

Relative Measurements

The geometry factors A und M cannot (entirely) be

calculated for the measuring geometry

Factors affecting viscosity

Temperature-dependent flow behavior

Simple fluids show a decrease in viscosity with increasing temperature

The decrease is usually exponential and depends on the activation energy (E A) of the
material: (Sự giảm thường theo cấp số nhân và phụ thuộc vào năng lượng hoạt hóa (EA) của vật liệu )

 = 0 · exp (EA / [R·T])

0 = material constant; R = gas constant

Additives can change the temperature dependency of simple fluids (Chất phụ gia có thể làm thay
đổi sự phụ thuộc nhiệt dộ của chất lỏng)

• Viscosity improvement additives for engine oils (phụ gia cải thiện độ nhớt cho dầu động cơ)

Temperature-dependent flow behavior

Temperature depending viscosity of

two standard fluids

• The higher the absolute value of

At 20
20 °C:
the viscosity, the initial the
mineral oil:
oil: 10
10 %
% change
change per
per °C
temperature dependency silicon
silicon oil:
oil: 22 %
% change
change per
per °C

• Different fluids show different

temperature dependency

Shear rate-dependent flow behavior

Fluids with a viscosity that is independent of the applied shear rate are called
Newtonian fluids

More complex fluids as well as semi solid materials usually show a

non-Newtonian behavior

There are several different types of non-Newtonian behavior that can be observed

Shear rate-independent flow behavior

Newtonian flow behavior  ≠ f ()


shear stress
shear rate

Flow in a cone & plate geometry • Viscosity is independent of the applied shear rate
• Proportionality between shear stress and shear rate

Shear rate-independent flow behavior

Examples for Newtonian flow behavior

Only ‘simple’ fluids show an entirely 15.000 mPas

Newtonian behavior:
• Water, organic solvents
• Mineral and vegetable oils
60 mPas
• Dilute solutions or suspensions

1 mPas

Shear rate-dependent flow behavior

Examples for non-Newtonian flow behavior

More complex fluids have a shear rate depending

• Emulsions
• Cosmetic creams and lotions
• Butter and mayonnaise
• Suspensions
• Paints and coating
• Ceramic slurries
• Polymer melts and solutions
• …

Shear rate-dependent flow behavior

Application Shear rates in s-1

Sedimentation 10-6 - 10-4 Storage, shelf life and

Phase separation 10-6 - 10-4 post application
Leveling, running 10-1 - 101 Slow Processes
Extrusion 100 - 102

Dip coating 101 - 102

Chewing 101 - 102 Processing and

Pumping, stirring 101 - 103 application

Brushing 101 - 104

Spraying 103 - 104 Fast

Fast Processes

Shear rate-dependent flow behavior
Non-Newtonian flow behavior  = f ()

Shear thinning:

log viscosity

log shear stress

• From a critical value on, the viscosity
decreases with increasing shear rate

• At very high shear rates the viscosity becomes

constant again

• No constant ratio between shear stress and

shear rate anymore (độ nhớt không là hằng số) log shear rate

• Shear thinning behavior is also referred to as

pseudo-plastic behavior

Shear rate-dependent flow behavior

Shear thinning behavior

• Comparison of shear thinning materials

that behave differently at low shear rates

• The liquid soap shows a plateau viscosity

at low shear rates on a logarithmic scale
• The body lotion shows a decrease in
critical shear-
viscosity even at the lowest shear rates rate

Shear rate-dependent flow behavior

Shear thickening behavior .

shear stress
• Is also referred to as dilatant behavior
• Typical examples are: shear rate
• Starch suspension in water
• High concentrated suspensions of solid The viscosity increases with increasing shear rate


Shear rate-dependent flow behavior

Shear thickening behavior

• Shear rate ramp measurement of a corn

starch suspension

• Shear thinning at low shear rates

• Shear thickening behavior at medium

and high rates

• Shear thickening behavior is reversible!

Effect of pressure on viscosity

Pressure depending viscosity of a

standard fluid

• The viscosity of a liquid material will

usually increase, when the pressure is
increased (độ nhớt tăng khi áp suất tăng)

• For most liquids the influence of

pressure is small compared to the
influence of temperature on the
viscosity (Ở hầu hết các chất lỏng, độ nhớt ít
bị ảnh hưởng bởi áp xuất hơn là với nhiệt độ)


• Rheology is the science of flow and deformation of matter

• Viscosity is a measure for the resistance of a material against flow

and deformation

• Viscosity is calculated from the shear stress and the shear rate

• The viscosity of a fluid can be affected by different parameters like

temperature, shear rate and pressure

• Fluids with a shear rate independent viscosity are called Newtonian


• Most complex fluids show a shear thinning behavior


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