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Presented by: Supervisor:

Ahmad Ziad Mahadeen Dr. Salma Ajarmeh

Hamzeh Fraiwan Al-Majali
Maintenance Fluid Therapy
 Body Fluid Composition
 Regulation of Intravascular Volume and Osmolality
 Maintenance Fluids
Dehydration and Replacement Therapy
 Replacement Therapy
 Dehydration
Water is the most plentiful constituent of the human
Total body water (TBW) as a percentage of body
weight varies with age.
TBW has two main compartments:
 Intracellular Fluid (30-40% of body weight)
 Extracellular Fluid (20-25% of body weight)
In the fetus and newborn the ECF volume is greater
than the ICF volume.
By 1 year of age ICF volume approaches adult levels
and remains this way until puberty.
After puberty, the increased muscle mass in females
results in a higher ICF volume than females.
The ECF is further divided into:
 Plasma water (5% of body weight)
 Interstitial fluid (15% of body weight)

Note: Plasma water is not synonymous with blood

 Blood volume, given a hematocrit of 40%, is 8% of body
weight and is higher in newborns and infants. In
premature infants it is around 10% of body weight.
Figure 32-1 Compartments of total body water, expressed as percentage of body weight, in an older child or adult. (From Greenbaum LA: Pathophysiology of body fluids and
fluid therapy. In Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, et al: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18th ed. Philadelphia, 2007, Elsevier Science, p 268.)

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The composition of solutes in the ICF and ECF is
In the ECF, sodium and chloride are the dominant
cation and anion. In the ICF, potassium is the most
abundant cation and proteins, organic anions and
phosphate are the most plentiful anions.
Dissimilarities in anion composition is due to the
impermeable of the cell membrane to intracellular
molecules. The cation variability is due to the Na, K –
ATPase pump.
Osmolality: the number of osmoles per kilogram solvent
 Osmolarity can be calculatedby the formula:
Osm (calc) = 2 (Na+) +glucose/18 + BUN/2.8
If Na+ is 140 meq/L , the glucose is 90 mg/dl and the BUN is 14 mg /dl
Then Osm = (2*140) + 90/18 +14/2.8 =290
 In most situations, glucose and urea contribute little to the plasma
osmolality; multiplication of the sodium by 2 provides a rough
approximation of the osmolality.
 Since urea is an ineffective osmole (passes freely across the cellular
membrane such that it is equal in concentration in ECF/ICF). The
effective osmolality becomes:
Effctive osmolality= Osm (calc) = 2 (Na+) +glucose/18 =tonicity
Osmolar Gap: The difference between measured and
calculated osmolarity.
Normally, this is <10 mOsm. An osmolar gap >10
indicates the presence of unmeasured osmoles:
lactate, ethanol, methanol , ethylene glycol, and
Proper cell functioning requires close regulation of
plasma osmolality and intravascular volume; these are
controlled by independent systems for water balance
(which determines osmolality) and sodium balance
(which determines volume status).
Again, maintenance of a normal osmolality depends
on control of _______, while control of volume status
depends on regulation of _______.
The plasma osmolality is tightly regulated between
285-295 mOsm/kg.
In the steady state, water intake and water produced
from oxidation balances losses from the skin, lungs,
urine and gastrointestinal tract.
 Only water intake and urinary losses can be regulated.
 A small increase in the plasma osmolality stimulates thirst.
(a 1-2% increase results in stimulation of the cerebral
cortex, while a moderate depletion of intravascular
volume is required to achieve a similar effect)
 Urinary losses are regulated by antidiuretic hormone
(ADH) which increases in response to an increased plasma
 ADH secretion is not an "all or nothing" response; there is a
graded adjustment as the osmolality changes, the change of
1% of osmolality make difference.
 Essential: Control of osmolality is subordinate to
maintenance of an adequate intravascular volume. When
significant volume depletion is present, ADH secretion
and thirst are stimulated, regardless of plasma osmolality.
Because sodium is the principal extracellular cation,
and is restricted to the ECF, adequate body sodium is
necessary for maintenance of intravascular volume.
 Chloride is also necessary (as the principal anion), but
for simplicity only sodium is considered.
The kidney determines sodium balance.
 Occasionally, salt craving does occur, typically in
children with chronic renal salt loss.
The kidney regulates sodium balance by altering the
percentage of filtered sodium that is reabsorbed.
 In response to a decreased effective intravascular volume
the JGA produces renin (a proteolytic enzyme) which is
part of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system.
 Angiotensin II directly stimulates the PCT to increase
reabsorption of sodium and stimulates the adrenal gland to
increase secretion of aldosterone.
 The effective intravascular volume is the volume status
that is sensed by the body's regulatory mechanisms.
 Volume expansion stimulates the release of atrial
natriuretic peptide (ANP).
 Along with increasing GFR, ANP inhibits sodium
reabsorption resulting in increased urinary sodium excretion.
Maintenance Therapy
Replacement Therapy
Deficit Therapy
 Maintenance fluids are composed of a solution of: water,
glucose, sodium, potassium, and chloride. This solution
has the advantages of simplicity, long shelf life, low cost,
and compatibility with peripheral intravenous
 This solution replaces electrolyte losses from the urine and
stool. It also replaces water losses from the urine, stool, skin
and lungs.
 The glucose provides 20% of normal caloric needs. This is
adequate to prevent starvation ketoacidosis and slow down
protein degradation.
 Important: Glucose provides additional osmoles, avoiding
administration of hypotonic fluids, which may cause
Prevent dehydration
Prevent electrolyte disorders
Prevent ketoacidosis
Prevent protein degradation
 Maintenance fluids do not provide adequate calories,
protein, fat, minerals, or vitamins.
 Patients on IV fluids typically lose 0.5% to 1% of real
weight each day.
 Parenteral nutrition should be used for children who
cannot be fed enterally for more than a few days. This is
especially true for those with underlying malnutrition.
Normal saline (NS) and Ringer lactate are
isotonic solutions; they have approximately the
same tonicity as plasma.
Isotonic fluids are generally used for the acute
correction of intravascular volume depletion.
Half NS is the usual choice for maintenance
fluid therapy in children.
In children <10 kg, consider using ¼ NS due to
their increased water needs.
These solutions are available with 5% dextrose.
Fluid Na Cl K Ca Lactate

NS 154 154

½ NS 77 77

¼ NS 38.5 38.5

RL 130 109 4 3 28
Daily Water Needs (See next slide)
Daily Maintenance Electrolyte Needs
 Sodium : 2-3 mEq/kg/day
 Potassium : 1-2 mEq/kg/day
After calculation of water needs and electrolyte
needs, children typically receive either D5 ¼ NS +
20 mEq/L KCl or D5 ½ NS + 20 mEq/L KCl.
 Again, the solution with ¼ NS is reserved for those with
low body weight. The typical maintenance solution is
Components of Maintenance Water

Urine 60%
Insensible losses (skin and lungs) 35%
Stool 5%

Body Weight Method for Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volume and Rate

Body Weight (kg) Volume Per Day Hourly Rate

0-10 100mL/kg 4mL/kg/hr
11-20 1000ml + 50mL/kg for 40mL/hr + 2mL/hr(wt-10)
each 1kg >10kg
>20 1500ml + 20mL/kg for 60mL/hr + 1mL/hr(wt-
each 1 kg >20kg 20)
This system emphasizes the high water needs of
smaller patients.
This approach is quite reliable, although
calculations based on weight do overestimate the
water needs of overweight patients.
It is also important to remember that there is an
upper limit of 2-2.5 L/24 hr in adult-sized patients
and a maximum rate of 100mL/hr.
Intravenous fluids are written as an hourly rate.
Source Causes of Increased Needs Causes of Decreased
Skin Radiant Warmer Mist Tent
Phototherapy Incubator

Lungs Tachypnea Humidified Ventilator


Gastrointestinal Diarrhea
Emesis, Nasogastric Suction

Renal Polyuria Oliguria/Anuria

Miscellaneous Surgical Drain Hypothyroidism
Third Space Loss
A variety of clinical situations modify normal
maintenance water balance.
 Fever leads to a predictable increase in insensible
losses, causing a 10% to 15% increase in maintence
water needs for each 1 degree Celcius above 38.
 Tachypnea or a tracheostomy increase evaporative
losses from the lungs.
Average Composition Approach to Replacement
Diarrhea Replacement of Ongoing Stool Losses
Sodium: 55 mEq/L Solution: D5W in ¼NS + 20 mEq/L
Potassium: 25 mEq/L NaHCO3 + 20 mEq/L KCl
Bicarbonate: 15 mEq/L
Replace Stool ml/ml every 1-6 hrs
Gastric Losses Replacement of Ongoing Gastric Losses
Sodium: 60 mEq/L Solution: D5W in 1/2NS + 10mEq/L KCl
Potassium: 10 mEq/L
Chloride: 90 mEq/L Replace output ml/ml every 1-6 hrs
Oliguria/Anuria Polyuria
Place the patient on insensible losses Place the patient on insensible losses
(300-400ml/m^2) (300-400ml/m^2)
Replace urine output ml/ml with 1/2NS Measure urine electrolytes; Replace
urine output mL/mL with a solution
that is based on measured urine
 The first step in caring for a child with dehydration is
assessing the degree of dehydration.
 This is done clinically.
 The degree of dehydration dictates the urgency of the
situation and the volume of fluid needed for rehydration.
 Note:
 Difference in body weight loss between infants and older
children is due to the fact that a larger percentage of body
weight is water in infants.
 The degree of dehydration may not be apparent initially in
hypernatremic dehydration because of fluid shift from ICF to
ECF. This gives the skin a doughy feel.
Mild Moderate Severe

Infant 5% 10% 15%

(% Weight Loss)
Adolescent 3% 6% 9%
(% Weight Loss)
Infants and Young Thirsty, alert; Thirsty; Restless Drowsy; limp,
Children Restless or lethargic; cold, sweaty,
Irritable cyanotic
extremities; may
be comatose
Older Children Thirsty, alert Thirsty, alert Decreased LoC,
(usually) apprehensive;
cold, sweaty,
wrinkled skin on
fingers and toes;
muscle cramps
Signs and Symptoms
Tachycardia Absent * Present Present
(>150 bpm)

Palpable Pulses Present Present (weak) * Decreased

Blood Pressure Normal Orthostatic * Hypotension
Cutaneous Perfusion Normal Normal * Reduced and
Skin Turgor Slightly * Decreased Tenting
Fontanel Normal * Slightly Sunken
Mucous Membrane Tacky * Dry Parched

Tears Present Present or Absent * Absent

Respirations Normal * Deep, may be Deep and rapid
 Serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine
concentrations are useful in assessing a child with
 Volume depletion without renal insufficiency may cause a
disproportionate increase in the BUN, with little or no
change in the creatinine concentration. Why?
 This increase in the BUN may be absent or blunted in a child with
poor protein intake because urea production depends on protein
 Conversely, the BUN may be disproportionately increased in a
child with increased urea production, as occurs in a child with a
gastrointestinal bleed or a child who is receiving glucocorticoids.
 A significant elevation of the creatinine concentration
suggests renal injury.
The urine specific gravity is usually elevated (≥1.025)
in cases of significant dehydration but decreases after
 With dehydration, a urinalysis may show hyaline and
granular casts, a few white blood cells and red blood
cells, and 30 to 100 mg/dL of proteinuria.
 These findings usually are not associated with
significant renal pathology, and they remit with
Hemoconcentration from dehydration causes an
increase in the hematocrit and hemoglobin.
 The child with dehydration requires acute intervention to ensure that
there is adequate tissue perfusion. This resuscitation phase requires
rapid restoration of the circulating intravascular volume which should
be done with an isotonic solution, such as normal saline (NS) or
Ringer's lactate.
 IV fluids are necessary in those with severe dehydration or showing
signs of shock. Otherwise they can be managed with ORS.
 Blood is an appropriate fluid choice for a child with acute blood loss.
 How?
 The child is given a fluid bolus, usually 20 mL/kg of the isotonic
solution, over about 20 minutes. A child with severe dehydration may
require multiple fluid boluses and may need to receive fluid at a faster
 The initial resuscitation and rehydration is complete when the child
has an adequate intravascular volume.
 Typically the child has some general clinical improvement, including a
lower heart rate, normalization of the blood pressure, improved
perfusion, and a more alert affect.
 With adequate intravascular volume, it is now appropriate
to plan the fluid therapy for the next 24 hours.
 In order to assure that the intravascular volume is restored,
the patient receives an additional 20 mL/kg bolus of isotonic
fluid over 2 hours.
 The child's total fluid needs are added together
(maintenance + deficit).
 The volume of isotonic fluids the patient has received as
acute resuscitation is subtracted from this total. The
remaining fluid volume is then administered over 24 hours.
 Potassium usually is not included in the IV fluids until the
patient voids, unless significant hypokalemia is present.
 Children with significant ongoing losses need to receive an
appropriate replacement solution.
Calculation of Fluid Deficit:
 The percentage dehydration (determined by clinical
examination) is multiplied by the patient’s weight.
 Example: A 10kg child that is moderately dehydrated
(10% of TBW) will require 10% of 10kg = 1L as fluid
Calculation of Solute Deficit:
 Sodium: Water deficit x 80 mEq/L
 Potassium: Water deficit x 30 mEq/L
Fluid Management of Dehydration Monitoring Therapy

Restore intravascular volume Vital Signs

Rapid volume repletion Pulse

Blood Pressure
Calculate 24-hour fluid needs:
(Maintenance + Deficit Volume)
Intake and Output

Subtract isotonic fluid already Fluid Balance

administered from 24-hour fluid needs
Urine Output and Specific Gravity

Administer remaining volume over 24 Physical Examination

hours using D5W in 1/2NS + 20mEq/L
KCL Weight

Clinical Signs of depletion/overload

Replace ongoing losses as they occur Electrolytes

 Hyponatremic dehydration occurs in children who have
diarrhea and consume a hypotonic fluid (water or diluted
 Volume depletion stimulates secretion of antidiuretic
hormone, preventing the water excretion that should correct
the hyponatremia.
 Some patients develop symptoms, predominantly
neurologic, from the hyponatremia (or more accurately
the hypo-osmalility).
 Most patients with hyponatremic dehydration do well
with the same general approach outlined previously.
 ESSENTIAL: Overly rapid correction of hyponatremia (>12
mEq/L/24 hr) should be avoided because of the remote
risk of 
 Na+ is < 135 mEq/L
 Follow same steps as for isonatremic dehydration
 Additional Na+ requirement =
(CD – CP) X fD x wt
CD: Concentration desired
CP: Concentration present
fD: Distribution factor as fraction of body weight
0.6 for Na+
In the situation that a patient with hypernatremia is
experiencing seizures or is in coma due to the
electrolyte imbalance it is imperative that you use
hypertonic saline (3%) to raise his sodium
 The risk of neurological impairment if left untreated is
greater than the remote risk of CPM.
• Correction is of (5 mEq ) calculation
• ( wt x 5mEq x 0.6 ) and infuse over 2-3 hr
Figure 35-1 Differential diagnosis of hyponatremia. Assessment of hyponatremia is a three-step process: (1) Determine if the osmolality is low; if yes, the patient has true
hyponatremia. (2) Evaluate the patient's volume status. (3) Determine the urine sodium concentration to help narrow the differential diagnosis. ATN, acute tubular necrosis;
SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone.

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 Hypernatremic dehydration is usually a consequence of
an inability to take in fluid, because of a lack of access, a
poor thirst mechanism (neurologic impairment),
intractable emesis, or anorexia.
 The movement of water from the intracellular space to the
extracellular space during hypernatremic dehydration
partially protects the intravascular volume.
 Urine output may be preserved longer, and there may be less
 Children with hypernatremic dehydration are often
lethargic and irritable. Hypernatremia may cause fever,
hypertonicity, and hyperreflexia. More severe neurologic
symptoms may develop if cerebral bleeding or thrombosis
 Overly rapid treatment of hypernatremic dehydration may
cause significant morbidity and mortality. 
 Idiogenic osmoles are generated within the brain during the
development of hypernatremia.
 These idiogenic osmoles increase the osmolality within the cells of
the brain, providing protection against brain cell shrinkage
secondary to movement of water out of cells into the hypertonic
extracellular fluid.
 These idiogenic osmoles dissipate slowly during correction of
 With rapid lowering of the extracellular osmolality during
correction of hypernatremia, there may be a new gradient
created that causes water movement from the extracellular
space into the cells of the brain, producing cerebral edema.
 Possible manifestations of the resultant cerebral edema include
seizures, brain herniation, and death.
 To minimize the risk of cerebral edema during correction
of hypernatremic dehydration, the serum sodium
concentration should not decrease more than 12 mEq/L
every 24 hours.
 The deficits in severe hypernatremic dehydration may need to
be corrected over 2 to 4 days.
 The choice and rate of fluid are not nearly as important as
vigilant monitoring of the serum sodium concentration
and adjustment of the therapy based on the result.
 Nonetheless, the initial resuscitation-rehydration phase of
therapy remains the same as for other types of
• Calculate the water deficit :
• Water deficit = wt Kg x 0.6 x( 1- 145/current Na )
• Correct over the necessary period
• Alternatively, you can do the following:
• Determine the degree of dehydration clinically (by
weight measurement or clinical presentation) and
calculate as for other types of dehydration.
 Restore intravascular volume
 Normal saline: 20 mL/kg over 20 min (Repeat until
intravascular volume restored)
 Determine the time for correction based on the
initial sodium concentration
 [Na]: 145-157 mEq/L: 24 hr
 [Na]: 158-170 mEq/L: 48 hr
 [Na]: 171-183 mEq/L: 72 hr
 [Na]: 184-196 mEq/L: 84 hr
 Administer fluid at a constant rate over the time for
 Typical fluids: D5 1/2 NS (both with 20 mEq/L KCl unless
contraindicated) or occasionally NS
 Typical rate: 1.25-1.5 times maintenance
Follow serum sodium concentration
Adjust fluid based on clinical status and serum
sodium concentration
 Signs of volume depletion: administer NS (20 mL/kg)
 Sodium decreases too rapidly
Decrease sodium concentration of intravenous fluid, or
Increase rate of intravenous fluid
 Sodium decreases too slowly
Increase sodium concentration of intravenous fluid, or
Decrease rate of intravenous fluid
Replace ongoing losses as they occur
Figure 35-2 Differential diagnosis of hypernatremia by mechanism. GI, gastrointestinal; NG, nasogastric.

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