Introduction of Five Pillars of Islam

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Introduction to five pillars

of Islam
Presented by the faculty
Key points
1) Introduction to five pillars of Islam

2) Introduction to Namaz

Importance of Namaz in the light of Quran

an Ahadith

4) Scientific advantages of Namaz

Five pillars of Islam
Five pillars of islam

The Testimony (faith) is the core of the Muslim belief that there is no
god but Almighty Allah, and that Muhammad(PBUH) is his last

Salah, also called Namaz, is the second pillar of Islam and a daily
obligation upon all Muslims above baligh (mature) age. Salah plays a
fundamental role in the Islamic faith, Muslims pray five times per day.
Five pillars of islam

Fasting (Sawm or Siyam) during Ramadan, the ninth month of
the Islamic year. Muslims do not eat or drink from dawn till sunset
for one lunar month.

Muslims who have money (sahib e nisab) with them for a year
must give 2.5% of his money to help people who do not have
money or need help.
Five pillars of Islam

Hajj: (Pilgrimage)
During the month of Zulhajja, the 12th month of the Islamic
Calendar is the pilgrimage season where many Muslims go to
Mecca, the holiest city of Islam. However, if a Muslim is
financially unable to perform the Hajj, it is not necessary for them
to Those who possess great financial capacity are the most
obligated to perform the Hajj.
Importance of Namaz
Namaz, Allah’s (SWT) most beloved act of worship, is one
of the five main pillars holding up the foundation of Islam.
It is the most commonly performed ritual geared towards
attaining closeness to Allah (SWT) and poses as a key
indicator of being a true Muslim
This is the worship that describes the greatness of Allah
Namaz is served as a food for the soul
Importance of Namaz
The importance of namaz can be estimated by the fact that
the Iblees was expelled from the heaven due to refusal a
prostration in front of Hazrat Adam.
The first question will be asked about Namaz on the day of
This is the only worship that is revealed on the sky(arsh)
Namaz is the light of face and the satisfaction of the heart.
Namaz in Quran
Importance of Namaz

Successful are the believers.

 Those who are humble in their prayers.(mominoon
Importance of Namaz
Allah Almighty mentioned the
conversation between people of
heaven and hell.
Every soul is hostage to what
it has earned
 Except for those on the
In Gardens, inquiring.
About the guilty.
What drove you into Saqar?”
They will say, “We were not of
those who prayed.(38 to 43
surah mudassir)
Importance of Namaz

So woe to those who pray

Those who are heedless of their prayers.(surah ma’un 4,5)
•Ibn `Abbas and others have said, "This means the
hypocrites who pray in public but do not pray in private.'‘

•Some scholars say that is refers to those who do not

perform Namaz on its specified time
Namaz in Hadith
Importance of Namaz

"Hadhrat Abu Zar (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that once the Holy Prophet
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) came out of his house. It was autumn and the
leaves were falling off the trees. He caught hold of a branch of a tree and its
leaves began to drop in large number. At this he remarked, '0, Abu Zar!
(Radhiyallaho anho) when a Muslim offers his salaat to please Allah, his sins are
shed awav from him just as these leaves are falling off this tree."
Importance of Namaz

"Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that once

the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) asked his companions,
'Do you believe that dirt can remain on a person bathing five times
a day in a brook running in front of his door?' 'No', replied the
companions, 'No dirt can remain on his body.' The Prophet
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) remarked: 'So, exactly similar is the
effect of salaat offered five times a day. With the Grace of Allah. it
washes away all the sins
Importance of Namaz

Abdullah bin Amr (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that once the

Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) while talking about salaat said: ,
salaat "shall on the Day of Judgement, be a light for him, an
argument in his favour, and a means of his deliverance. Whereas
there will be no light, no defence and no deliverance from doom for
him who does not guard his salaat, and he shall meet the fate of
Qaroon ,Pharoah, Haamaan and Ubbay bin Khalaf."
Importance of Namaz

Hadhrat Naufil bin Mu'aawiyah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates

that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying,
"A person who has missed one salaat is like one who has lost all
his family and wealth."
Namaz and science
Namaz and science
The benefit of Namaz do not end with the spiritual
domain but in fact encompass the physical domain as
Customary Namaz involves various physical
movements and positions which have been
scientifically proven to have medical and health
Modern day science has shed light on the physical
advantages of the Namaz , here are few of them,
Namaz and science
Improve blood circulation
Namaz and science
•Relieves Back Pain and Joint Pain
Namaz and science
•Body Yoga
Namaz and science
•Overall Cleanliness and Hygiene
Thank you

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