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Final Stage

• Research report is a formal statement of the
research process and its results
• It narrates the problem studied, method used,
the findings and conclusion of the study

Characteristics of Report
• Narrative but authoritative document
• Presents highly specific information
• It is a simple readable and accurate form of

Functions of Research Report
• Serve as a means of presenting the problem
• Basic reference for future use/work
• Means for judging the quality of the research
• Means for evaluating the researcher’s ability &
• Provides realistic base for formulating policies
• Provides knowledge on problems and issues to
be analyzed

Types of Research Report
• Information oriented
• Decision oriented
• Research oriented
• Technical report
• Popular report
• Short-term/temporary report
• Summary report
Steps in Report Writing
• Target Audience
• Communication characteristics of the audience
• Future purpose of the report
• Type of report
• Scope of report
• Style of reporting
• Format of the report
• Out line/table of content

Research Report Format
• Prefatory items
Title page
Research’s declaration
Table of contents
List of tables
List of graphs & charts
Abstract or synapsis
Research Report Format
• Body of the report
 Introduction
 Theoretical background of the topic
 Statement of the problem
 Review of literature
 scope of the study
 Objectives
 Hypothesis
 Definition of concepts
 Model if any
Research Report Format
• Design of the study
 Methodology
 Sources of data
 Sampling plan
 Data collection instruments
 Data processing & analysis plan
 Findings/result & discussion
 Conclusion & recommendation

Research Report Format
• Terminal items
– Copies of data collection instrument
– Complex tables
– Glossary of new terms
– Case study if any

• The need for referencing: to show what literature you
have reviewed, what theories you refer to, etc
• In-text citation, direct quotation, rewording,
• List of references: what ever appears in the text as in
• Plagiarism: avoid it by citation
• Referencing styles: Consistency!
– APA style
– Harvard (refer to internet sources)
– IEEE Style
Examples of sources
(1) Journal article
• Murzynski, J., & Degelman, D. (1996). Body language of women and
judgments of vulnerability to sexual assault. Journal of Applied Social
Psychology, 26, 1617-1626.
(2) Book
• Paloutzian, R. F. (1996). Invitation to the psychology of religion (2nd
ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
• American Psychiatric Association. (1990). Diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental disorders (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
• (note: "Author" is used as above when author and publisher are
(3) Article or chapter in an edited book
• Shea, J. D. (1992). Religion and sexual adjustment. In J. F. Schumaker
(Ed.), Religion and Mental Health (pp. 70-84). New York: Oxford
University Press.
(4): Journal article from database
• Hien, D., & Honeyman, T. (2000). A closer look at the drug
abuse-maternal aggression link. Journal of Interpersonal
Violence, 15, 503-522. Retrieved May 20, 2000, from
ProQuest database.
(5). Abstract from secondary database
• Garrity, K., & Degelman, D. (1990). Effect of server
introduction on restaurant tipping. Journal of Applied Social
Psychology, 20, 168-172. Abstract retrieved July 23, 2001,
from PsycINFO database.
(6) Letter to the editor
• O'Neill, G. W. (1992, January). In support of DSM-III [Letter to
the editor]. APA Monitor, 4-5.
(7) Magazine article
• Gardner, H. (1991, December). Do babies sing a universal
song? Psychology Today,70-76.
(xi) Newsletter article
• Brown, L.S. (1993, Spring). My research with oranges. The
Psychology Department Newsletter, 3, 2.
• The date is given as it appears on the publication. For
anonymous newspaper articles.
(xii) Pamphlet
• Just Say No Foundation. (1992). Saving our youth. (9th ed.)
[Brochure]. Washington, DC: Author.
(xiii) Anonymous or unknown author (common in newspapers):
• Caffeine linked to mental illness. (1991, July 13). New York
Times, pp. B13, B15.
Communicating the Results…
• Your sentences and paragraphs
• While presenting the results (findings):
• When discussing the results/findings
• When writing the conclusion and
• When preparing and Delivering a Presentation

Communicating the Results…
Pay attention to your sentences and paragraphs:
• Sentences: Grammar, spelling, mechanics, sentence
construction(verb-subject agreement, flow), etc.
• Paragraphs:
– not too long, not too short;
– Convey one idea in one paragraph,
– Usually a paragraph has introduction and concluding sentences
– Check for flow, coherence, economy, etc
– Use connecting words/phrases; avoid repetitions of
Communicating the Results…
• While reporting the results:
– Do not report one result in different formats (e.g.
table, text, graph) – use one!
– Do not repeat the results that are presented in a table
or graph in your paragraphs; write what you observe
(trends, patterns, averages, etc)
• When discussing results/findings
– Do not report results again!; Focus on the why part
(reasons)/explanations for the findings from your data
or from theory, or give your own interpretation
– Link with theory/other studies, your hypothesis
– Use the specific objectives of your study as a guide
Communicating the Results…
When writing the conclusion and recommendations:
 Should be based on your findings
 Answer your research questions/address your
specific objectives
 Indicate how your recommendations could be put
into practice (the how part)

Preparing and Delivering a Presentation – the Oral
Defense session
What should you do before and during the
defense session so that you will be able to
defend your thesis well and get good marks?

Preparing and Delivering a Presentation –
the Oral Defense session
•  What do the advisor and the examiner(s) expect from
you? Content-wise, Be focused! Don’t present
everything! You could focus on:
 The problem, research questions
Your conceptual model & variables
Methodology (in short)
Summary of Key findings, results of hypothesis
testing, and comparison with theory (or
interpretation) and other studies; Main Conclusion
Preparing and Delivering a Presentation…
What else do they need from you?
 Dressing – elegant. Dress for the audience!
 Language fluency – Correct grammar, pronunciations
 Eye contact – don’t look at the roof or the floor or only one
 Voice (loud enough, not so noisy, attractive sound),
 Speed – medium,
 Self-confidence (show that it is your work),
 Openness (transparency), receptive of comments
 Honesty – Say I don’t know this if you really don’t know
something – Don’t pretend or be defensive
Communicating the Results: Research Report Writing
Structure of your research report (Thesis): It depends on the
type of study. Generally, it includes:
 Front maters
 Main body:
 Chapter 1: Introduction
 Chapter 2: Literature review
 Chapter 3: Methodology
 Chapter 4: Results and Discussion
 Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations
 Back maters
• List of references
• Annexes

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