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 define brainstorming
 enumerate the different methods of
 appreciate the importance of the use of
different brainstorming methods
 practice brainstorming methods
“Write it fast”
 Class is divided into 5 groups
 Each group holds a paper and a pen.
 The leader of each group goes in front and picks a category.
 The leaders go back to their teams and tell them the category.
 The teams then share words that belong to the category and write them
 The first team to finish shouts “STOP”
 The winning team calls out their answers. And the rest of the team crashed
out the answer that was mentioned.
1. What did you do to find out what is being asked?
2. Did your members contribute their own ideas to the
categories being required? How?
3. If you are going to choose, would you like to generate
ideas alone or with others? Why?
4. How were you able to organize the information?
•an informal way of generating topics to write about, or
points to make about your topic.
•is an individual or group activity.
•Using this technique, efforts are made to make a solution
to a particular problem
•Ideas are gathered and listed from the input of every
Methods in Brainstorming
1.Idea list
2.Idea map
4.Free Writing
Methods in Brainstorming
1. Idea list
- simply involves listing ideas about a particular topic. It also
helps you find the main idea and supporting details.
- is appropriate to textual people, or those who are more
comfortable in processing words than visuals.
-simply requires you to write the main topic and them write
down all related concepts below it.
1. Idea list (example)

Topic - Unemployment
1. Jobs
2. Poverty
3. Salary
4. Lack of education
5. Lack of jobs
6. Low salary
7. Lack of money
8. Fresh graduates
Try it!

List down reasons why most students fail in school.

Methods in Brainstorming

2. Idea map
- also called webbing or clustering
- is a visual representation of ideas and their
connections with one another.
- more structured and is able to show how
one idea subordinates another idea.
Methods in Brainstorming
2. Idea map (example) Lack of money

Effects Emotional

Causes problems

Lack of jobs Layoff

Lack of
Try it!

Use mapping to write about your strand.

3. Cubing
- brainstorming strategy that deals with
examining ideas from six distinct points.

• Describe it! • Analyze it!

• Compare it! • Apply it!
• Associate it! • Argue for or against it!
Describe it – How would you describe this topic, challenge or
issue, including characteristics, definitions and parameters?
Compare it – What is it similar to? Different from?
Associate it – How does the topic connect to other issues
you’ve dealt with before?
Analyze it – What smaller parts make up the whole? Is it
possible to break down the issue?
Apply it – How is it used? Who uses it?
Argue for or against it – Explain your position for supporting
or not supporting it.
Methods in Brainstorming
4. Free writing
- set a time limit and number of words or
pages. Just write. Do not edit yourself.
- it allows someone to work without
- you turn off the editor in you and allow the
writer in you reign.
Here are some steps that may help you as you try free

Think of a topic and write down any insights or

ideas that may come into your mind about the
chosen topic. Do this within 10 minutes.
Avoid pausing or stopping. Just let your ideas
Here are some steps that may help you as you try free

Avoid reviewing or correcting while you are

composing. Do not allow yourself to get

After writing, re-read your work slowly.

Here are some steps that may help you as you try free

Ask yourself:
◦ Is there a word, phrase, or sentence that does not
make sense?
◦ Is there a main idea to the sequence of thoughts?
◦ Which ideas can be further expounded and
Expressing Ideas with Clarity
1. Avoid the use of too many details in a single sentence.

◦It was already getting dark, and we had to

hurry up; so Jean and I tried to get a taxi, but it
was rush hour and it was very difficult to get a
Break the sentence into several parts to improve.

◦It was already getting dark, and we had to

hurry up. Jean and I tried to get a taxi, but
it was rush hour. It was very difficult to get
a ride.
2. Avoid redundant expressions
◦Her new shoes are blue in color.

To improve…
◦Her new shoes are blue.
3. Avoid circumlocution or talking around the

◦ She accepted the gift with exuberant joyfulness.

To make this clear, simply say –

She accepted the gift happily.
4. Avoid putting emphasis on unimportant details.

It is Saturday. As usual, Mother goes to the market

to buy the family needs for the week. She wears her
polka red skirt and white blouse. She also put up her
hair neatly in a bun.
5. Avoid verbosity or using many words when a few words
would do.
My most amiable and esteemed friend gifted me with this
beautiful dazzling bracelet.
Just say…
My best friend gave me this beautiful bracelet.
Rewrite the following so
that the idea in each
sentence is expressed
Our new classmate is as pretty as
a picture.

He painted the picture of one

species of the feline family.
 The fire started in the frying pan, and then
the other grease on the range started to
burn, and so the cook called up the fire
department before she used the fire

 The hands of the next contestant are as cold

as ice.
 The blissful child engaged in
recreation by spontaneously
arranging the multicolored
Form a group with three members.
Come up with your own fictional story by following the steps in free
Start the writing process by observing clarity.

◦ Fictional Story with:
CLARITY = 50 points
Free writing
Sample Free Write about a name
She is a fashionista.
A Grade 11 student, Senior High, with moderately good grades
Moderately popular, has a good group of friends and is generally well-liked
Comes from a nuclear family: parents still together and an older brother
The older brother is the black sheep of the family, the rebel, the trouble-maker
Allergic to both cats and dogs
Recently dumped by her highschool sweetheart
Light brown hair with purple highlights running through it; a chic bob that comes to her chin, cut to that length after her
Has had the same best friend since the second grade, Erika, whom she first met at a neighborhood-wide birthday party for
Erika and her twin brother, Steven
Unaware of Steven’s long-term crush on her
Loves the rain, especially in the summer, but hates the rainy days; gets cold easily
Confident and likes to laugh, but is not very witty and not very good at telling jokes
Try it!

Do a five-minute example of free-writing about your plans after graduation in 100

Methods in Brainstorming
5. Researching
- you go to the library or check out websites on the
internet. Make a list or map of the new ideas.
Graphic Organizers
visual representation of knowledge
that structures information by
arranging important aspects of a
concept or topic into a pattern
using labels
(Bromley, DeVitis & Modlo, 1999).
Understand the concept of part to whole
Recognize and assimilate different points of
Clarify and organize ideas
Comprehend texts
Improve memory
Record relationships
Types of Graphic Organizers
1. Characteristics Map 6. Multiple Timeline
2. Circle Organizer 7. Overlapping Circles Map
3. Concept Definition Map 8. Persuasion Map
4. Hierarchy Diagram 9. Problem Solving Organizer
5. K-W-H-L Chart 10. Venn Diagram

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