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Write about your most unique quality .

Good Morning..!
What is a paragraph?
Paragraphs are comprised of
sentences , but not random
A paragraph is a group of
sentences organized around
a central topic.
The four important elements of a paragraph
Format of a paragraph
Sample 1
The Night Before The Examination

Examinations are always fearful. They are a great cause of fear,

anxiety, tension and worry. The night before the examination is really
painful. The students have no sleep. They stop eating food. They want
to read and revise everything. They are disturbed if someone tells them
about an important question. They at once study for its answer. They
are irritated also if someone disturbs them. They pass the whole night
in tension. They do not take anything in the morning. They go to the
examination hall on empty stomachs.
Sample 2
The Season I Like Most

My favourite season is the Rainy season. In India it is a very

important season. The agriculture in India depends largely on the water
given by the rains. For me it is the most colourful of all the seasons.
One can see a lot of greenery around oneself. The dark clouds are a
great blessing and are eagerly awaited after the scorching summer
heat. The best part of the season is that one gets a lot of unexpected
holidays and off from the school due to the rains. It is a pleasure to go
out in the rains and get wet in the water.
Sample 3
The Scene At A Railway Platform

The scene at a Railway Platform is always enjoyable. It presents a

picture of mini India. Last Sunday I went to the city Railway station to see
my uncle off. The platform was overcrowded. Passengers of all states like
Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Assam etc, could be seen. There were many stalls
on the platform. Small children were running here and there. Coolies in
red dress were going to and fro. Passengers were taking tea. Some
people were reading newspapers. They were waiting for the train. Soon
the train came. My uncle got a seat and the train started. I returned
Write a paragraph on any one of the

My favourite festival
My favourite food
Topic Sentence

Why do we celebrate festivals?

Which is your favourite festival?
When do you celebrate that?
How happy you are on that time of celebration?
Supporting sentences

• Who and all accompany you?

• Do you go anywhere?
• Do you wear new dress?
• What do you taste?
• What special thing you do on that day?
• Do you wait for someone’s surprise gift or visit?
• Do you help needy people by giving whatever you have?
Concluding sentence

• Do you know the real reason/story behind the

festival ?
• What would you tell others about the festival?
• How desperately you are waiting for the festival
next time?
My favourite food
Topic Sentences

• Which is your favourite food?

• When did you taste it first?
• Who gave you the food first time?
• Why do you like that food?
Supporting sentences
• Where do you taste it ? Either at home or somewhere else?
• With Whom you eat it?
• Is it spicy or sweet?
• Do you prefer to taste it in hot condition or cool condition?
• On thinking of the food, whom do you reminded of?
• Do you have any favourite shop / place to try this food?
• What is the texture of the food?
Concluding sentences
• Would you like to recommend the food to others? Why ?
• When are you planning to eat it again?
• Will you try making this at home?

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