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Around the
Besma Eid
EDU 214

Welcome to class, kids! Who is ready to learn

about the different cultures in the world?
Purpose of this lesson is to teach everyone the different cultures there
are around the world because there are so many! Everyone in this
world is born different and born with different customs in their life.
What is a culture?
A cultures is a form customs that a group of
people create to express themselves. They use
what they believe and create a way of life that is
passed on throughout generations, kind of like
American Culture
American culture includes many of the
different diversity of ethnicity around the
world. Americans are known to be outspoken
and independent. American culture includes
the way we play sports and eat out at
restaurants rather than home cooking.
Canadian Culture
Canadian culture has many different blends
of culture mixed in one and they created
their own. With influences from British,
French, and American cultures, Canada has
created a polite and welcoming culture.
African Culture African culture has different customs and
beliefs. Africans show their culture
through their clothing and their dance and
even food!
Arab Culture Arab culture tend to be family based.
Family and tradition make up an Arab
culture. Arabs are more religious but are
accepting of other forms of religion she’s a
form of culture that is very open arms to
Mexican Culture
Mexican cultures are influenced by ancient
ancestors. Mexican culture is a very lively
and vibrant culture with celebration and
British Culture
British culture have a unique custom
by using their sense of humor to
express their culture and tradition
amongst themselves.
French culture is a culture that defines themselves with
the way they appreciate their beautiful country and have
a sophistication about themselves. They carry their self
with pride and value family meal times and gatherings.

French Culture
Australian culture is one of the least cultures that have a
traditional aspect to. Known for their animals and
beautiful land, Australian culture has a diversity to it that
makes them unique.

Australian Culture
Italian Culture
Italian culture has different aspects to it.
They have a world of fashion that many
countries are influenced by. Italian culture
includes their beautiful architecture and great
food that America has been influenced from.
Greek Culture
With amazing food and spectacular
festivities, Greek culture is full of life
and passion for their country. The
culture of Greece comes with great
architect and history behind their
sophisticated literature.
Russian Culture
A big country like Russia it comes with big
culture aspects. Russian culture is very
family-based and has a lot of loyalty
amongst one another and the country. With
beautiful art and literature, Russia’s culture
is full of richness and life to it.
Indian Culture Indian culture comes with beautiful bright
colors that come amazing celebrations
celebrated outside of their homes. Indian
culture is a people friendly culture that is so
excepting of one another and comes with
different forms of music and known for their
film making in Bollywood.
Chinese Culture Chinese culture is very rich, filled with
history. A very modest culture but still
influencing the west with their fashion
styles and great technology inventions.
Japanese Culture
The Japanese culture like Chinese culture is
very modest. Known for their sport of sumo
wrestling and amazing food such as seafood,
which has been greatly influenced the
American world!
Now the activity for this lesson will be a very fun and creative
activity that I think you will all enjoy! I will put you guys in
groups of three and assign a different culture and would like
everyone to create a poster board that will be provided and
create an imaginary person either dressed in the traditional
clothing or doing an activity from that culture. I would like for
you guys to get on the computer and do a bit more research on
your specific culture that you would like! Let’s travel around
the world together!!
Okay class, I hope you all enjoyed this activity
and remember everyone comes from a different
background and culture that is so diverse in
today’s environment. I would like for everyone
to please write a couple of sentences reviewing
what we learned and what was your favorite part
about the lesson.

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