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Final Exam

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Scenario #1
Robin Hood gets sued by Prince John in North Carolina
state court. He is domiciled in South Carolina but was
served with process while stopping for gas in North
Carolina on the way to a camping trip in Virginia. He has
never visited North Carolina before, and the claim is based
on an accident in Georgia. Robin Hood wants to file a
motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction. Which
case would you emphasize to write an essay? How would
you use that case?
Scenario #2
William (North Carolina) commandeered a yacht, fitted it out
with cannons, and then began firing on other boats in a lake in
North Carolina. He destroyed an empty boat that cost $500
owned by Joy, a South Carolina citizen. The boat contained Joy’s
collection of ten Wal Mart Great Value cigars and Joy was
enraged that she could not smoke them. Joy sues in South
Carolina federal court for $100,000, asserting intentional
infliction of emotional distress. William files a motion to dismiss
for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. What case(s) would you
emphasize to write an essay about this?
Scenario #3
Felix sues his employer for discriminating against him because
of his race when it refused to promote him. He alleged no facts
showing that the discrimination was purposeful. The defendant
filed a motion to dismiss as well as a separate motion for rule 11
sanctions for filing a complaint that was clearly contrary to
Iqbal. Felix wants to argue both that his complaint is plausible
and that if it isn’t, no rule 11 sanctions should lie because the
court should retreat from Iqbal and return to the pleading
standard of Doe v. Smith. What two cases would you use in an
essay on the topic?
Scenario #4
After an argument about how to interpret the joinder rules between
Matilda and Ulysses, Matilda snuck into a World War Two museum,
stole artillery pieces, renovated them, and opened up an artillery barrage
on Ulysses’s estate at 10:00 A.M. on August 19, 2019. In lawsuit one,
Ulysses sued for the destruction of his collection of War of 1812
swords. The jury ruled against him, finding that the swords were
actually destroyed by a drunken neighbor moments before the
bombardment. In lawsuit two, Ulysses sued for destruction of his
quidditch pitch and jetpacks that he used to play quidditch, claiming that
they were destroyed in the bombardment at 10:00 A.M. on August 19,
2019. Matilda asserts that preclusion applies. Which case would you use
to analyze a problem like this?

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