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Presented by:

Celeste M. Calfe, CMF

Calfe & Associates
Please silence all cell pones and pagers
during the presentation.

Thank You!

Calfe & Associates

Definition: A business meeting is a
gathering in which a purposeful exchange or
transaction occurs among three or more
people with a common interest, topic, or

Calfe & Associates

Business meetings are held for a variety of
reasons, but one common characteristic is the
sharing of information with others.

As in dining, there are rules of etiquette that go

along with meetings.

Calfe & Associates

People begin to evaluate us before any words
are ever spoken.

“Who you are speaks so loudly that

I do not hear what you say.”


Calfe & Associates

Business meetings are one arena in which
poor etiquette can have negative effects. By
improving your Business Meeting Etiquette
you will automatically improve your chance of

Calfe & Associates

Starting the meeting off on the right foot when
it comes to manners ensures participants
that both they and their time are valid.

Good business meeting etiquette should be a

priority for anyone who hosts or attends
such functions to ensure successful and
effective meetings.

Calfe & Associates

Business Etiquette…
Simply a means of maximizing your
business potential by presenting
yourself favorably.

Calfe & Associates



Calfe & Associates

GOLDEN RULE: Treat others as you
would like to be treated.

PLATINUM RULE: Treat others as they

would like to be treated.

Calfe & Associates

The way you treat people is NOT about who
they are, but rather all about who you are!

Calfe & Associates

Your manners and etiquette are not just
actions…they are an attitude…an attitude that
is closely related to your self-confidence,
your position in business and your personal
life, as well as your ability to build successful
relationships, teams and organizations.

Calfe & Associates

“Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all the
time thing. You don’t win once in a while; you
don’t do things right once in a while; you do
them right all the time. Winning is a habit.
Unfortunately, so is losing.”


Calfe & Associates

1. The proper place to wear a name tag
is on the: Right lapel area
Left lapel area
It is not proper to wear name tag


Right Lapel is in the line vision as it follows up from the


Calfe & Associates

1. You are meeting a client, Sue Jones. It is your first
time speaking to her, it is proper to address her as:
Ms. Jones
Mrs. Jones

Ms. Jones. When “meeting” for the first time, using the honorific
of Ms. Is correct whether she is married or not.

Calfe & Associates

3. According to cell phone etiquette, if you are having a
business conversation in person with someone and
your cell phone rings, you should:
Stop your conversation & answer the phone. Let the
voice mail get it.
Excuse yourself & answer the phone.


Let Voice Mail get it! A ringing cell phone does NOT take
precedence over an in-person conversation, unless it is an
emergency….and then you will have alerted the person you are
speaking to of the emergency.

Calfe & Associates

4. Cell phone etiquette-part two. You are attending a meeting
and you have your cell phone with you. Do you:
Turn off the cell phone until after the meeting.
Put the phone on vibrate and quietly excuse
yourself to answer it.
Leave it on “low” so you will not miss a call &
discretely answer it by texting.


Turn off the cell phone until after the meeting. It is disruptive to the
presenter and to your colleagues.

Calfe & Associates

5. You are introducing two people in business; one
person is a manager and the other is a vice president
– who is introduced to whom?
The manager to the vice president.
The vice president to the
Either way, it does not matter in

The manager to the vice president. The etiquette of the

introduction states that you introduce the lesser authority to the
greater authority.

Calfe & Associates

6. Two people in business are being introduced.
Technically, who should extend his/her hand first?
The person of lesser authority. The person of
greater authority.
Either way, it does not matter in business.


The person of greater authority. If he/she does not know to, then
go ahead and extend yours.

Calfe & Associates

Proper etiquette can play a fairly significant
role in whether a meeting is a productive
gathering or an inefficient use of time.

Calfe & Associates

A good business meeting is one where ALL
the players show courtesy and respect. This
approach conveys a simple message:

We’re all professionals here, so let’s have a

productive meeting!

Calfe & Associates


When asked via phone, email, or electronic calendar

to attend a business meeting, be sure to reply is a
reply is requested. Some meetings are structured and
spaces secured on the basis of expected attendance.

Calfe & Associates


If this is not possible, arrive at the scheduled time at

the latest-but NEVER late! Do not assume that the
beginning of a meeting will be delayed until all those
planning to attend are present. If you arrive late, you
risk missing valuable information and lost the chance
to provide your input.

Calfe & Associates

Come Prepared

Always bring something to write on as well as to write

with. Meetings usually are called to convey
information, and it is disruptive to ask others for paper
and pen if you decide to take notes. If you know you
will be presenting information…ensure that your
material is organized and ready.

Calfe & Associates

Do Not Interrupt

Hold your comment to the speaker until the meeting

has adjourned or until the speaker asks for comments,
unless, of course, the speaker has encouraged open
discussion. Also, do not interrupt other attendees. Hold
your comments to others in the meeting until after the
meeting is adjourned. Conversation during a meeting
is disruptive to others and inconsiderate to the

Calfe & Associates

Abstain From Electronics

As the notice at the beginning of films in movie

theaters requests, “Please silence cell phones and
pagers.” Activate voice mail if you have it, or forward
messages to another phone to be retrieved AFTER the

Calfe & Associates

Speak In Turn

When asking a question, it usually is more appropriate

to raise your hand than to blurt out your question.
Other attendees may have questions, and speaker
needs to acknowledge everyone.

Calfe & Associates

Keep Your Questions Brief

When asking a question, be clear and to the point. If

your question is detailed, break it into parts or several
questions. But be sure to ask only one question at a
time…others may have questions as well.

Calfe & Associates

Listen to the issues the speaker address, the
questions from the attendees, and the answers
provided. You do not want to waste meeting time
asking a question that has already been asked.

Calfe & Associates

Be Patient & Calm

Do not fidget, drum your fingers, tap your pen, flip

through or read materials not concerning the meeting,
or otherwise act in a disruptive manner.

Calfe & Associates

Attend the Entire Meeting

Leave only when the meeting is adjourned. Leaving

before the end of the meeting – unless absolutely
necessary and unless you have prior permission – can
be disruptive to other attendees and inconsiderate of
the speaker.

Calfe & Associates

Respond to Action Items

After the meeting, be sure to complete any tasks

assigned to you as expeditiously as possible; file your
meeting notes or any formalized minutes for later
review or to prepare for future meetings.

Calfe & Associates

Business etiquette is simply about feeling and
showing kindness and respect for those
around you. It is about exercising good

Manners will make the difference!

Calfe & Associates


Calfe & Associates


Celeste M. Calfe, CMF

Calfe & Associates
Phone: 412.760.1619
Calfe & Associates

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