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Know Thy Self

An Input on Self-Awareness
What is Self-Awareness?
• The ability to UNDERSTAND your THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS and
VALUES as well as knowing HOW those factors influence your

• The CAPACITY to open-mindedly and realistically ASSESS your

strengths and weaknesses while MAINTAINING your confidence, drive
and desire to grow.
Self-Awareness is 1 of the 10 Life Skills
• Empathy - is the capacity to understand or feel
what another person is experiencing
• Critical Thinking – is the thinking we do when we
rationally judge ideas
• Creative Thinking – is the thinking we do when we
generate ideas
• Responsible Decision-Making -  making
responsible choices that benefit you and your
• Problem-Solving - is the act of defining
a problem; determining the cause of the problem;
identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives
for a solution; and implementing a solution.
The problem-solving process.
• Effective Communication - the ability to convey
information to another effectively and efficiently. 
• Interpersonal Relationships - strong connections
we feel with those closest to us. This could be friends,
colleagues, family members and romantic
• Coping with Stress - is the process by which a
person consciously attempts to master, minimize,
or tolerate stressors and problems in life.

• Coping with Emotions

-recognizing emotions within us and others and
being aware of how emotions influence behavior. 
How to be Self-Aware?

Know thy
To know one’s self, one must be
able to:
• Identify your emotions. By recognizing what you actually feel,
you can address them appropriately.
• See yourself honestly. Being honest allows you to respond to
compliments, feedback, and criticism openly and earnestly; it
teaches you to see and accept both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE
things about you.
To know one’s self, one must be
able to:
• Recognize your strengths and weakness. The ability to see one’s
self, acknowledge the shortcomings and embrace one’s strength is
a great CONFIDENCE BOOSTER. Accepting one’s ability
builds confidence.
• Work towards growth. These skills lead to SELF-WORTH –
and makes a person Healthy and Happy.

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