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Wading Assist

Jevah G. Torralba

Wading - walk through the water

Wading Assist - a method of rescuing someone

in the water by wading out to the person in
distress, but to depth that is not over the
rescuer's head.
Wading Assist van be used when the water is less
that chest deep and there are no conditions that
make wading dangerous.
A wading Assist involves wading into the water and using a
reaching assist to help pull the person to safety.


Rescue tube or ring buoy


Life jacket
Tree branch

Air mattress

When the person is unconscious or submerged instead of
using reaching assist to pull the person to safety, use a
floatation device to keep the person at the surface of the
water and support him/her while you tow him/her to safety.
Safety of the Rescuer

Wear a Life jacket if one is available when attempting

a wading assist. Only perform wading assist in water
that is less than chest deep. If a current or soft
bottom makes wading dangerous, do not enter the

1 Conscious Person
 Put on a life jacket, if one is available. Select an
object to use for the reaching assist
 Wade into the water and extend the object to the
 Tell the person to grab the buoyant object, and to
hold on tightly
 Pull the person to safety keeping the object
between yourself and the person (his will help to
prevent the person from grasping you).
2 Unconscious Person

 Put on a life jacket, if one is available. Select a

buoyant object to assist with moving the person
 Wade into water and turn the person face up
 Position the buoyant object u nder the person's
 Move the person to the edge of the pool or the
shoreline, keeping the person's mouth and nose out
of the water
 Remove the person to the water
 Give first aid according to the conditions you find
and your level of knowledge and training
3 Submerged Person

 Put on a life jacket, if one is available. Select a buoyant

object to assist with moving the person safety
 Wade into the Water
 Reach down, grasp the person and pull her to the
 Turn the Person face up
 If the person is unconscious, position the buoyant
object u der her shoulders
 If the person is concious, tell the person to grab the
buoyant object and to hold on tightly
3 Submerged Person

 Move the person to the edge of the pool or the

shoreline, keeping the person's mouth and nose out
of the water
 Remove the person to the water
 Give first aid according to the conditions you find
and your level of knowledge and training

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