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Intercultural Communications
Life Performance Outcome:

Essential Performance Elements:

Seek out issues, possibilities, and sources of related information
willingly to further investigation and development

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Examines sample oral communication activities
1. Think of any country that interest you the most.
2. Surf the internet for that country’s culture and traditions including
their language.
3. Take down notes of certain aspects that intrigued you.
Guide Questions:

1. Why is knowledge of one’s culture important in effective

2. How can you communicate effectively with others?
3. Why are effective communication skills important to being able
to navigate through school, career, and interpersonal
Culture and Communication
Gender and Age
Culture can be understood as the system of knowledge that is
shared by a particular group composed of a relatively large number
of individuals.
Intercultural communication refers to the communication between
people from two different cultures.
While eating at a noodle restaurant with her Japanese host family,
Jessica stuck her chopsticks into the bowl while she took a break
from eating in order to chat with other children her age. She
noticed that the children looked uncomfortable, while the adults
looked displeased.

Why did the host family react differently with the way Jessica
held her chopsticks?
In men-only conversations, some tend to dominate the
conversation, and they seldom talk about their private lives.
Example: Sports and Games ; Cars ; Travels

In women-only conversations, they usually allow everyone to

participate, and they often talk about their personal relationships.
Example: Relationships ; Problems ; Friends / Enemies; Fashion
A person’s age or the generation to which he or she belongs
influences the way he or she communicates with others.

Discuss within your group:
1. What do you think are the conflicts that we can encounter
in intercultural communication?

2. How are we going to have effective intercultural

communication considering we have different cultural

3. Why are effective communication skills important to being

able to navigate through school, career, and interpersonal
• Scene 1: You are a Catholic who grew up in America, then, you are going to meet your
friend who is a Muslim in Marawi.
• Scene 2: In Marawi, they do not eat and serve your favorite food.
• Scene 3: You have met other people who do not know how to speak your language.
• Scene 4: You wanted to go to church, but they have different church and belief.
• Scene 5: You wanted to go back home because you find it difficult living in their place.
Being a speaker, how are you going to
communicate to other especially if you are
new to the place?
a. How did you feel about doing research on the culture of the
country assigned to you? Was it interesting?

b. What were the similarities of that country’s customs to ours?

How about the differences?
1. If you encountered a tourist in our country who acted rudely,
how would you feel about it?
2. Why do you think it is important to learn about a country’s
culture and customs before visiting it?
Write about what you would do to prepare for a trip to another
country to ensure that you will have good intercultural
communication with the locals. (via Quipper)

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