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Congress Ministries (1937-39)

 At the inaugural address of the All India Muslim League, Nawab Viqar ul
Mulk expressed his apprehension about Hindus in the following words, if
ever the Hindus came to power, they would certainly wreck vengeance
upon the Muslims in return for Aurangzeb rule’
 His predictions became true when congress swept 1937 elections and made
government in eight provinces
 Conducted under 1935 Act, Congress won 711 out of 1585 provincial
 It won absolute majority in Madras, UP, Bihar and Orissa
 In Bomboy now Mumbai, Congress did not get landslide victory, but was
in a position to make coalition government

 The All India Muslim League could not perform convincingly. It lost seats
to Congress even in Muslim majority areas.
 One of the reasons of All India Muslim League poor show was internal
differences. It was divided into Jinnah and Shafi Leagues.
 Most of prominent Muslim leaders had lost faith in the Muslim League.
Congress exploited these inner differences and trounced Muslim league
 Muslim League also lost its appeal of representing Indian Muslims as
many Muslim won on Congress tickets
Congress attitudes/policies
 Soon after assuming power, Congress started an organized campaign to
annihilate social norms and values of the Muslims.
 Subash Chandra Bose –Congress president- proudly declared that
Congress would adopt slogan of ‘Congress Dictatorship’, where idea of
coalition or cooperation would be abandoned.
 Pandit Nehru went one step further and declared that there were only two
parties in India : Congress and the British Raj, the others must line up.
 In a witting response Quaid Azam said that was a third party and that was
Muslim League. He further said that Muslims were not going to be
dictated by anybody
1.Bande Matram

 Band-e-Matram was an anti Muslim nationalist song in which Hindu were

advised to expel Muslim out of India. It was adopted by congress as
official song during Congress rule(1937-39). It was sung in every morning
assembly in educational organization.
 This was a nationalist Hindu song in which Hindus were encouraged to
expel Muslims from the Hindustan.
 This song was made compulsory before the start of official business
 This offended and worried Muslims
2.Wardha scheme
 Educational scheme based on Gandhi's views.
 It was introduced into all education ministries
 Teaching was to be in Hindi
 No religious education
 All students were expected to bow before picture of Gandhi
 Muslim saw it as an attempt to impose Hinduism
3.The Congress Tyranny
 Muslims were forbidden to eat beef. Those who slaughtered received
severe punishment
 Azzan was forbidden and mosques were attacked
 Noisy processions were arranged during nemaz
 Anti Muslim riots were held in which Muslims were attacked, their
property was set on fire
Rejection of Muslim League as a
Representative body of Muslims
 Congress not only refused to form Coalition Govt with Muslim League, it
tries its best to reject Muslim League as a sole Muslim Body.
 Congress invited Muslims to leave Muslim League and join Congress
 However, treatment of Muslims helped Muslim League as its popularity
was increased
Day of Deliverance
 When British went into war with Germany in 1939, it announced that India
was at war too.
 Congress objected to it and resigned from the all provincial govts.
 Muslims were so pleased that they celebrated, on Jinnah’s call, day of
deliverance on 22 December 1939.
Conclusion: Lessons for the Muslims
 Quaid -e- Azam suggested coalition government, but no agreement had
been reached
 Jinnah devoted his time and energy to regroup and organize the Muslim
 His said that Muslim league needed support from the grass root.
 It was an eye opener for the Muslims and Muslim League. Muslims
League was re-organized under the leadership of Jinnah.
 League got more popularity as Muslims realized that they would be
tyrannized by Congress in the future too.
 Pakistan movement was started with more zeal and zest.

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