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What causes diseases?

 Germs are tiny organisms that humans cannot see.
 Germs are everywhere and they can cause sickness and disease.
 There are four types of germs: bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi.

 What happens to milk if you leave it outside the fridge? It turns sour.
 This change is caused by bacteria –
 Bacteria are all around us.
 There is good bacteria and bad bacteria.
 Good bacteria live in our intestines and they help us to digest the nutrients in the
food we eat.
 Bad bacteria causes diseases like sore throats, ear infections, tooth decay and food

 Viruses are even smaller than bacteria.

 They cause diseases such as chicken pox, measles,
flu, HIV/AIDS, rabies and covid19
 Most fungi live in damp, dark places.
 Fungi grows and feeds on food or on dead plants and
 Bread moulds and mushrooms are examples of fungi.
 Some fungi are useful but others cause diseases like
ringworm and Athlete's foot.
 Food with fungi must be thrown away as it can make
you very sick.
 Protozoa are micro-organisms that can live in:-
 Humans
 Animals
 Freshwater
 Seawater
 The soil
 Malaria is caused by protozoa that lives in
1. Copy the table into your book and complete it by filling in the diseases that these germs cause.



2. Experiment : Grow some fungus on a slice of bread.

Take one slice of bread, sprinkle a little bit of water on it the put it in a see through plastic packet and tie it
tightly. Put it somewhere dark and warm like under the sink and leave it there for 5 days. After 5 days have a
look at the packet. DO NOT OPEN IT.
Throw it away when you have seen the mould on the bread.

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