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Unit 10

Before you read
Look at the pictures and answer the questions
1. What can you see
in the picture?
1. Have you ever visited
a zoo or a forest?
2. Can you name some
animals you know?
3. What animals are you
interested in ? Why?
4. Do we need to protect
animals and forests?
Pre-teaching vocabulary
phá huỷ
Destruction(n) sự phá huỷ
Crop (n): mùa màng
Conserve(v) Bảo tồn
Conservation (n) sự bảo tồn
Play an important part in st...
Đóng vai trò quan trọng trong…
• Trees play an important part in human life
Flood (n) Lũ lụt
Disappear(v) Biến mất

Disappearance (n): sựbiến mất

Destroy Crop Conserve

Flood Play an important part in Disappear

Variety /və'raiəti/ (n) Sự đa dạng
 eliminate /i'limineit/ (v) Loại trừ, loại bỏ, xóa bỏ

 disease /di'zi:z/ (n) Bệnh, bệnh tật

 constant /'kɔnstənt/ (adj) Thưỡng xuyên, không ngớt
 Hydroelectric /'haidroui'lektrik/ (adj)Thủy điện, thuôc về thủy điện
 dam /dæm/ (n) Đập ( ngăn nước )
 provide /prə'vaid/ (v) Cung cấp
 circulation /,sə:kju'leiʃn/ (n) Sự lưu thông
 run off (v) Chảy, trôi đi
Defence /di'fens/ (n) Sự bảo vệ,
damage /'dæmidʤ/ (v, n) Phá hoại, làm hư, sự phá hoại
 worsen /'wə:sn/ (v) Làm cho xấu hơn,làm cho tệ hơn
 erosion /i'rouʤn/ (n) Sự xói mòn,sự ăn mòn
II. While you read
Task 1: Match the word in A with suitable definition in B
Eliminate a. The movement of something
around a closed system

b. Concerning or producing
Circulation electricity by the power of falling

Run off c. Remove or get rid of completely

Hydroelectric d. Liquid which flows off or from

( somnething )
Task 2: Read the paragraph again and decide
whether the following statements are true or false

1. Each year about fifty hundred species of plants and animals

are eliminated.
2. Many kinds of plants could be used to treat 

various dangerous diseases.

3. Water can be held on land by vegetation

4. Man is constantly doing harm to the environment.
5. Plants may cause floods and erosion. 

6. We can do nothing to save the earth 

Thanks for your

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