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God’s Guidelines

for a Successful
• Blessed is the man
Success isn’t who perseveres under
measured by the trial, because when he
has stood the test, he
position you will receive the crown
of life that God has
reach in life; it’s promised to those
by the obstacle who love him.
– James 1:12
you overcome
The dictionary is the only place
where success comes before
work. Hard work is the price we
must pay for success

• Lazy hands makes a man poor, but diligent

hands bring wealth.
– Proverbs 10 : 4
He that would have fruit must
climb the tree

• Put in the sickle for the harvest is ripe

– Joel 3:13
Success depends
on backbone,
not wishbone

• Then you will have success if you are careful to observe

the decrees and laws that the Lord gave Moses for Israel.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged
– Chronicles 22:13
Ninety-nine percent of failures
come from people who have the
habit of making excuses.

• But they all alike began to make excuses…

I tell you, not one of those men who were
invited will get a taste of my banquet.
– Luke 14:18,24
We would accomplish many
more things if we did not think
of them as impossible

• The things impossible with men are possible with God.

– Luke 18:27
Our Excuses in Life
• The economy is (bad or good?)
• Earning a Living is (difficult or challenging)
• My children’s tuition fees are (exhorbitant
or necessary).
• I have many obstacles that are very hard to
• I made too many past mistakes… therefore
• My parents didn’t treat me fairly ……
To be a winner in life, we must
first be a winner inside

• Behold you desire truth in the inward parts,

and in the hidden part You will make me to
know wisdom
– Psalm 51:6
Self-Awareness and Self-Esteem

• Winners are aware of their world and all that God

has to offer
• Change your attitude and many of your
circumstances will change automatically
• Problems are Normal. The way you react to
problems makes the difference.
• Positive self-awareness involves a new outlook on
life; a new vision of you, your job and your world
• Positive self-awareness is opening your eyes to the
possibilities and alternatives available
Self-Awareness and Self-Esteem
• Say to Yourself in
Prayer: “I am a
worthwhile person
with an increasing
awareness of my
abilities, my job, and
my world because this
is what God wants me
to be.”
Self-Awareness and Self Esteem
• Self Esteem is the deep-down, inside-the-skin
feeling of your own self-worth.
• Liking yourself and accepting yourself does not
mean your are Egotistical
• You are unique, one of a kind creation of God
• Each and every person is important, no one is more
important than anyone else (all are God’s creation
with equal worth and dignity)
• Do not take criticisms personally, it is your
behavior they are talking about
Self-Awareness and Self Esteem
• You know when to say “I am sorry,” “I made a
mistake,” and “I forgive you”
• You are an incredible creation of God:
 your mind thinks at 800 words per min
 eyes with 100 million receptors
 ears with 24,000 fibers
 96,000 kilometers of blood vessels
 a heart that pumps 1,600 gallons of blood daily
 A BRAIN that no Computer can equal
Self Awareness and Self Esteem
• Action Steps to greater Self-Esteem
 Project your best self. Dress well and look your
best. No, not trendy fashion or expensive designer
 Take stock of yourself. Strengths, Blessings,
accomplishments, dreams and ambitions
 When you are praised or complimented. Accept it
and Say Thank you.
 When attending lectures, conferences, teachings,
sit up front. Your purpose of attending is to listen
and learn.
Self Awareness and Self Esteem
 Make an effort to walk more erectly. Studies show
that people who walk with a relaxed but more rapid
pace are more confident of where they are going.
 Keep a self-development plan. Sketch down
knowledge you need, behavior change you want to
achieve. Seek out friends and role models. “Misery
loves company, and so does Success!”
 SMILE – The universal code for “I’m OK, you’re
 Set an example of integrity and sincerity. For your
children, friends, and office.
A diamond is a piece of
coal that stuck into it’s
• When he has tested me, I shall come out
like gold. My foot has held fast to his steps.
– Job 23:10-11
When success turns a
man’s head, he faces
• Talk no more so very proudly, let not
arrogance come from your mouth; for
the Lord is a God of Knowledge, and by
Him actions are weighed.
– 1Samuel 2 : 3
Always aim for achievement and
forget about success

• So we make it our goal to please Him

– 2 Corinthians 5:9
•Things are not always what they seem
•There is always another view
•There is Your view, His view and the Correct View
•Helps open up your MIND, develop openness,
develop a multi-view of situations
•The Power of the MIND; the corrupted MIND
More people talk/think
themselves into failure than talk
themselves into success

• Your words now reflect your fate then: either

you will be justified by them or you will be
– Mathew 12:37
Try these Limitation Exercises
• Nine Dots – Connect all dots with four lines
without lifting the pen

• Nine Big Dots - Connect all dots with three

lines without lifting the pen

• How Many squares in the illustration?

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
Failure isn’t so bad if it doesn’t
attack the heart. Success is
alright if doesn’t go to the head

• A man’s pride will bring him low, but the

humble in spirit will retain honor.
– Proverbs 29:23
A great secret of success is to go
through life as a man who never
gets used up

• For this reason I remind you to fan into

flame the gift of God
– 2 Timothy 1:6
Success’s Great Secret: Attitude
• Attitude is a CHOICE. It is you who should fan
the flame (2Tim 1:6)
 He was rejected in his High School basketball
team try outs
 Lost in Congress several times, lost his
business, lost his sweetheart who died, lost in
 Steven Covey”s 90-10 principle. You have no
control over 90% of what happens outside
yourself. The spilled coffee story.
The bridge between failure and
success is HOPE

• Happy is he…whose hope is in the Lord his

-Psalm 146:5
Success is…seeking, knowing, loving and
obeying God.
If you seek, you will know; if you know,
you will love;
if you love, you will obey

• Grace & peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of

God and Jesus our Lord, According as his divine power hath given
unto us, all things that pertain unto life & Godliness, through the
knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue
– 2 Peter 1:2
Enjoy Your Journey with GOD
• Jeremiah 29:11 -
“For I know well the
plans I have in mind
for you, plans for your
welfare and not for
woe, plans to give you
a future full of hope”

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