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The Perception of Freshmen

Students of Mapua University

towards Gender Equality: Basis
for Implementation of Campus-
wide Restrooms for LGBT
Group 7
1. How do the respondents view to the
implementation of LGBT restrooms in
the campus?
2. How do the respondents assess the
implementation of LGBT restrooms in
the campus in terms of:
2.1 Relative Advantage;
2.2 Compatibility;
2.3 Complexity; and
2.4 Trialability?
3. How can the results of the study be
utilized in proposing the
implementation of LGBT restrooms in
Mapua University?
The findings of this study benefit the society knowing
that we progress in terms of gender identity as time
goes by. Gender Equality remains to be among the
controversial issues in the modern era, pursuing
equality over different genders by which none will
suffer from unequal rights and privilege regardless of
gender identity must be looked upon. It is important to
understand the perception of people as we develop a
system that would equally benefit all genders. In this
study, we are tackling the perceptions of students,
whether they agree or not on the idea of having
restrooms designated for the members of the LGBT.

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