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Grade 2 Reading

Set 7
Vocabulary Words
Fishing for
On a warm summer
day, Joan was going
fishing with her
grandmother. They
climbed into a small
boat and rowed out
onto the water. Joan
studied the waves all
“You have to be
patient when you go
fishing,” Joan’s
cautioned. “Can you be
patient, Joan?”
“I’m going to catch all
the fish in this pond,”
responded Joan
Joan’s grandmother smiled,
shook her head and handed
Joan a fishing rod. Joan
quickly cast her line
into the water.
“There’s no bait on your
line,” her grandmother said.
“Even if there was, you’d still
have to wait. Today is
about enjoying our time
Joan scowled,
reeled her
fishing line
back in and
placed a piece
of her turkey
sandwich on
the hook.
Then, she cast
Joan heard her
grandmother chuckle as
she leaned over the side of
their boat and stared into
the pond. She tried to see
how far down her
sandwich had
travelled and whether any
fish were nibbling on it.
However, the water was
After a few minutes, a
frustrated Joan sighed in
disappointment and leaned
back in her grandmother’s
Her grandmother had been
watching Joan. Now, she
pointed to the sky and said.
“Do you see the bird flying
up there? That bird is an
Joan watched as the
Osprey flew in a big circle
and then suddenly
swooped down to pluck a
fish from the water. Joan
and her grandmother
Then they talked about
the first time her
grandmother flew in an
airplane, a long time ago.
She was about Joan’s age
at that time and was
going to school, just like
Joan was now.
Joan and her grandma
about Joan’s school, and
Grandma’s school was like.
In some ways, their schools
were different, but in some
ways, they were the
Joan was telling her
grandma about
something that had
happened last week at
her school assembly,
when her grandmother
interrupted her. “Joan,
quick, grab your rod!”
Joan had caught a
fish. A fish that was
Later that night,
Joan though about
her day, but she
didn’t think about
She thought
the fish or the turkey
about the
funny stories
True (T) of False (F). If the story
doesn’t say the answer, write (X)
1.Joan placed a ham sandwich
on her fishing hook.
2.Grandma was wearing jeans
and a sweater.
3.Joan’s grandmother pointed
out a bald eagle in Fthe sky.
4.At first, Joan threw her
fishing line into the pond T
without any bait.
Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the events of the
story in the correct order.
3 Joan’s grandmother pointed out
an osprey in the sky.
2 Joan put a turkey sandwich on
the hook of her fishing line.
4 Joan caught a fish.
1 They rowed their boat out onto
the pond.
What did Joan remember the most
about her fishing trip?
a. Joan thought catching a lot of
fish was the most important
b. Joan’s grandmother thought
being together and relaxing
was the most important thing.
c. Joan remembered her
grandmother’s stories the
Tyrannosaurus Rex
One of the
most dangerous
dinosaurs was
rex. It looked
like a huge
lizard with
sharp teeth. It
From nose to tail, T-
rex was as long as a
school bus. It was
taller than a house. It
weighed more than an
airplane. T-rex’s head
was as long as a
kitchen table.
T-rex was the biggest
meat-eating dinosaur. It
could eat hundreds of
pounds of meat in one
bite. Animals that eat
meat have sharp teeth.
T-rex had 60 of them!
Some of the teeth were
as big as bananas. When
T-rex lost a tooth, it
T-rex stood on two
powerful legs. It also
had two small arms. Its
strong tail helped keep it
from falling over.
It might be fun to see a
live Tyrannosaurus rex,
but I wouldn’t want to
meet one. Would you?
1. How many teeth did a
Tyrannosaurus rex have?

a. thirty b. sixteen
c. sixty d. seventy
2. How long ago did
Tyrannosaurus rex live?
a.60 million years ago
b.60, 000 years ago
c.600 years ago
d.6000 years ago
3. What did Tyrannosaurus rex

a. leaves from tall trees

b. other dinosaurs
c. small insects
d. people
4. A T-rex was as long as a

a. table.
b. school bus
c. a car
d. two people
5. A T-rex weighed as much as
a/an ______

a. elephant.
b. tall building
c. 10 people
d. airplane
6. Which dinosaurs had sharp

a. all dinosaurs.
b. dinosaurs that had tails
c. dinosaurs that were big
d. dinosaurs that ate meat
Sleepy Bear
Shhh…don’t wake up
Bear! He is sleeping.
In fact, he will sleep for
many months. This is called
“hibernation.” Bear has dug
his own den. A den is a
bear’s home. It looks like a
dark hole or cave. Bear
hibernates because there is
While he sleeps, he will
relax. He will conserve
energy. That means he
will save energy. His
body temperature will go
down. He will not eat. He
will not wake up for a
while. He won’t even go
to the bathroom. But
don’t worry! Bear will
survive. He was smart
Bear will wake up in the
spring. He will be well
rested. He will also be
very hungry! Luckily,
there will be a lot of food
to eat. Bear will snack on
plants, berries, and
insects. Sometimes he will
eat fish too.
Bear is not the only
animal that hibernates.
Bear will wake up in the
spring. He will be well
rested. He will also be
very hungry! Luckily,
there will be a lot of food
to eat. Bear will snack on
plants, berries, and
insects. Sometimes he will
eat fish too.
Bear is not the only
animal that hibernates.
1. Why does a bear hibernate?
a. He is bored.
b. He doesn't like snow
on his paws.
c. He can't find food in
the winter.
d. He is afraid of being
buried in the snow
2. What happens to the bear's
body temperature when he

a. decreases.
b. increases
c. does not change
3. When the bear wakes up in the
spring, what will he eat?
plants deer fish
insects squirrels
berries birds
4. Name three other animals that
hibernate according to the article.
Fill in the missing letters to create
words from the story.
h ___ b ___ r n ___ t i o n
clue: sleep during winter
c ___ n s ___ r v ___
clue: save
e n ___ r ___ y
clue: ability to do work
Fill in the missing letters to create
words from the story.
t ___ m ___ e r ___ t u r e
clue: amount of hot or cold
s ___ r v ___ v e
clue: to stay alive

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