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3 Issues about Civil

1. Longden Panjaitan (200523629306)
2. Lukman Andreansyah (200523629231)
3. Lyric Nabila Vantiaka (200523629240)
• Neglected Hambalang project awaits govt`s
• COVID-19: Construction projects could be delayed
months, as contractors fear manpower crunch
when clearing backlog.
• Nobody Sudi Is Called The Mastermind In The
Problem Of Revitalizing Monas.
Neglected Hambalang
project awaits govt`s
The reason our group chose this case, is because this
project is one of the biggest projects in Indonesia which
has failed and has spent funds of up to trillions of rupiah.
COVID-19: Construction
projects could be delayed
months, as contractors
fear manpower crunch
when clearing backlog
The reason for choosing "COVID-19:
Construction projects could be delayed
months, as contractors fear manpower crunch
when clearing backlog" because the world is
currently being fussed over by the coronavirus
(COVID-19) problem. Where this is very
influential on the construction process that is
being carried out. Projects are hampered and
the process does not run normally, effectively,
and on time. In addition, there are PSBB and
physical distancing policies that limit the
workforce in completing projects. Another
impact is the addition of costs that make
Nobody Sudi Is Called The
Mastermind In The Problem
Of Revitalizing Monas
The reason for choosing “Nobody Sudi Is
Called The Mastermind In The Problem Of
Revitalizing Monas” because it is very
attracting attention. There were 190 trees
felled that have effects and will pose a
threat. There's also causes a reduction in the
area of green open space.
In this case, the winner's design
revitalization Monas explained if he did not
know that the plaza built wider so that the
surrounding trees were sacrificing. The
winner design the plaza built on a pavement

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