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15ECE212: Signal Processing II


Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Let’s Answer

Convolution of x[n] and h[n] in the context of DFT is termed as ----------

Two methods of Sectioned Convolution are --------------------

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Fast Fourier Transform

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Let’s Answer

DIT and DFT FFT are based on ------------------- algorithm

Total number of Complex multiplications using DIT / DIT algorithm for

N-point DFT evaluation is --------------------------

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Discrete Time LTI System

x[n] y[n]
LTI system / Filter

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Types of Filters

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Types of Digital Filters

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021


Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021


Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Impulse Response of an Ideal Filter

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Practical Filter

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Ideal and Practical Filters

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Analog Filters

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Butterworth Filter

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021
Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021
Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021
Design of Low Pass Butterworth

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021
High Pass Butterworth Filter Design

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021
Chebyschev Filters

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

IIR Filter Design

1. Impulse Invariance Method:

From analog filter design: H(s)

Many to one Mapping Technique

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

2.Bilinear Transformation

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021
Limitation of Bilinear Transformation

Warping Pre-warping

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

IIR Filter design using Bilinear Method

 Ω =

Ms S Lalitha, Department of ECE, ASE, Bengaluru 05/15/2021

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