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Craving for sports


A stereotype is an established pattern of thinking, a prejudice that

often has little to do with reality.
My opinion
The stereotype is silly, since there
are types of sports that are mostly
interesting to girls: figure skating,
rhythmic gymnastics, tennis,
swimming, etc.
Diagram Women,
 In 2019, 27.4 thousand people were
engaged in sports in sports sections
and departments, of which women
accounted for 39.4 % (1074.0
thousand people), men 60.6 %
(1653.4 thousand people).

Оpinion of scientists.
 Quote: “The difference in interest in sports among men and women
is significant and widespread, it can not be explained only by the
influence of socialization, it is noticeable the role of evolutionary
processes that affect men and women differently.”

 In conclusion, I want to say that despite the conclusions of

scientists, I will not renounce my opinion. Women are as
interested in sports as men, and not because they want to attract
the attention of men, but because they like their hobby.

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