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Chapter 1

Management: Science, Theory and Practice

-Georgina Galilea Robles Escobedo 1951015

-Valeria Marlene Vargas Flores 1967826
-Rivas Guajardo Juan Pablo 2036373
-Ana Karina Rady Ramos 2079358
- Natalia Avril Soria Rommel  1944950
Management is the process of
designing and maintaining an
environment in which
individuals, working together in
groups, efficiently accomplish
selected aims
Functions of management
Establishing an
intentional structure
of roles for people
to fill in an
Planning Staffing
Selecting missions and
Filling, and keeping
objectives as well as
filled, the positions in
the actions to achieve
the organization
them, which requires
decision making. structure.
Functions of management

Leading Controlling
Measuring and
Influencing people so
correcting individual
that they will
and organizational
contribute to performance to ensure
organizational and that events conform to
group goals. plans.
The Goals of All Managers and Organizations

Noubusinnes executives sometimes say that the

aim of business managers is simple- to make a
An important goal is the long-term increase in
the value of their common stock.
● Outputs/ Inputs (Within a time period, Quiality
● The Output - Input Ratiowithin a time period with
Due consideration for quiality.

Effectiveness Y Efficiency
● Effectiveness: The achievement of
● Efficiency: Is the Achievement of the
Ends with the least amount of
Recent contibutors to managment tought

● Peter F. Drucker ´has written on a variety of general

managment topics.
● Keith Davis helped us understand the informal
● The late W. Edwuards Deming and Joseph M. Juran, two
Americans, did much to improve the quality of japanese
The management process, or
operational approach.
● The management process draws together the knowledge of management
by relating what managers do.

● Absorbs knowledge from other fields such as systems theory, quality,

leadership, theory of motivation and the application of mathematical

● This approach views management as an activity based on certain unique

management functions. Management is regarded as a process for getting
things done through the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading
and controlling.
The managerial transformation
● It is the task of managers to transform the
inputs in a effective manner into outputs.
● A transformation process is any activity or
group of activities that takes one or more
inputs, transforms and adds value to
them, and provides outputs for customers
or clients.
The Comunication System
Is essential to all phases of the managerial process
● the objectives set in planning are communicated
● it is important in the training of managers to fill the
● to have an efective leadership

Another purpose is to link the enterpise with the external

● customers are identified
● enables the firm to provide products and service
Coordination, the essence of
manager ship
some authorities consider coordination to be a separate
function of the manager. its seems more accurate,
however, to regard it as te essence of managership for
achieving harmony among individual efforts toward the
acomplishment of group goals.
each of the managerial functions is an excersice
contribuiting to coordination.

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