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• 1 ……………(tell) me exactly what…………… (happen) last night!

• 2 Mrs Hudson is my maths teacher. She ………..(teach) me for four

years and in that time I …………….(get) much better at maths.
• 3 I…………….. (never /think) of a career in medicine before I spoke
to my biology teacher but now I……………. (seriously/consider) it.
• 4 Oh no! I …………..(forget) to bring my assignment! What am I
going to do? This is the second time I ………………(do) this!
• 5 I can’t remember what Mr Brown …………….(say) yesterday
about our homework. I ………………(not listen) properly because
Charlotte ……………(talk) to me at the same time.
• 6 Last year I………….. (go) on a school trip to Scotland. We …………
(have) a very interesting time.
• 7 At the moment I…………. (think) about what subjects to take
next year but I………………. (make) a final decision yet.
• 8 A few people ………………(misbehave) in class sometimes, but
generally everyone is quite well behaved.
• This time next week I’ll be flying to Rome
• Future continuous:(estaré volando: a future action that you
know it will be happening) will + be + ing
• By 2021 scientists will have discovered the cure for COVID
• Future perfect: (habrán descubierto) an action that will end
in a certain moment of the future: will + have +participle
• By 2021 I ll have been living in Chiloeches for almost 23
• Future perfect continuous (habré estado viviendo) action
started in the past and continues until a future moment will
+have + been +gerund
• My cousins come / are coming to stay this weekend.
• 2 I don’t think anyone minds / will mind if we leave early tomorrow.
• 3 Could you meet me at the bus station on Wednesday? My bus
arrives / will arrive at six.
• 4 This time next week we’re doing / we’ll be doing our chemistry exam!
• 5 I’ve decided that my next art project is going to be / is on Picasso.
• 6 By the time we perform next Friday, we’ll practise / we’ll have
practised this piece hundreds of times.
• 7 I’m sure you’ll be getting / you’ll get a good grade in your music exam.
• 8 I’m going to buy / I’ll buy Isabel a book about cats for her birthday
because she’s crazy about them.
• 9 We can’t go away in May. We’ll be revising / We revise for our exams
• 10 This time tomorrow I give / I’ll have given my presentation and I’ll be
able to relax!
‘ve wanted Didn’t have
Grew up

have look
‘m letting
Was sleeping
woke looked
‘m starting/’m going to start

MODALS + infinitives (present and future)
• Might- could-may-can
• Can-can’t
• could (possibility and ability in the past)
• Will/shall (future)/would (condition)
• Should/ ought to (advice or recommendation) you shoud study
• Must/have to (obligation)…… had to (past) obligation
• Mustn’t- can’t prohibition
• Needn’t- don’t need to/don’t have to
• Need to + inf
• Must- can’t deduction
• She must be intelligent! She passed with flying colours
• She can’t be so intelligent. She failed the exam. It was so easy…..
Modals to cover the past
• 1) I went to the office then remembered it was my day off.
I ..... to the office as it was my day off.
• 2) Perhaps we missed the correct turning.
We ..... the correct turning.
• 3) I'm afraid you can't smoke in here.
You ..... in here.
• 4) They will expect you to wear a suit for the interview.
You ..... a suit for the interview.
• 5) I'd see a doctor if I were you.
You ..... a doctor.
• 6) He couldn't swim until he was in his twenties.
He ..... until he was in his twenties.
• 7) We got a table at the restaurant without a reservation.
We ..... book a table at the restaurant.
• 8) You were expected to answer all the questions on the exam paper.
You ..... all the questions on the examination paper.

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