Can Graphene Change The Future

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Can graphene revolutionise the

future? Bonding & Structure

Allotropes of Carbon: Graphite
A carbon atom can form 4 covalent bonds with other carbon atoms
meaning it can form a crystal structure.

Graphite is a macromolecule and an allotrope of carbon, with each

carbon atom covalently bonded to 3 other carbon atoms.

This means it forms a trigonal planar with bond angles of 120o.

This leaves a delocalised electron for each carbon atom.

Each layer in graphite is held together by weak Van der Waals forces.
A single layer of graphite

Each graphene rings form a The sea of delocalised Covalent bonds are the Graphene is 2D, single
hexagonal shape like chicken electrons makes graphene the strongest bonds so graphene layered so every carbon atom
wire fence but even a helium most conductive material has very high tensile is on the surface and can
atom cannot pass through known so far. strength. interact with other molecules.

DID YOU KNOW: In 1mm of graphite, there is 3 million layers of graphene all one atom thick
Professor Andre Geim Professor Kostya

How was graphene isolated?

In 2004, 2 scientists at the University of Manchester were the first to isolate a single layer of graphene from graphite and
in 2010 were rewarded with a Noble Prize. They isolated graphene by using stick tape, not for research but just their
usual “Friday night experiments”. Using sticky tape they removed flakes of graphene from a lump of graphite, folded the
tape, separated it again and then repeated this until the flakes were just one atom thick. These were then placed in a
oxidised silicon plate and observed under a microscope allowing scientists to see graphene in colour and count each
individual layer.
DID YOU KNOW: In another experiment, they performed distillation of vodka with a graphene membrane placed over a mug of low conc vodka and water
evaporating through graphene to leave conc vodka.
The Wonder Material
Several industries are looking at using graphene to revolutionise
everyday appliances including graphene batteries, graphene water
filters and lightweight planes that would reduce carbon emissions.
The EU is looking to invest €1bn in researching the use of graphene
by 2023. Over 8,000 academic papers have been written about
graphene and companies.
Mosquitos Scientists found that using wet graphene oxide attracted mosquitos so
they applied a vapour over the GO film that removed the oxygen from
the GO which made the graphene strong and not mushy.
Graphene is impenetrable.

Rather than using insecticides to kill mosquitos that

could release toxic chemicals into water supply, clothes
lined with graphene oxide film can be used as a physical
barrier against mosquito bites.

Researchers from Brown University have found that

using graphene oxide can block chemical signals in
blood that makes a mosquito bite you.
Predator vision
Graphene is able to conduct electricity even better than copper. As
each carbon atom has 4 electrons, there is 1 delocalised electron
that form a “sea” throughout the structure. This means graphene
can carry a charge.

Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a light

detector that allows you to see the entire infrared spectrum.

They put an insulating barrier between 2 layers of graphene, with

the bottom layer having a current running through. When light
hits the top layer, electrons are freed creating +charged holes and
electrons travel to the bottom layer. This created an electric field
and allowed the scientist to measure brightness of the light.
Graphene in Electronics

Graphene has the potential to create

Graphene’s 2D Shape can be rolled
the next-generation of electronics Graphene can be used as a coating to
up and so allow it to be used in
currently limited to sci-fi. Faster improve current touch screens for
flexible, wearable electronics that
transistors; semiconductors; phones and tablets. It can also be
take advantage of this as well as its
bendable phones and other used to make the circuitry for our
conductive nature. Indium-tin oxide
electronics. computers, making them incredibly
is currently used for touch screens as
fast. These are just two examples of
it conducts well but it is brittle.
how graphene can enhance today’s
devices. Graphene can also spark the
next-generation of electronics.
Other possibilities

Graphene is impenetrable but Graphene only absorbs 2% of Graphene has a very big Graphene can be used for
allows water to pass so can be reflecting light. It is 1 atom SA:VR and a sea of diabetes monitoring as it an
used in desalination and thick. Covalent bonds makes it delocalised electrons. This excellent sensor. Scientists from
filtration of water. This could strong. This could make an could be used to make faster, Manchester University have
reduce water poverty. unbreakable and transparent lighter and higher capacity created very accurate blood
phone batteries. glucose monitors.

DID YOU KNOW: Graphene is 200 times stronger than steel and 6 times lighter.
Why so slow?
Graphene is not used widely for commercial purposes
because it is very hard to produce graphene in a large

Silicon in electronics is a very widely used material.

Silcom has very strong covalent bonds as well and is
widely available including in making silicon-aluminium
alloys. It is much cheaper to obtain. Silicon is produced by
heating sand (has Silica Dioxide) and heating it with
carbon at 2200oc.

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