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This week’s lesson is...

Unfortunately we did not get to finish

our Turkeys for Thanksgiving before
the school went to remote learning. I
thought we could still make some fun
turkey art at home. We can easily
make these fun Turkey Lanterns with
stuff we probably already have
around our house.
Fun Turkey Video
Scavenger Hunt!

Find these items: Foam Brush or


Glue or Paint brush

Mod Podge jar

Tea lights

Construction or Leaves (3)

Tissue paper Sharpie

Scavenger Hunt Results!
Earlier this week I posted some of the items you should try and find around your
house for this project. Gather those up and let’s get going.
● Wide Mouth Mason Jar (or a pickle jar, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce any jar that is about 16 oz and has a
wide mouth).
● Construction paper (or regular paper, or tissue paper, a paper fall napkin, or any paper)
● Real fall leaves pressed flat or draw and color your own our cut them out of a paper or napkin, fabric works
● Mod Podge or White Glue and water to make your own
● Foam or paint brush about 1 inch (but the size doesn't really matter.
● Sharpie marker
● Pencil
● Scissors
● Flameless tea lights or votives (most dollar stores have them).

(Make your own Mod Podge 3 parts white glue one part water. Mix together-

Mixing in a small container (jar) wth a good lid and shake).

Last Week...
We practiced making turkeys so I know you can
make some very awesome turkeys. Use your
construction paper (or the other paper) and
draw your turkey with a pencil.

We are going to make ours smaller this time

though so they can fit on the side of our jar.

Start with the curvy upside-down triangle

It should be smaller this time though. I can put

the lid of a water bottle over mine and it will hide
it. That’s how small it should be.
The Next Step:
Add that line right over the top of it or if
you made it too big add one below the
top line.

Now add the arch on top so it looks like

an ice cream cone!
Add your eyes and wattle
Next draw your eyes and the wattle.

Remember it is a squiggly line down

and a matchy squiggly line back up
Add the body
Add the body by drawing a “U” shape
(half circle) from the wattle all the way
around to the other side.
Now we can add the details with our
arch lines and curved lines.

One arch on each side then the two

curved lines on top.
Skip the feet this time!
This part is up to you at this point. You
can draw some feathers, or use the
leaves, or make leaves/feathers out of
tissue paper. Be creative!
Make your turkey from tracing circles
Put your construction paper on the table and place a
water bottle on it trace around the water bottle and
cut out that circle. Use this for your turkey body.

Draw another circle just a little bit smaller than the

first one. The top of a large ranch dressing bottle or a
bbq sauce top is about that same size. You can trace
around those to make a perfect size circle.

( maker sure the lid is on tight first if there is still

ranch dressing in it, or it could end badly) :)
Put it all together
Cut out the turkey you drew. Assemble it on the table with your leaves. Put the turkey on top of the
leaves. I used three and fanned them out. Now see how it will be arranged on the jar.

Make sure your jar and your hands are clean and dry.

Paint a layer of Mod Podge on the side of the jar you want your turkey. If you have real leaves or
construction paper leaves that you made paint the backside of the leaves and put them on the jar. Lightly
tap tap tap with your fingertips to push it down flat on the jar. (It helps if your leaves are flat).

Paint some more Mod Podge on the leaves. Then do the same for the turkey body. Now carefully paint
some more Mod Podge on on top of everything. IMPORTANT If you use thin tissue paper or napkins
only go over them with Mod Podge once. Then again when it is dry or it will tear apart.

Let it dry laying on the side. You can add more Mod Podge later after it is dry if you missed a spot. If you
added too much it will drip down and carefully wipe off with a dry paper towel.
Turkey Guessing Game

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