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Internationalization& Globalization

 Conflict and cooperation on the international scale

 Reducing conflict and enhancing cooperation
 Issues:
-How to provide for human security
-How to facilitate social development
-How to protect and advance human rights
-Organizing an international order
-As an alternative to international anarchy
International Governance & State
International governance and state sovereignty
Are they at odds?
-International governance presumes limits on national sovereignty –
-But many states feel they are not sovereign enough
-So, the issue is not how much sovereignty, but what kind of sovereignty?
-Sovereignty to control a nation’s resources?
-Sovereignty to ignore international environmental protection rules?
-Sovereignty to violate human rights?
On the One Hand

 The sovereign state remains the key organizing principle of the global society
 The nation-state is considered the normal political unit
 Empires are no longer legitimate
 Struggle for state sovereignty is continuing –
 power to regulate economic forces in the interests of the nation is clearly insufficient
 Inequalities of power among states
 “Concert of Great Powers”
 The Superpowers
 Nuclear vs. non-nuclear states
On the other hand, sovereignty can be abused. It can be invoked:

 To violate human rights

 To justify acts of aggression
 To violate international law
 To ignore international opinion
Different Areas

 International security
 Trade and investment
 Economic development
 Human rights
 Social problems
 Protection of the environment
 Political agendas
 Others
 UNIVERSAL (all of the above) – The United Nations system
 What interests, what forces determine the activities of these organizations?
 Powerful states weigh in on political issues
 TNCs weigh in on economic issues
 The global society is shaped by the structures of power in the same way as
are national societies:
 those possessing more power will have more say in making policy
 So, the challenge is to develop international organizations in such a way as to
reduce the inequalities of power
 The struggle for a democratic global society -
 The best path to a viable international order
 How representative are the IGOs(Intergovernemental Organizations)?
 Do the IGOs have influence over TNCs( Transnational Coporations)?

 The status quo:

 IGOs are dominated by the most powerful states
 They have less power than TNCs
 Concentration of political, economic and military power on a global scale
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