Investment Decision

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Capital Investment Decision

Capital Investment Decision

 Purpose

 Methods

The Investment Decision

 The objective of the corporation is to

Maximise Shareholders Wealth
 To do this we need to invest in those
projects that will give the correct rate
of return for the risk involved
 To do this we need to be able to

The Investment Decision
1. Identify suitable investment
2. Decide on the best selection method
3. Identify the cash flows that will be
generated by those investments
4. Discount them at the correct cost of
5. Choose the best one or ones from
those available

Capital Investment Decision
The ideal selection method will
 Select the project that maximises
shareholders wealth
 Consider all cash flows
 Discount the cash flows at the appropriate
market determined opportunity cost of capital
 Will allow managers to consider each project
independently from all others

Capital Investment Decision
Methods for evaluating projects
 Payback
 ARR, Accounting Rate of Return
 IRR. Internal rate of return is the discount
rate that will give a Net Present Value of 0.
 NPV is the Net Present Value of a stream of
cash flows discounted at the correct cost of
capital for the degree of risk inherent in
realising those cash flows
 NPV is best but what do companies use and
Capital Investment Decision

The graph shows the NPV as a function of the discount rate. The NPV is positive only for
discount rates that are less than 14%, the internal rate of return (IRR). Given the cost of
capital of 10%, the project has a positive NPV of $100 million .
Capital Investment Decision

 We know that the NPV is the best method because;

 The reinvestment rate assumption
 Value additivity
 Differences in scale
 Multiple IRRs

Capital Investment Decision

 Why not IRR and does it have a use?

1. Delayed Investments
The Bonzo Dog DoDah Band are offered
USD2,000,000 today from a rich investor to
make a new vinyl LP. They calculate that they
will need three years to make the recording
and that they will have to give up earnings in
each of those years of
USD 1,000,000. Should they do it?
Capital Investment Decision

 1st question. What is the opportunity cost of capital? Say 6%

 2nd question. What is the IRR?
With a wild stabbing guess say 23.38%

+2,000,000 – 1,000,000 – 1,000,000 – 1,000,000

1.2338 (1.2338)2 (1.2338)3
- 1,999,855 = -810,504 - 656,917 - 532,434
That’s close enough

ACFL1 10
Capital Investment Decision

 But using 6% as the cost of capital

+ 2,000,000 – 1,000,000 – 1,000,000 -1,000,000

(1.06) (1.06)2 (1.06)3
-2,673,022 = -943,396 - 889,996 - 839,630

So what should they do?

Can we explain what is going on here?

ACFL1 11
Capital Investment Decision

 Value Additivity
Try working out the NPV for the following

- 1,000,000 + 350,000 +650,000 +650,000 +650,000

- 1,000,000 + 650,000 +650,000 +650,000 + 350,000

At 10%
and now combine them. What is the combined
Answer = 787,686 and 855,509 = 1,643,195
As combined flows = 1,643,193
Capital Investment Decision

-1,000,000 + 350,000 +650,000 +650,000

- IRR = 39%

-1,000,000 + 650,000 +650,000 +650,000 +

- IRR = 49%
- 2,000,000 + 1,000,000 +1,300,000 + 1,300,000
- IRR = 43.5%

Capital Investment Decision

 Issues of scale
 What would you prefer
A return of 50 % or one of 20% ?
an NPV of 50 or an NPV of 500?

Depends for the IRR but you would prefer the higher NPV

Advanced Corporate Finance

 Project A with IRR of 12%

-1201 + 500 + 500 + 500
PVF 1.1200 1.2544 1.4049
PV +1201 446 399 356
Double the scale IRR still 12%
-2402 +1000 +1000 +1000
PV +2402 893 797 712

ACFL1 15
Capital Investment Decision
Figure 6.4 B&DeM

In this case, there is more than one IRR, invalidating the IRR rule. If the opportunity cost of
capital is either below 4.723% or above 19.619%, Star should make the investment.
Capital Investment Decision

 So, its NPV But……….

 Some Reasons for usage of wrong techniques.
 Managers prefer % figures => IRR, ARR
 Managers don’t understand NPV/ Complicated
 Payback simple to calculate.
 Short-term compensation schemes => Payback
(Levy 200 –203, Pike 1985 pg 49).
 Behavioural Factors (see later section on
Behavioural Finance!!)
 Increase in Usage of correct DCF techniques:
 Computers.
 Management Education.

Capital Investment Decision

 How do we decide when resources are constrained? We need to maximise

NPV which may mean not going for the project with the highest NPV,
rather the combination of projects that gives the highest total NPV.
 Why would resources be constrained?
This could be due to Capital Rationing

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Capital Investment Decision

 150million to invest
 Three projects
Project NPV Investment PI*
A 100 125 .80
B 80 75 1.07
C 70 75 .93
*PI = Profitability Index = Value Created
Resource Consumed
ACFL1 19
Capital investment Decision
 What about other scarce resources?
 E.g. bright Bath Students

Capital Investment Decision

 Profitability Index
= Value created = NPV
Resource consumed RC
Project NPV Bath Headcount
Students PI
A 30 100 .3
B 35 150 .23
C 20 70 .28
D 15 80 .18
E 12 28 .43
Capital Investment Decision

A mere 200 students are available

Project NPV Headcount Headcount Cumulative

PI requirement
E 12 28 .42 28
A 30 100 .30 128
C 20 70 .28 198
B 35 150 .23 Broken
D 15 80 .18 22
Capital Investment Decision

 Try this one

380 tonnes of scarce

Project NPV Mats Usage Mats PI

A 50 180
B 20 70
C 45 120
D 15 75
E 35 100 23
Capital Investment Decision

 What do you notice?

 So?

Now Moving on

Capital Investment Decision

 Remember
We have to look at all the relevant, incremental cash
- Taxes/tax losses
- Opportunity costs
- Depreciation
- Working capital
- Cannibalisation

Capital Investment Decision

Illustrations using examples from B&DeM

 New project, units 100,000 pa at 260 per
unit = 26 million
 Cost of production is 110 per unit = 11M
 Gross profit 15 million pa
 Operating expenses = 2.8 million pa
 5 million to be spent on design and
 10 million on software
 7.5 million equipment depreciated over 5
years on straight line basis
Capital Investment Decision

Capital Investment Decision

 Points to make so far

1 Tax losses
2 Depreciation
3 Interest cost
Opportunity cost

Capital Investment Decision

 New lab will be housed in existing space. What should

the cost be?
 Well what are the alternative uses?
 Suppose could rent for 200,000 pa for years 1 to 4 then
this is a foregone income of 200,000 x (1-.4)

Capital Investment Decision

 Cannibalisation
25 % of the sales of the new product will come from
existing sales of a similar product. How do we account
for this?
Lost revenue at price of 100 per unit
100,000 x .25 x 100 = 2,500,000
But there will be lower cost of sales
100,000 x .25 x 60 (cost per unit) = 1.5 m

Capital Investment Decision
 Table 7.2 HomeNet’s Incremental Earnings Forecast Including Cannibalization and
Lost Rent

Capital Investment Decision

 Need to work out the Free Cash Flow

i.e. the effect of the project on the company’s cash.
 So far looked at sales and costs just need to add a
couple of things in.
1. Depreciation (which you are already familiar with
2. Net working capital

Capital investment Decision
Table 7.3 Calculation of HomeNet’s Free Cash Flow (Including
Cannibalization and Lost Rent)

Capital Investment Decision

Table 7.5 Computing HomeNet’s NPV (Spreadsheet)

Capital Investment Decision

 Anything else?
 Timing of cash flows
 Liquidation/salvage value
 Terminal Value
- multiple
- constant growth

Capital Investment Decision
Terminal value
 Constant Growth
1) Year 5 free cash flow is 3,000,000.
If cost of capital is 10% then PV at end year 5 of
future cash flows is
3,000,000 = 30,000,000

2) Suppose expect to grow at 3% pa thereafter

Then PV at end year five of future cash flows is
3,000,000 = 42,857,143
.10 - .03

Capital Investment Decision

 Break even analysis

Using the IRR to give a feel for the ‘margin of safety’ ref
the cost of capital
 Sensitivity analysis
 Scenario analysis

Capital Investment Decision
Sensitivity Analysis

Table 7.9 Best- and Worst-Case Parameter Assumptions for HomeNet

Capital Investment Decision
Figure 7.1 HomeNet’s NPV Under Best- and Worst-Case Parameter

Green bars show the

change in NPV under
the best-case
assumption for each
parameter; red bars
show the change
under the worst-case
assumption. Also
shown are the break-
even levels for each
parameter. Under the
initial assumptions,
HomeNet’s NPV is
$5.0 million. 39
Capital Investment Decision
Scenario Analysis

Capital Investment Decision
Figure 7.2 Price and Volume Combinations for HomeNet with
Equivalent NPV

The graph shows alternative price per unit and annual volume combinations that lead to an
NPV of $5.0 million. Pricing strategies with combinations above this line will lead to a higher
NPV and are superior. 41
Capital Investment Decision

 Summary
 Investments should add to shareholder wealth
 NPV is the correct method
 Incremental free cash flows
 Forecasting cash flows

Advanced Corporate Finance

 Before moving on to other aspects of using the NPV approach we should

consider EVA or Economic Value Added.
‘The cash flows of a project less a capital charge that reflects the
opportunity cost of the capital invested as well as any capital consumed’
How does it differ from NPV?

ACFL1 43
Advanced Corporate Finance

 Basically NPV gives the return of a project over a period of time while EVA
focuses more on the individual time segments within the overall period
but will give the same result

ACFL1 44
Capital Investment Decision

Project NPV Mats PI Tonnes Cumulative

tonnes used
(NPV per T) Used
C 45 .375 120 120

E 35 .35 100 220

B 20 .286 70 290

A 50 .277 180 470

D 15 .200 75 -

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