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Concluding Paragraph

UCS 1173
English for General Purposes
Concluding Paragraph

Brings the issues written about in the essay
to a close.

Convinces the reader that your essay has
covered all the most important
arguments about the issue.

Gives your reader a good final impression of
your essay.
How to write the concluding paragraph

Begin the concluding paragraph with a
sentence which is specific.

Then move on to the more general

End with a final sentence in a concluding
paragraph: A final thought, a call to action,
a prediction, a question.

Ending with a rephrased thesis statement
that contains nothing important or valuable.

Introducing new idea or new subtopic.

Focusing on a minor point in the essay

Concluding with a sentence that is an
extension of the final point.

Ending with words like, In conclusion, in
End with a summary and a final
As we have seen, human cloning will benefit
childless couples and medical research. The
possibilities of advancement in all fields of
Science which benefits life are endless.
Therefore, society should be open to human
cloning and use this technology wisely.
End with a call for action or a challenge to the
Serving in a community welfare centre is not only a
civic responsibility but also an enriching experience.
Many people view community service as a chore
that disrupts their jobs and their routine of their
daily lives. However welfare work should be part of
every citizen’s way to offer help. Thus, community
welfare service challenges us to rally around those
who are urgently in need of our help. It is time to
lend a hand.
End with a prediction
Without well-qualified teachers, schools are
little more than buildings and equipment. if
higher-paying careers continue to attract the
best and the brightest students, there will
not only be a shortage of teachers, but the
teachers available may not have the best
qualifications. Our youth will suffer. And
when they suffer, our future as a nation will
suffer too.
End with a question
Election campaign advertisements should help
us understand the candidate's qualifications and
opinions on certain issues. Instead, most tell
what a stupid person or what a cunning person
the opposition candidate is. They present
general descriptions of the rulling party
candidate as a family person or having God-
fearing character. Do such advertisements
contribute towards creating voters who are more
informed about their leaders the same way they
choose soft drinks and soap?
The End

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