Organizational Change and Stress Management

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Organizational Change and Stress

Forces for change(factors)
1. Nature of the workforce
- More cultural diversity
- Aging population
- Many new entrants with inadequate skills.

2. Technology
- Faster, cheaper and more mobile computers
- Online file sharing
3. Economic Shocks
- Rise and fall of stocks
- Stock market collapse
4. Competition
- Global competitors
- Growth of e-commerce
5. Social trends
- Business conference via Skype
6. World politics
- War and terrorism
- Corruption
Managing planned change

- Improve the ability of the organization to adapt to
changes in its environment
- To change employee behaviour

Who are responsible for managing change activities?

-Change agents
Change agents
-can be managers, non manager , current employees of
the organization, newly hired employees, or outside
Resistant to change
• Changes in job task
- Employees usually resist changes in job task or work
routines because they afraid they wont be able to
perform the new task or routines to their previous
standards, especially when pay is closely tied to
• Security
- People with high need for security are likely to resist
change because it threatens their feelings or safety
• Threat to expertise
- Changes in organizational patterns may
threaten the expertise of specialized
groups(skilled workers)
7 tactics to overcome resistance to change

i) Education and communication

ii) Participation
iii) Building support and commitment
iv) Negotiation
v) Manipulation and Cooptation
vi) Selecting People Who Accept Change
vii) Coercion – direct threats or force on the resisters
Work Stress and Its Management
i) Environmental factors
ii) Organizational factors
iii) Personal factors
iv) Individual differences

iv) Physiological symptoms
v) Psychological symptoms
vi) Behavioral symptoms
Managing stress
• Individual approaches
- Implementing time-management
- Increasing physical exercise
- Relaxation training
- Expanding the social support network
• Organizational approaches
-increased employee involvement
-improve organizational communication
-establishment of corporate wellness program

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