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• Class room observation

• M.Phil. education second semester

◦ Concept of observation
Out line ◦ Advantages of class room observation strategy
◦ Disadvantages of class room observation
◦ Arguments against teacher observations and
contradictions of those arguments
◦ Building reliability and validity in observation
◦ Systematic Approaches to classroom
Is a direct means for learning
about students including what
they do or do not know and can
and can not do

Observation is a natural process of getting to
know students by listening to
them and observing their
observation allow teachers to asses the students as
the teachers teaches the teacher monitors progress
and behavioral skills as the part of normal teaching
This method can be used with the children of all
ages .
The problem as they arise can be immediately
detected and corrective action taken immediately
The P.E teacher watches students on the ball field as
they play a baseball game. the teacher gathers
important insights about their abilities to hit or field
the ball.

A student who tests well on knowledge – based

questions may show gaps in learning when placed in
a context that requires the student to retrieve or
apply that information
Teacher observation is an important but
underutilized assessment technique. It is
sometimes argued that teachers are unable
to make appropriate and dependable
assessment judgments from observations
of students in natural settings. The table
(below) details some of the claims of this
viewpoint, together with some relevant
Arguments against teacher observations and
contradictions of those arguments
Arguments against Contradiction of those
teacher observations arguments
Lack of - Students may not Learning outcomes that
representativeness demonstrate all relevant have not been
learning outcomes in demonstrated can be
natural settings. They may deliberately prompted.
know or know how but the Assessment should be
context may not ready planned as well as
them to demonstrate this. incidental.
Arguments against teacher observations and
contradictions of those arguments

Arguments against teacher Contradiction of those

observations arguments
Lack of Teachers may not observe the Over time, teachers have
observation demonstration of a learning many opportunities for
outcome when it occurs, either observation. Some
because their attention is else observation is deliberate
where or because they fail to and focused.
recognize it.
Arguments against teacher observations and
contradictions of those arguments
Arguments against teacher Contradiction of those
observations arguments

Lack of Teacher judgments are Teacher should collect

objectivity subjective and lying to information about only
inconsistencies. targeted skills and behavior
Arguments against teacher observations and
contradictions of those arguments
Arguments against teacher Contradiction of those
observations arguments

Possibility of Subjective judgments allow . Conscious bias is

bias the possibility of unethical. Unconscious
conscious or unconscious bias requires constant
bias for or against attention.
particular individuals or
Arguments against teacher observations and
contradictions of those arguments
Arguments against teacher Contradiction of those
observations arguments

Possibility of Subjective judgments allow Stereotyping is not

stereotyping the possibility of unavoidable. Each
stereotyping of students in assessment
terms of other occasion can be
performances or approached as a fresh
characteristics. opportunity
to test hypotheses derived
from previous impressions.
Students skill areas that must be observed
◦ Academic skills
cognitive skill areas must be stated in observable ,measure able terms that are
displayed as apart of some performance
psychomotor skills
observation can assess the students by targeting these skill that lack
competency which can be modify through remediation
Affective skills
skills of the students need to work and interact with others appropriately that
involve students attitude , feelings or personalities they develop
Building reliability and validity in observation
It refers to consistency and to agreement among
observers .observers will more likely to agree on what
they see in an observation if they have objectively defined
the behavior they are observing
 Manageability’ manage the list of behavior aim to
observe to avoide over looking one thing to another .
It refers to accuracy and completeness.
accuracy is collecting the information on the behavior and
skills that you only target .

completeness is collecting a representative sample
How to make our observation reliable and valid
Systematic Approaches to classroom observation

Anecdotal records
are a quick open ended way to record observation
describing what happened in teachers own words .to
make anecdotal record reliable and valid it should define
behavior create a form for recording observation record
the incident keep it factual by avoiding personal
interpretation and emotion
Sample anecdotal
◦ Name ------------------
◦ Date : April 1,2019
◦ Time : 9:40 am
◦ Subject : English
◦ Event :short quiz
◦ The class was taking the examination when ---- open her note
book to the page where answers about the quiz can be found off
Observation checklists
are clear and concise list of a behavior that are used to assess a
students skills the teacher observe the skills in a simple and straight
forward manner marking them present or absent correct or
incorrect. it can be used by both patty
ways in using checklist
◦ Observing cognitive ( academic) skills
◦ .observing psychomotor skills
◦ observing affective domain
Rating scale
◦ Rating is the assessment of a person by another person. Rating is a
term applied to expression of opinion or judgement regarding some
situation, object or character. Opinions are usually expressed on a
scale or value.
◦ A rating scale is a method by which we systematize the expression of
opinion concerning a trait. The rating is done by parents, teachers, a
broad of interviewers and judges and by the self as well.. Rating
scales look like checklists but are used when finer discriminations are
required. Rating scales provides an indication of the degree or
amount of a particular characteristic and use either numbers or
◦ “Rate scale records how much or how well it happened. Quantitative and
qualitative terms will be used. A rating scale is a set of categories
designed to produce information about a quantitative or a qualitative
◦ 1. How good was the performance?
◦ Excellent
◦ Very good
◦ Good
◦ Average
◦ Poor

◦ This is one of the simplest types of rating scales.

◦ The rater simply marks a number that indicates the extent to which a
characteristic or trait is present.
◦ The trait is presented is a statement and values from 1to 5(a
maximum of 10) are assigned to each trait that is rated.
◦ In numerical rating scale the rater puts a check (x) or circles a number
to indicate the degree to which a characteristic is present.

◦ Direction:
◦ Encircle the appropriate number showing the extent to which
the pupil shows his skill in questioning.
◦ Key: 5-outstanding, 4-above average, 3-average, 2-below
average, 1-unsatisfactory.
◦ 1. To what extent does the student participate in discussion?
◦ As in the case of the numerical rating
scale, the rater is required to assign
some value to specific trait. This
time, however, instead of using
predetermined scale values, the
ratings are made in a graphic form- a
position anywhere along a
◦ Provide for each trait a list of
descriptive phrases from which
Descriptive the rater selects the one most
rating scale applicable item being rated,
selected usually by means of a
check mark.
◦ Directions: Make your rating on each of the following characteristics by
placing an x anywhere along the horizontal line, under each item. In the space
for comments, include anything that help clarify your rating.
1. To what extent does the student participate in discussion?
 Never participates
 Participate more than others
 participate as much as others
 -------------------------
Food for soul

Before you change your circumstances

.you have to change the way you think
about yourself and the world.
Maintaining a new habit is hard work.
like pushing a heavy ball up hill.
However, once you get to the top of the
hill, it gets easy

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