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What is Biotechnology?

Molekularna biologija predstavlja novu
tehnologiju koja se razvila tokom
posljednih nekoliko decenija na osnovu
saznanja do kojih su dosle molekularna
genetika, biohemija i mikrobiologija.
Naučno polje koje ukljucuje
manipulaciju zivih organizama koja
rezultira u novim proizvodima ili
procesima u toj zivoj celiji.
How Old Is Biotechnology ?
10,000 BC
6,000 BC
Brewing Beer

Domesticating Animals
8,000-9,000 BC 4,000 BC
Leavening Bread

1880’s 1940’s
Production of Vaccines Production of Antibiotics

1980’s Use of genetically modified organisms

Discovered the Laws Governing
the Genetic Inheritance of Traits
by Scientific Experimentation

Founded Modern Genetics

How Old is Modern Biotechnology?
Genetically Modified Animals

1983 Transgenic Mice 1997 Cloned sheep

Pronukleus oplođene jajne celije ili zigot

Transgena zivotinja-
Nastaje transferom
gena iz drugog
organizma u organizam
Modern Biotechnology
• Molecular Biology
- microbiology
- biochemistry
- cell biology

• Molecular Genetics

• Genetic Engineering: Moving a

from one organism to another
- chemical engineering
- biomanufacturing
Genetically Modifying DNA

Integration of Foreign
DNA into Existing DNA
Gene Manipulation and Introduction
in Plant Biotechnology
Restriction Enzyme
and Ligase
Examples of Plant Transformations
As of December 2003:
 There are 1,473 companies & 198,300 employees

 300 Biotechnology drug products and vaccines are in clinical trials

 Biotechnology foods include papaya, corn and soybeans

 Environmental biotechnology used to clean up hazardous spills

 Forensic medicine is used for identification by DNA Fingerprinting

 Regulated by the FDA

 More than 323 million people worldwide have been helped by Biotech
Fermentation Vessels
in Biomanufacturing Plant
Biotechnology Applications in
Health and Medicine
 Protein Pharmaceuticals
 Vaccines & Therapeutic Agents
 Diagnostics: Protein or DNA Based
 Gene Therapy
 Stem Cell Research
 Cancer Treatment
Gene Therapy
• Insertion of a new “healthy” gene into
the organism to provide needed
(usually) proteins, hormones etc.
• Gene is carried into the host by a viral
vector that has been disabled
• Can provide relief for many genetic
Cancer Therapy
Factors that inhibit blood vessel growth

Toxic chemicals delivered by antibodies to

specific cancer cells

Killer gene is delivered to tumor cells by

specific binding to the cancer cell
Stem Cells
Can be used to replace damaged tissue

Examples: Heart cells, Parkinson’s disease

and Pancreatic cells in Diabetes

Ethical issues and lack of cells to work

with have slowed this research
 Any biotechnological process that may
promote a good environment
 Organisms developed during the gulf war to
“eat” oil
 Organism used in gold mining to “eat”
 Problems naturally solved by microorganisms
such as bacteria, fungi break down
contaminant into a form less harmful or not
Agriculture and Forestry
 Plant biotech
 Animal biotech
Plant biotech
 Improve plants and the products produced
from them
 Insect and disease resistance
 Engineered to have desired characteristics
Plant biotech
 Corn plant produced with high levels of the
amino acid Lysine
Animal Biotech
 Improve animals or the products they produce
 Animals may be used to produce products that
promote human health
Animal Biotech
 Increase productivity
 Pigs engineered to produce human
Food and Beverages
 Use of technology in producing and processing
 Some biotech principles have been employed
for hundreds of years
 Yeast in baking bread
Food and Beverages
 Genetically altered crops
 rBGH (recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone)
 Helps meet human needs
 Food, clothing and shelter
 Plants and animals are used in manufacturing
food, clothing and materials for shelter
 Used to make products more useful or
 Ex: conversion of milk into cheese or yogurt
 Must keep the cost of improving products as
low as possible
 Biotech results in greater efficiency
Health Promoting Foods
 Food with unique traits
 Some contain therapeutants
 Some designed with nutrient enrichment
 Consumers want foods to provide needed
nutrients and in some cases, enhanced foods
 Do not want side effects from those enhanced

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