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FYP Presentation

Name & Roll #

Shakhsar Ahmad 2KX7-EE-44

Abdullah Khan 2KX7-EE-32
Zain-ul-Abdeen 2KX7-EE-33
FYP Supervisor:

Sir. Umar Hamid

What is Feeder ?
Feeders are used in the transmission of power supply from one place to any other at
a distance. Feeders transmit the power from a generating station to the sub station
and from substation to the distribution points. Through the feeder current is same
from sending end to the receiving end. Feeder is a conducting device. It conducts
power and then transmit it from any point to the other point.
Four Types of Distribution Transformers:
• Radial Feeders
• Parallel Feeders
• Ring main Feeders
• Interconnected system Feeders
Feeders protection means the protection of feeders from faults which
occur during the power supply. Different faults are occurred in
transmission like over current , over voltage , under voltage , short
circuit etc. These values of lower and higher voltages and currents can
damage the equipment's of the feeder. Our work is about to save the
feeders from different faults which occur during transmission and can
damage the feeder. Feeders do their work at specific values of the
power transmitting through the circuit. Feeders work reliably at 11kv.
Destruction of the feeder is occurred when the amount of voltages
increase or decrease highly from 11kv. As all the equipment's of the
feeder work at specific power and high amount of power in
transmission line may damage that equipment's.
Factors Influencing Feeders:
• Over voltage in supply due to any reason can damage Feeder.
• Under voltage in supply can damage the feeder.
• Over current can damage the Feeder.
• Short circuit occurs when two feeder wires touch each other can damage the

• To provide real time monitoring to our distribution

• To provide protection to our distribution feeder.
• To limit the extent and duration of service
interruption in case of equipment failure, human error
or any other fault.
• To make our system more reliable.
• To improve the efficiency of our system.
Scope & Significance:
•Time Saving.
•Minimal Damage to the system.
•More accurate.
•Less Interaction.
•Monitor faults from distant places.
Materials & Methodology:
• Potential Transformer
• Arduino
• LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
• Current Transformer (CT)
• Switching Relay
Our main purpose of the feeder protection is to provide protection to our
electrical system by isolating a faulty section of electrical power system from the
rest of system so that our system can run constantly without being stop or damage
due to fault current. After the removal of fault assimilate both the parts again and
our system continues providing electricity. The objective of our protection system
is to limit the extent and duration of service interruption in case of equipment
failure, human error or any other fault. Protection minimizes the damage to the
system components. The circumstances causing system malfunction are usually
unpredictable however perfect design and preventive measure can reduce the
likelihood of system problems. It should design in such a way that we don’t need
human help for its protection it should protect itself automatically. The response
time of the protection system must be few millisecond. Human intervention in the
protection of system operation is not possible therefore design an automatic and
quick system that cause a minimum amount of disruption to the power system.
Expected Results & Outcome:
Result Obtained:
• Short circuit test.
• Over Voltage Test.
• Under Voltage Test.
• Over Current Test.
Expected Results & Outcome:
By getting these results this system is capable to implement on an industrial
level. This is very efficient system. It will help a lot of people to reduce the
men power from the work area. We have observed that the efficiency and
working speed with respect to time it will be very efficient and very fast
It detects the faults with accuracy. It is also able to find the fault in the
system. This device is fast switching system. We can imagine this system is
implement up to on industrial level. Some results are remaining which need
to be test like working life which can only find by implement it on an any
industrial state. It is very cost effective system from which the currently
system which is used is costly. The component which is used in this device is
not to much complex. It is not a custom components easily available in the
markets. By using this system we can protect many things for long time.
Benefits of the Research:
To make our system more efficient:

• With the help of using this device we can save our workers and any
human life from any harmful destruction.
• By using this device we can save the equipment's from damages of
electricity faults. As the higher amount of voltages and current can
damage our wires and other equipment's.
• We can save our time as this device works faster.
• By this device we can save the money .
• We can easily detect faults on feeder within time
• By using this system we can save our feeders for long terms

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