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Customs Duty Information

What Is A Customs Duty?

Customs Duty is a tariff or tax imposed on goods when transported across international borders. The
purpose of Customs Duty is to protect each country's economy, residents, jobs, environment, etc., by
controlling the flow of goods, especially restrictive and prohibited goods, into and out of the country.

Dutiable refers to articles on which Customs Duty may have to be paid. Each article has a specific
duty rate, which is determined by a number of factors, including where you acquired the article,
where it was made, and what it is made of. Also, anything you bring back that you did not have when
you left the United States must be "declared." For example, you would declare alterations made in a
foreign country to a product you already owned, and any gifts you acquired outside the United States.

The Customs Duty Rate is a percentage. This percentage is determined by the total purchased value of
the article paid at a foreign country and not based on factors such as quality, size, or weight.
What is a Customs Duty?
Customs Duty is a tariff or tax impose (Imposed) on goods when transport (transported) across
international borders. The porpurse (purpose) of Customs Duty is to protect each countrys (country's)
economy, residens (residents), jobs, enviroment, (environment) etc., by controling (controlling) the flow of
goods, especially restrictive and prohibit (prohibited) goods, into and out of the country.
Dutiable refers to articles on which Customs Duty may have to be paid. Each article has a specific duty
rate, which is determit (determined) by a number of factors, including where you acquare (acquired) the
article, where it was made, and what it is made of. Also, anything you bring back that you did not have
when you left the United States must be "decleart.“ (decleared). For example, you would declear (declare)
alterations made in a foreing (foreign) country to a product you already own (owned) and any gives (gifts)
you acquare (acquired) out said (outside) the Unites States
The customs Duty Rate is porcentage (percentaje). This percentage (percentaje) is determit (determined)
by the total purchase (purchased) value of the article paid at foreign country and not best on factors sach
(such) as quality, size or waid (weight)
¿Qué es un derecho de aduana?
El arancel aduanero es un arancel o impuesto que se aplica a las mercancías cuando se transportan a
través de fronteras internacionales. El objetivo del Arancel Aduanero es proteger la economía, los
residentes, los empleos, el entorno, etc. de cada país, controlando el flujo de mercancías, especialmente
las mercancías restrictivas y prohibidas, hacia y desde el país.
Sujeto a derechos se refiere a los artículos sobre los que puede ser necesario pagar derechos de aduana.
Cada artículo tiene una tasa de derecho específica, que está determinada por una serie de factores,
incluido dónde adquirió el artículo, dónde se fabricó y de qué está hecho. Además, cualquier cosa que
traiga de regreso que no tenía cuando salió de los Estados Unidos debe ser "declarada". Por ejemplo,
declarar modificaciones realizadas en un país extranjero a un producto que ya posee y cualquier obsequio
que haya adquirido fuera de los Estados Unidos.
La tasa de derechos de aduana es un porcentaje. Este porcentaje está determinado por el valor total
comprado del artículo pagado en un país extranjero y no en función de factores como la calidad, el tamaño
o el peso.

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