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Name: Sundas Azeem


Workstation: Faculty Hall 2

Your expectations from the course?

Student concerns?
• Grades?
• Attendance?
• Marks Allocation?
S. Marks Head Frequency Marks
No Allotted

1 Assignments 4 2.5X4= 10
2 Quizzes 4 2.5X4=10
3 Mid Term 1 30
4 Project & Presentation 1 10

4 Final Term 1 40
Total 100
My expectations from you:
• Classroom decorum
• Timely assignments
• Class participation
• Meaningful discussions
Rules of the classroom
• Follow SZABIST’s COVID-19 protocols AT ALL TIMES!

• I reserve the right to remove you from class in case

of violation, risk or threat, without proof
Rules of the Classroom
Rules of the Classroom
Rules of the Classroom
Rules of the Classroom
Rules of the Classroom

• Maintain your notebooks/lectures routinely!

• Check your ZABDESK regularly.

My teaching philosophies:
• Equality
• I Follow SZABIST policies.
• Attendance & grading are based on your
attendance and effort.
Let’s have a great semester!
• Your Name
• A little about your background
• Which social science have you studied before?
• What are your post-lockdown goals? How do you think the smart
lockdown has changed you?
Sociology… What is it?
• Sociology is the scientific study of human society and
social interactions.

• Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and

the social causes and consequences of human
• Greek:
• Soicus: ‘companion’
• Logos: ‘Study’

• Sociology can be loosely translated as ‘the study of companionship’

• The study of large social groups sharing a geographical boundary, common

political authority, and dominant cultural expectations
It is the systematic study of:
1. human behaviour,
2. The groups to which one belongs,
3. And the societies that human beings create,
4. and within which their lives unfold.
We all display Social Sensitivity
We are Curious about our own behaviour and the behaviour of others.

1. Why do we act as we do?

2. How are we the same as others?

3. How are we different?

Sample Questions
• Why are divorce rates highest now than ever before?

• -Why are more crimes happening in Karachi than other cities?

• -Why do supporters of PTI place more emphasis on fighting

corruption than those before them?
Why study sociology?
• To obtain factual information about society and various aspects of social life

• To understand the causes of social problems

• To understand human differences and commonalities

• To increase tolerance of others’ ways and perspectives

• To be able to predict changes in future

Sociology at the workplace
• Understand how group and team dynamics

• To understand how individuals within those groups and teams

function, collaborate, conflict and achieve goals

• Employers seek individuals who will conform to the organizational


• Organizational policies cannot collide with societal values

The origin of Sociology
3 Revolutions… how societies have
 The Greek view of nature had dominated science for almost
2,000 years.

 The scientific revolution (16th c.) encouraged the use of

evidence to substantiate theories.
…By the end of it, science had replaced Christianity as the
focal point of European civilization. The scientific method that
sought definite answers to certain limited questions
 The democratic revolution (18th c.) encouraged the view that human
action can change society.
Feudalism in question, political liberalization, question on equality

 The industrial revolution (late 18th and 19th c.) gave sociologists their
Impersonal, competitive, superficial, contractual, specialized.
• land used up, rural to urban transition in Britain and Europe
• -crowding, poverty, crime, decease.
August Comte (1798-1857)
• Began analyzing the basis of social

• He began to wonder what holds society

together. What causes social order
instead of chaos?

• What causes set patterns of societies to

August Comte (1798-1857)
• He believed society can be studied in the same way as the natural
world…(empirically)…Society should be studied by empirical proof.

• He called Sociology –social physics.

• He believed the scientific method held answers to his questions. Just

as it revealed the law of gravity, it would uncover laws underlying

1. The scientific method includes: Objective, hypothesis,

methodology, analysis, conclusion.

2. The purpose of this new science would not only be to discover

social principles, but also to apply them to social reform

3. Comte developed a view: Sociologists would reform society,

making it a better place to live
• Positivism:

• A system recognizing only that which can be scientifically verified or

which is capable of logical or mathematical proof
• Application of scientific method to social life
• Objective
• Systematic
• Observations used to test theories
Ultimate plan of sociology is…
• Social engineering= Rational planning to solve social problems

• Auguste Comte is known as the father of sociology

The law of three stages
• Divided mankind’s progess into three historical stages:
1.Theological: relies on supernatural agencies to explain what man
can't explain otherwise.
2.Metaphysical: man attributes effects to abstract but poorly
understood causes.
3."Positive": because man now understands the scientific laws which
control the world.
1. Sociology is a scientific discipline
2. Many approaches and paradigms
3. Concepts are the building blocks of sociology.
5. Sociology is the study of the powerful social forces
that influence social relations and personal lives.
6. Sociology emerged at the time of the Industrial
Revolution, an era of massive social transformations
accompanied by new social problems.

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