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RMS 3.

0 Contractor
Mode (RMS 3.0 CM)
RMS 3.0 CM
Table of Contents
▪ Chapter 1: RMS 3.0 CM Overview ▪ Chapter 7: QC Tab

▪ Chapter 2: Installing RMS 3.0 Contractor Mode ▪ Chapter 8: Submittals Tab

▪ Chapter 3: RMS 3.0 CM Navigation ▪ Chapter 9: Schedules Tab

▪ Chapter 4: Getting Started ▪ Chapter 10: Closeout Tab

▪ Chapter 5: Administration Tab ▪ Chapter 11: Import/Export Tab

▪ Chapter 6: Finances Tab ▪ Chapter 12: Contract Reports Tab

▪ Chapter 13: Government Library



Chapter 1: Learning Objectives:

▪ Transition: What’s New ▪ Deployment Rules

▪ Advantages of Using RMS 3.0 CM ▪ Transition Plans for Migrating Contracts to RMS 3.0

▪ RMS 3.0 CM Overview ▪ Contractor Information and Help Links

Overview Table of Contents
What’s New – Menu Selections
RMS 2.38 Menu Selections once a contract has been selected

RMS 3.0 Menu Selections once a contract has been selected

What’s New - Contract Reports

▪ Gov can sign generated reports inside RMS 3.0 (i.e., RFI, QA Daily Report, ENG 93, BCD,
AHA and ENG 4025). Contractors can sign PDF, or Word Documents, on CM side. Contractors
can sign RFI’s, QC Daily Reports and AHA’s inside CM Documents Package folder.

▪ Document Signature Position can be added to other generated documents in District Library.

Transition - What’s New?
▪ QCS naming convention will no longer be used.

▪ The new names for RMS 3.0 will be RMS 3.0 GM for Government mode and RMS 3.0 CM for Contractor

▪ No longer need to install QCS for multiple districts. One RMS 3.0 installation will handle all contracts from all

▪ Administrator will enter all QC staff and user roles outside the contract, and assign both inside contract.

▪ After entering data click the Back Button to save data to the RMS 3.0 database.

▪ Can QCS 2.38 and RMS 3.0 CM be used at the same time?
▪ No recommended; QCS and RMS 3.0 CM cannot be used simultaneously for a single contract. Document Packages
folders (3.0 attachments) are only in 3.0. So, attachments in RMS 3.0 are not viewable in RMS 2.38.
▪ QCS 2.38 needs to import/export, it can corrupt data as well as cause lost data.
▪ Payments cannot be made correctly in RMS 3.0 until Government turns off QCS in RMS 3.0 GM.
▪ Once the switch is made to RMS 3.0 CM, it’s recommended not to go back to QCS 2.38.
Transition of Contracts to RMS 3.0 CM

▪ Transition from QCS 2.38 to RMS 3.0 CM occurred in FY 2018. For all
new contracts awarded in FY2019 Contractors must use RMS 3.0

▪ For contracts that were close to Actual Beneficial Occupancy Date

field offices were given the discretion to finish out contracts in RMS
2.38 and QCS 2.38. At some point the RMS programmers will shut
down RMS 2.38 and QCS 2.38.

▪ There are still some contracts being closed out in QCS 2.38. The
QCS 2.38 program is no longer being supported by the programmers.

▪ It is recommended Government and Contractors receive RMS 3.0

training prior to switching.

Advantages for Contractors using RMS 3.0 CM

▪ Installation is simplified as the QCS Firebird service no longer needs

to be installed.

▪ It will no longer be necessary to use Citrix, or Microsoft Remote

Desktop software, in situations where users are widely scattered

▪ Electronic files generated in RMS 3.0 CM can be attached and

forwarded to Government in real time.

Advantages for Gov and Contractor using RMS 3.0

▪ The database will be in the cloud; i.e., the database is used by Government
and Contractor.

▪ This means RMS 3.0 GM and CM share the same server. There is NO more
importing/exporting data to a FTP site, to exchange data with the Contractor.
The exchange of data will happen in real time after a key strokes are clicked.

▪ If data is updated, or added and marked Complete and Submit for Review on
the Contractor side, the Government will see the change, or update, in just a
few minutes.

▪ There is now a notification system on Gov and Contractor side, which must be
setup by each User in order to receive notifications from inside RMS, texts or
emails, whenever a task has been completed inside RMS 3.0. It is
recommended to select the inside RMS option.
▪ Two importing exceptions for Contractors: 1) Importing NAS (SDEF) and 2)
Import Submittals using Excel Template (covered under import/export training).
▪ Government can download the RMS 3.0 on an Android phone. Programmers
working on Contractor being able to do this.

RMS 3.0 Overview

• RMS 3.0 is a web-based software package produced by the RMS

Support Center, and has replaced RMS 2.38 and QCS 2.38.

• This software package is one program with both RMS and QCS as
separate modes that can be toggled at the home screen.

• Note that Contractor Mode is differentiated from Government Mode by

gold tiles.

• Government Mode has blue tiles.

RMS 3.0 Overview
▪ RMS 3.0 will need to be installed on every computer using the latest
version of RMS3 Launcher (version 25) located at
and for Site
Map/Contractor/Software Updates.

▪ After installation of the program, you will register your computer.

Registration instructions are found later in the slides.

▪ Since one database, there is no more exporting data to a FTP site;

data exchange is in real time.


Installing RMS 3.0 Contractor Mode

Chapter 2: Learning Objectives:

▪ Installing RMS 3.0 CM ▪ Logging into RMS 3.0 CM

▪ Registering Username (Account Creation) ▪ Registering RMS 3.0 CM on other

▪ Verifying New Account

Installing RMS 3.0

Table of Contents
Installing RMS 3.0 CM

▪ Contractors continue to get the

latest launcher from this web site,
Downloading RMS 3.0 CM: or from the RMS Support Center
 Website: click CLICK FOR SITE MAP/Contractor/Software
tafiles/rmsdocwebsite/default. Updates.
html ▪ Contractor can download these
RMS 3.0 CM Powerpoint Training
slides from this site.
▪ Contractor can download the
QA/QC Deficiency Template,
Submittal Register Excel
Template, and other documents
and videos from the RMS Support
Center Website.

Installing RMS 3.0 GM

Installing RMS 3.0 Contractor Mode
▪ RMS 3.0 needs Windows 10 and is 64 bit only
▪ If Windows Defender has a warning, click More Info  Run Anyway

If RMS 3.0 hasn’t been installed

before, you won’t get this window
Upgrading the RMS3 Launcher to Version 25
 Use these instructions if you have the old RMS 3 Launcher installed and want to upgrade to Version 25.
 Click Download RMS Launcher Version 25 button to download the launcher installer. Run the installer after the
download is finished, then follow the steps below. Leave the checkbox marked if you would like RMS to create a
desktop shortcut, otherwise remove the checkbox then click Next.

1. After running the installer, you should see a screen similar to the one below. Click the Next button to continue.

2. If RMS has already been installed on your computer, you will see a screen like the one below. Click Yes to

Installing RMS 3.0

Upgrading the RMS3 Launcher to Version 25
3. Leave the checkbox marked if you would like RMS to create a desktop shortcut, otherwise remove the checkbox
then click Next.

Installing RMS 3.0

Upgrading the RMS3 Launcher to Version 25
4. Click Install to finish the installation.

Installing RMS 3.0

Upgrading the RMS3 Launcher to Version 25
5. Click Finish to finish the installer, then restart
RMS 3.0.

Installing RMS 3.0

Registration of New RMS 3.0 CM Users

Installing RMS 3.0

Registration of New RMS 3.0 CM Users
 Click New Users – to Create and Account Click Here.
 The New User Registration form should be displayed.
▪ Fill in First Name, Last Name, Email Address (this will be your login ID) and copy/paste a 15-digit password
example from the examples given into both password fields. NOTE: Make sure there is no space at the end
when you are copying.
▪ It is recommend to copy/paste password to a secure location for ease of access when logging into RMS 3.0 CM.
▪ Make sure your email address is correct!
▪ Click Create Account.

Installing RMS 3.0

Registration of New RMS 3.0 CM Users
 Your account is created; you must now verify your account with a registration code.
 If password is forgotten, there is an easy Forgot Password option.

Installing RMS 3.0

Registration of New RMS 3.0 CM Users
▪ Log into RMS 3.0 and enter Registration Code in the data field shown below.
 If you can’t find the registration email, click the button Request New Registration Code.
 This only has to be done once and allows user to use RMS 3.0 CM on your computer. If you get a new computer, request
new registration code.

Installing RMS 3.0

Verification of a New Account or Different Computer
▪ Verification Successful

Installing RMS 3.0

Logging into RMS 3.0 Contractor Mode
1. Click RMS 3.0 icon on desktop.

Installing RMS 3.0


RMS 3.0 CM Navigation

Chapter 3: Learning Objectives:
▪ Explanation of RMS 3 Launcher ▪ Contract Menu ▪ Attachments
▪ Action Items ▪ Add Attachments
▪ Prime Contractor Selection Form
▪ Edit Attachments
▪ Understanding the Data Grid
▪ Contract Selection Screen
▪ Delete Attachments
▪ Exporting the Data Grid
▪ Add “Favorite” Contracts
▪ Using the Column Filters ▪ Sign Word or PDF Documents
▪ Using the Search Box

Basic Navigation Table of Contents

Explanation of RMS 3 Launcher

▪ What is RMS Launcher?

▪ The first program that runs when clicking RMS 3.0 CM icon on
▪ Checks servers for latest update and automatically updates software
to latest patch.

▪ Because of updating privileges, permissions need to be set up for

RMS 3.0 CM.
▪ Will cover on later slide.

Basic Navigation
First Screen - Prime Contractor Selection

▪ Prime Contractor Selection view is the first screen when the

Contractor logs in, which identifies the Prime Contractor.

▪ Double click the Prime Contractor name, and list of contracts will

▪ Can Switch to Offline Mode here when it becomes functional. You’ll be

able to upload specified Submodules to a cell phone, I-pad, and enter
data in the field.

▪ If you have recently been granted access to a contract, and it does

not show up on your list, click Update.

Basic Navigation
Contract Selection View
 This screen shows the contracts assigned to the Prime Contractor. Double click contract, or
highlight contract and click Edit, or enter Key Word of Contract Description, or Partial Contract No., in
Search to select and open contract.

Basic Navigation
Adding Favorites to Contract Selection View

▪ The Favorites tile is very useful, especially

if you are working on several active

▪ To make a contract a Favorite open

contract and on the next screen, click on
the button:

▪ The contract will be added to the Favorites.

▪ To remove the contract from the

Favorites, just click on the Mark as
Favorite button again.

Basic Navigation
Contract Selection
▪ Click on Favorite or Recent contract and the contract will open.
Add your contracts you mostly work on as Favorite.

▪ This is especially useful when the Prime Contractor has multiple


▪ Select Contract Stage filter icon and select contracts that are
Active, Construction Complete, Final Payment Made, etc..

▪ The Data Grid (Export):

▪ Data below Export key is the data grid, and data grid may be
exported to an Excel, or PDF, report.

▪ The Search box is a good way to select your contract, and

instantly filters as you type.

Basic Navigation
Contract Menu - Action Items

Contractor Mode Action Items

▪ Government Enables the Actions Items for Contractor side in each contract. Contact Government PE to provide staff who will be
performing items.

▪ The Action Items boxes shown above have three Key Performance Indicators (KPI) with High, Medium and Low Priority action items.

▪ The Contractor Mode shows Contractor Action Items and My Action Items, which includes actions, and priority, needed to be taken by
the Contractor and individual. Government Mode shows the Government Action items.

▪ High Action items – If high action items have not been completed the box turns Red.

▪ Medium Action items – If medium action items have not been completed the box turns Orange.

▪ Low Action items – If low action items have not been completed the box turns Yellow.

▪ No outstanding – If no outstanding actions the box turns Green.

▪ The Action Items are only visible when the contract is being viewed / edited.
Exporting the Data Grid

▪ The data may be exported to

Excel, or PDF, report.

▪ This Export works on any Data


Basic Navigation
Using the Column Filters on the Data Grid

▪ This type of filtering will work on any data grid

▪ To clear the filter, click on the filtering tool and then “Clear Filter’

Basic Navigation
Using the Search Box on the Data Grid

▪ Looking at Payrolls screen, and you want to look at all

Draft Payrolls.

▪ Start typing in Search box Draft Payrolls, or 0003 for

Resp Code, the filtering will bring up all Draft Payrolls in
the data grid.

▪ The Search box does not work on the date fields.

Basic Navigation
Attachments – Document Packages folder
▪ Has two functions: 1) Enables transfer of signed documents generated by RMS 3.0 CM, and other documents, to Government, and
2) Allows Gov to send back data to Contractor (QC Daily Reports, Pay Request, Transmittals). Government may ask the
Contractor to re-submit incorrect, or missing, data.

▪ Document Packages folders are available in all Submodules.

▪ In the different submodules documents are generated. These documents, and other documents from your C:\ drive may be uploaded into the
Document Packages folders in each submodule. Currently, Contractors may sign QC Daily Reports, ENG 4025’s, Prompt Payment, Preparatory
Worksheet and Initial Worksheet and AHA’s, and inside Document Packages folders. Other documents will have to be signed outside of RMS 3.0
CM and uploaded into the Document packages folder.

▪ Manually signed by Contractor button was added when documents are signed outside of RMS 3.0 CM and imported into the Document Packages
folder. When this button is checked, Contractor Signature Status becomes Attested Signature Attached.

▪ Once Contractor documents are added to Document Packages folder, signed, and Submit for Review and Completed are clicked, the Contractor
signed documents are then available to the Government.

▪ When Gov opens a Contractor’s Document Package folder to review the signed document, document status should be In Review. When status is
Not Completed, Contractor did not click Submit for Review. Gov will return documents, if deficient, or they are not signed. The existing Document
Package folder can then be opened by the Contractor to add corrected documents.

What’s New
Manually Add Attachments in RMS 3.0 CM

▪ For those submodules where you have to manually add Document Packages folders (i.e.,
Correspondence, Three Phase Inspections, AHA), click Add to manually add a Document Packages
folder and upload signed document(s) into folder.

▪ If Gov requests corrected data determine from field office if revised data should be sent back to Gov in
same Document Packages folder, or in a new Document Packages folder.

Basic Navigation
Manually Add Attachments in Documents Package folder
▪ Once inside Documents Package folder, either click
▪ Add button
• Or, click Drag and Drop feature to import files from your C:\ drive to add
attachments to the Document Packages folder.

▪ The Date of the Document field is the date when the document is
created inside the Document Packages folder, and not the date of
the document. Change the Document Date to reflect official
document date.

▪ The Document Title, and Description can also be changed after file is
Attachments: added to Document Packages folder. It is recommended NOT to
Date of Document, Document Title and Description can be revised revise the Document Title because the program knows where to file
after adding the file to the Document Packages folder. It is
recommended not to change the Document Title.
the document on Gov side into the correct Contract File folder.
Contractor can only change the file ending.

Basic Navigation
Drag & Drop Attachments to Document Packages Folder

▪ For Drag and Drop feature open Windows Explorer and locate the file(s) to attach. You can attach multiple files at one time,
if they are located in the same folder in Windows Explorer. Drag and drop the files from your C:\ drive into the Drag and
Drop box, or click Add to attach documents and select files from your C:\ drive folder.

▪ Click the Back Button to

save/commit the changes

Basic Navigation
Sign Attachments Inside Document Packages Folder
▪ To sign inside RMS folder click Sign Selected Documents, and click on document to be
signed, and click Next. Make sure the correct form name appears in Digital Signature
Position, then click OK, then Finish. Click View Document to ensure signature appears.
When signed the Contractor Signature status becomes Electronically Signed.

▪ If document is not showing in Digital Signature Position list, then user may click the look up
to the right and select one of the options (bottom right last page, etc.).

▪ To sign outside RMS 3.0 Contractor electronically signs the pdf document in their C:\
drive folder and imports document into the Document Packages folder either using either
the Drag and Drop feature, or click Add. After importing a signed document into the
Document Packages folder click the box Manually signed by Contractor to change the
Signature Status to Attested Signature Attached.

▪ Word Documents can be signed inside Document Packages folder. Open document and
click Insert and place cursor at the correct signature block location; click Signature Line.
Enter Suggested Signer and Title and OK. Click Signature box and right click, select Sign.
Type name and click Sign. A signed Word Document counts as a PDF file in RMS 3.0.

▪ Remember: Don’t send a document to the Government without a signature; or

they will send it back.

Basic Navigation
Send Document Packages Folder to Government

▪ After document is signed inside Document Packages folder,

or signed document is imported into the folder, add
comments to Contractor Notes to Government and click
Submit to Government.

▪ Once click Completed and Submit to Government is clicked

the signed document will be viewable on the Government
side; and the Contractor’s Document Package folder
becomes Read Only.

Notice the Counts – PDF Documents 3, and Word ▪ In some instances you will be able to Add a new Document
Documents 0. Packages folder after clicking Submit to Government (i.e.,
when receiving a QC Test report and adding to QC Daily
Report that has been completed.).

▪ Be sure that document is signed before sent to the

Government. The Government will return, if not signed, or
request other changes be submitted.

Basic Navigation

Getting Started

Chapter 4: Learning Objectives:

▪ Adding a Contract ▪ Adding New User Roles

▪ Adding Additional Staff to a Contract ▪ Setting User Role Permissions

▪ What are User Roles ▪ Assigning a User Role

Getting Started Table of Contents

How to Add a Contract in RMS 3.0
After the program has been installed and registered, and contract has been awarded, the Government and Contractor
will use the following steps to add a contract in RMS 3.0.

Prime Contractor’s POC:

▪ Step 1: Provide USACE Administrator name and email address to Gov POC. Gov will add
Administrator to contract on Gov side.
▪ Step 2: Administrator adds staff under Contractor Staff, and User Roles under User Roles
outside the contract. Then staff and User Roles are assigned inside contract under Contract
Access Control. Administrator adds USACE Reps Role for every Gov person needing access to
the contract, and create a User Role with only Read Only access. This will allow the Gov to
assist Contractor with problems that may arise.
▪ Step 3: If already using QCS 2.38 wind up data entry in QCS. Send export to RMS 2.38; so
database is updated. Make sure all data that has been originated in QCS is completed and
exported to the Government.
▪ Step 4: Once Government turns off QCS 2.38 on Gov side, Contractor is ready to use RMS 3.0
USACE Representative:
▪ Step 1: In RMS 3.0 GM PE adds the Prime Contractor.
▪ Step 2: In RMS 3.0 GM PE links Prime Contractor to the contract.
▪ Step 3: In RMS 3.0 GM PE enters Prime Contractor’s Administrator(s) to the contract.
▪ Step 4: After Prime Contractor’s step 3 above close QCS in RMS 3.0 GM under Contract Setup
Getting Started
(last step).
Administrator Adds QC Staff to the Prime Contractor

▪ The Administrator, once added to the contract by the Gov, will add staff
members under Contractor Staff, and set up User Roles under User Roles,
which are outside the contract.

▪ There can be more than one Administrator account per Prime Contractor.

▪ USACE Rep will be added to Contractor staff by Contractor with Read Access
only. Their Email address will be their 10-digit CAC card # followed by @mil.

• To add Contractor Staff:

• Select the contract for the Prime Contractor.
• Click on Contractor Staff button on the top right corner of the Contract Selection Screen.

Getting Started
Administrator Adds QC Staff to the Prime Contractor

▪ Contractor Staff screen will be displayed.

▪ Click the Add button.

▪ Type in the Account ID (email address) of individual and click OK.

▪ Type in the individual’s first and last name and click OK.

▪ Click Has Administrator Rights.

Note: The User’s email added must match the staff member’s email used on their
computer. If the email is added incorrectly, the account never links. The Administrator is
able to delete the incorrect entry and add the correct email inside Contractor Staff.

Getting Started
Administrator Adds User Roles
▪ Once Staff has been added you should assign User Role.

▪ Click User Roles outside contract.

▪ Contractor Administrator(s) adds User Roles for staff, and for USACE
rep(s). Corps field office will ask Contractor to add User Roles for
possibly the QA, PE and/or RE.

▪ Note: Government personnel should only be given Read Access to all

Contractor submodules!

Getting Started
Administrator Adds User Roles
▪ Click Add.

▪ Type in the new Role Title and click OK.

▪ The User Role access is given in each of the modules (Administration,

Finances, Quality Control, Submittals, Closeout, and Import/Export).

▪ The Administrator has the option of assigning:

▪ All (no access), All (read-only) or All (Read/Write)

▪ For the Submittals User Role in this example to the left we have given
the user read and write access to the Submittal Register and
Transmittal Log only.

▪ After the permissions have been set, click the Back button – this will
commit or save the permissions for this user role.

▪ If the permissions need to be changed, double click on the Role Title

and update the permissions.

Getting Started
Adding a QC Rep User Role

▪ In this example, the QC Rep User Role has only been given
Read/Write and Read Only access to the Quality Assurance/Control
Permissions Module.

▪ After the permissions have been set, click the Back button – this will
commit or save the permissions for this user role.

▪ If the permissions need to be changed, double click the Role Title and
update the permissions.

Getting Started
Assigning Staff a User Role Inside Contract

▪ Open Contract and go to Administration/Contract Access Control


▪ Click Add and select the staff member, followed by assigning the User

▪ Contractor shall create Gov rep(s) (i.e., QA/PE/RE) with a User Role
named USACE Rep and provide Read Access to all modules. USACE
Rep(s) will assist the Contractor when RMS 3.0 CM problems arise.

▪ Click the Back button to commit the entry.


RMS 3.0 CM – Administration Tab

Chapter 5: Learning Objectives:
▪ Overview ▪ Correspondence ▪ Prime Contractor
▪ Adding/Editing a Letter
▪ Submodules ▪ Subcontractors
▪ Adding Attachments
▪ Add a New Subcontractor
▪ Contract Description
▪ Request for Information
▪ Contract Access Control ▪ Contractor Insurance
▪ Add a new RFI
▪ Contractor Payrolls
▪ Send Complete RFI to Government
Table of Contents
Mode Contract Menu Screen
Administration Tab

▪ Administration Submodule is where Government sets up the new contract (i.e., Contract Description, Contract
Number, Prime Contractor, Weather Days, draft Submittal Register, if design-bid-build enter Manual, or NAS,
schedule, etc.). This data is Read Only for Contractor.
▪ Contract Access Control is where Contractor Administrators adds staff and links to a User Role.
▪ Correspondence submodule is where all Contractor official correspondence are entered. Under Contract Reports
Module the report Correspondence Listing tracks the status of all correspondence. A Document Packages folder in
each Submodule allows all signed correspondence to be attached.
▪ RFI submodule is where all Contractor RFI’s are originated, tracked and Government responses are received.
Attach RFI attachments in Document Packages folder.
▪ If a manual schedule, Prime Contractor and Subcontractors are entered manually. If a NAS schedule, a NAS
(SDEF) import will automatically bring in Prime Contractor and subcontractors, Features of Work and Pay
▪ Insurance and SF1413s expiration dates and copies of policiies can be attached in the Insurance Submodule
Document Packages folder. Each district will determine whether Contractors utilize Payrolls Submodules. Payrolls
should not be entered in RMS 3.0 CM when Contractor utilizes a separate payroll software that generates and
tracks payrolls because this would be duplication of work. Other software available to generate and track payrolls
includes e-MARS, LCP Tracker, etc..
▪ Contract Notification Control Submodule is the Notification System for Contractor and Government Users when
new data has been inputted into the program. Each User will enter whether they want to receive notification by
telephone text, email or notified inside RMS 3.0.
Contract Description
▪ All of the Contract Description Submodule data fields are entered by the
USACE Rep in the field office; and is Read-Only to Contractor. Inform
USACE Rep if info is incorrect.

▪ Contractor should review for accuracy and understanding.

1. Contract ID Number – auto generated by system when contract is first


2. Contract Number – A number assigned by USACE after award.

3. Contract Title – The description of the contract as awarded. This field

is limited to 40 characters.

4. Contract Description – Brief explanation of contract SOW.

Contract Access Control

▪ Used by the Contractor’s Administrator(s) to add Contractor staff and USACE Rep to the contract, and assign
User Roles for a particular contract.

▪ The Correspondence submodule allows the Contractor to enter and receive signed correspondence letters, and track

▪ Cick Add to create correspondence:

▪ Letter Dated
▪ Requires Answer
▪ Letter Summary
▪ A Document Packages folder must be manually added and signed letters are manually added from your C: \ drive by
clicking Add, or using the Drag and Drop feature. When a file is created inside the Document Packages folder don’t change
the beginning of the file name; you can change the ending.
▪ Government and Contractor should be adding signed letters in the Document Packages folder.

▪ The Documents Packages folder allows any sort of attachments (i.e., signed letters in PDF, or Word format, Excel Files,
Powerpoint Files, JPEG/JPG Images, Text Files, CSV Files and Emails) to the correspondence letter.

▪ Once Sent Status is changed to Draft Letter Complete: Sent to Government letter appears on Gov side.
Generate Correspondence
• To Generate a Letter on Contractor side (CM):

• In Correspondence submodule there are Blue tiles for Draft,

Sent and Received Letters.
• Click Draft, then Add, to generate a letter.

• Select Create letter from Home office (“H” letter), or Field

Office (“S” letter).
Adding a Letter

▪ After adding a letter, you’ll see this screen, the Correspondence

Letter View:
▪ Enter Letter Dated, Requires Answer?, Letter Summary and Select
Letter(s) Answered by letter, if applicable.
▪ For Letter Summary it is recommended to copy and paste the
first paragraph of the electronic letter in this data field.
▪ Notice the two grids at the bottom of this form. Used to track
▪ Left: Letters Answered by H-0008 (letters answered by this letter)
▪ Right: Letters Answering H-0008 (grayed out; letters answering this
▪ Click Add to manually add a Document Packages folder and a name is
assigned (Letter No. H-0008) with Status of Not Complete.
Adding Attachments to Correspondence
▪ Inside the Document Packages folder click the Add button and select signed Letter
H-0008 from your C:\ drive. Or, drag the file in your C:\ to the Drag and Drop box to
add the signed letter. Current max file size limit in the Document Packages folder is
50 Mb. When you exceed this limit create another Document Packages folder.
• When file is uploaded into the Document Package folder do NOT change the front-
end of the file name; only can change the ending.
• Correspondence letters in pdf format must be signed outside of RMS 3.0 CM and
imported into Document Packages folder. You cannot sign inside folder.
• For a Word document you can add signature block by opening the Word document
in the Document Packages folder, and click Insert, click Signature Line and enter
Name, Title and OK. Inside title block right click and click Sign. Type name and click
• Click Manually Signed by Contractor when letter is signed outside RMS 3.0 CM and
imported. Then, the Contractor Signature Status will become Attested Signature
• Click Submit for Review. Document Packages folder becomes Read Only.

• Change Sent Status to Draft Letter Complete: Sent to Government; and Contractor
letter will become available to Government.
Request for Information (RFI)

▪ During the course of a contract, it is often necessary to obtain clarification, guidance, or interpretation of certain aspects of
the contract. This can include the written documents (specifications), plans (contract drawings), or interpretation and
application of the contract as a whole.
▪ Contractor can submit RFI’s to the Government electronically with ease when plans and specifications have conflicting, or
missing, information.
▪ Contractor can create a RFI form, sign inside the Document Packages folder and send to Government. Government can add
a response and sign the same document. This will create an official document with the Contractor and Government
signature. Or, you can create a RFI without creating a RFI form in Document Packages folder. It is up to the District, which
option must be used.
▪ Contractor completes RFI data, click RFI form icon; then, save to C:\ and sign outside of RMS 3.0 CM. Upload signed
document to Document Packages folder. This will create a RFI form, which the Government can add their response, sign and
return to the Contractor.
▪ Other documents may be added to the Contractor’s Document Packages folder before sending to the Government. The size
of Document Packages folder is limited to 50Mb.
▪ In Summary Reports, there is an option to run a listing of ALL, or OUTSTANDING, RFI’s.

▪ Like other submodules RFIs can be tracked by being sorted into blue
▪ All RFIs
▪ Contractor RFIs – Preparing
▪ Contractor RFIs - Waiting for Response
▪ Contractor RFIs – Completed

▪ Three action buttons:

▪ Add
▪ Edit
▪ Delete

▪ Export will export the data grid.

Tips for Creating RFI
▪ Click Add in RFI Submodule.

▪ On Contractor tab enter Requester’s Name and Required Date when response
is needed; Link to Subcontractor, and click Potential Cost Impact, or Potential
Schedule Impact, if applicable.

▪ Enter RFI Subject, Spec Section, Information Requested and Contractor’s

Recommendation. Always provide the Government a recommendation because
a majority of the time your recommendation will be accepted.

▪ If you want to create a RFI, click RFI form icon and RFI form will be generated
with Contractor information added. Save to a C:\ drive folder and upload into
Document Packages folder. If you don’t want to create a RFI, click Completed –
Ready for Government. RFI is then submitted to Government.

▪ If you want to send the completed and signed RFI form and additional
information, click Add and create a Document Packages folder.

Tips and Tricks

RFI Document Packages Folder

▪ Upload documents to Document Packages folder by clicking Add, or use the

Drag and Drop feature. Don’t change file name when file appears under.
Document Title.
▪ Use Sign Selected Documents option to sign RFI form. Click on the file to be
signed and click Next. Digital Signature Position should populate RFI Contractor
Signed; click Finish. Click View Document to ensure signature block is added.
▪ Sign other attachments by clicking one of options (i.e., last page, lower right,
▪ Always ensure Contractor Signature Status is Electronically signed, or Attested
Signature Attached.
▪ Add comments to the Government under Contractor Notes to Government; click
Submit for Review and status of Document Packages folder will become In
▪ Click Completed – Ready for Government on main RFI screen. The RFI will then
be available to the Government. Click Back.
▪ Once completed the RFI is then moved to Contractor RFI’s – Waiting for
Response blue tile.
Government Response to RFI
▪ Notification Control Submodule does not include Contractor being notified
when Government sends back response to RFI. Government will have to
notify the Contractor via email.

▪ When Contractor is notified open Contractor’s RFI’s – Completed blue tile

to open Government response.

▪ Click Governments Response tab.

▪ Look at Government Response on this page, or open the Document

Packages folder and view/print the RFI with Government response.

▪ If Contractor cannot open the Gov-signed RFI in Document Packages

folder, it is because Gov has not marked Answer Completed or Complete
Package. Contact the Government, if you cannot open RFI form.

▪ NOTE: If the Government response doesn’t answer the Contractor’s

question, then the Contractor will need to submit a new RFI similar to
QCS 2.38.

Tips and Tricks

Prime Contractor

▪ The Government will add the Contractor name, Responsibility Code,

Contractor Full Name, Short Name and Payee Office on Gov side.

▪ The Government will add the Administrator to Contract Staff tab. The
Administrator will add remaining staff in the Contractor Staff tab.

▪ The Contractor will add Home Office Address, Site Office Address, and
Staff. Check whether you want the mail to be sent to the Home Office, or
Field Office.

▪ The Contractor will add Contractor Rep to Review Performance

Evaluation (CPAR)) and email.

▪ Contractor will add Bonding Company/Work Days; and whether Insurance

is required and Payroll required. Contractor will add Payrolls ending day
of week.
Prime Contractor

• Contractor can enter their NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code, if the code entered
by the Government is incorrect.
• The NAICS code for construction can be found on the following link:

▪ Subcontractor info is an essential part of the RMS Contractor Mode program.

▪ Attaching a subcontractor to each activity will link submittal items to the subcontractor.
▪ With the subcontractor linked to activities, Contractor Mode knows who has related
responsibilities for the Preparatory and Initial Inspections.
▪ A subcontractor list is necessary to document Labor Interviews.
▪ Without the subcontractor data, daily Labor Hours cannot be posted in the Daily Quality Control
▪ Subcontractor deficiencies are entered in QC Daily Report, and are noted on the Contractor Pay
Request worksheet.
▪ Subcontract amount and particulars are required per the Prompt Payment Act.

▪ This is the list of all subcontractors associated with the contract.

▪ Each subcontractor must have a unique Responsibility Code.

▪ The subcontractor info and amounts should be adjusted after modifications are issued.

The Prime Contractor Administrator will manually add subcontractors, if a manual schedule is required. If a NAS
schedule is required by contract the subcontractors will be added when the SDEF schedule is imported into RMS 3.0
CM. The SDEF import also brings in Features of Work and Pay Requests.
Manually Add a New Subcontractor

▪ For manual schedules click Add and enter the Contractor Code (Responsibility Code) for all the subcontractors. If
the subcontractor is performing more than one type of work, enter the code for his most significant work.
▪ Note: This is a unique code per contract.

▪ Click OK.
Add a New Subcontractor Info

▪ Complete subcontractor information whether a manual, or NAS,


▪ POC: The Point of Contact will be used for transmittals and reporting
Warranty issues at the conclusion of the contract.

▪ Subcontract Amount: The Subcontract Amount for all subs is used to

calculate % of subs in Performance Evaluation and Pay Request. Keep
the subcontract amount up to date after modifications are issued.

▪ Enter Payrolls Ending Day of Week.

▪ Once the form is complete, click on the Back button to commit (save) the
Check the
check-box to
be able to
data for the
Contractor Insurance

▪ The Contractor Insurance submodule is designed to enter the insurance for the Prime contractor and Subcontractors.

▪ Enter Contractor and subcontractors General Insurance, Auto Insurance and Workman Comp expiration dates.

Prior to commencement of work the Prime Contractor is responsible to provide to the Government current insurance
information and subcontractors SF1413s. Each district has different requirements; so Field Offices will inform the
Contractor whether the Insurance and SF 1413s should be added to RMS 3.0 CM Document Packages folder.

▪ The insurance coverage must amount to at least the limits referred to in the contract. Where the Financial Responsibility
Compulsory Insurance Law of the State in which the contract is located requires higher limits, policies should provide
coverage of at least those limits.

▪ In Subcontractors submodule enter whether subcontractors will be required to provide insurance info.
Contractor Insurance

If the subcontractor does not appear in

the Contractor Insurance data grid,
check the Subcontractor submodule
Insurance Required checkbox.

▪ The Contractor Insurance data grid is populated using the Prime Contractor and Subcontractors
insurance expiration dates.

▪ To add/edit the insurance information, click on the Contractor, or subcontractor, and then Edit button, or
double click the prime, or sub.
Add/Edit Insurance Information

▪ Contractor will enter expiration dates for General Insurance,

Auto Insurance and Workman’s Comp and SF 1413 dates.

▪ Click Add to add a Document Package folder and attach

insurance documents and SF1413s.

▪ Field office will determine whether Insurance and SF1413s are

sent to the District office, or will be added to the Documents
Packages folder here.
Add/Edit Insurance Information

Document Packages:
1. Clicking Add, or Drag and Drop feature, to upload the insurance
documents and signed SF 1413s for the Prime and subcontractors
into the Document Packages folder.

2. You can change the Document Date, add Description for the
uploaded documents. The file name format created by RMS 3.0 CM
should not be modified, unless you add an ending.

3. Add any Contractor Notes to Government before submitting the

insurance and SF 1413s for review.

4. Click Submit for Review for Government to be able to view.

Contractor Payrolls

▪ After construction award the Government turns on payrolls by clicking

Administration/Contractor Payrolls button under Contract Setup.

▪ To turn off the Gov clicks Administration/Contractor Payrolls button


▪ Payrolls Submodule has been upgraded to only track payrolls. If

Contractor is utilizing a software for developing payrolls and tracking,
then Gov will turn off the Contractor Payroll button.
Contractor Payrolls

▪ If the Track Contractor’s payrolls in RMS box on Gov side is

unchecked, the Gov and Contractor will see the screen to
the left when they open the Contractor Payrolls.
Contractor Payrolls
▪ The Contractor Payrolls submodule tracks payrolls; you cannot generate payrolls.

▪ If the Contractor utilizes a software to generate and track payrolls, then inform the Government so they can uncheck
Track Contractor’s Payrolls in RMS on Gov side.
 The Contractor
Payrolls screen
displays all the
payroll dates for
each Contractor
and subcontractors
assigned to the
contract for the
time period they
will be on-site.

 Use the Payroll

Date column filter
to display the
payroll week(s)
Adding Contractor Payrolls
▪ Double click on the Contractor Name to enter the payroll information, or
click on Contractor name and click Edit.

▪ The sub’s payrolls can be added when the Prime checks Insurance
Required button under Subcontractor Submodule, and when the
subcontractor is working on-site (as identified in the Daily QC
Report/Contractors on Site.
Adding Contractor Payrolls
▪ Enter the editable fields (#1- #4) and enter any Contractor comments, if

▪ Once the entries have been made and the data is correct, click on Payroll
Ready for Review (Data field #5). Once this checkbox is checked, the
data becomes Read-Only, and Gov can view.

▪ Click the back button to save (commit) the record.

▪ The Payroll Status is updated to Submitted to Government.

Adding Contractor Payrolls Non-Work Day
Enter the editable fields (#1-#2)
• Once the entries have been made and the data is correct, click on
Payroll Ready for Review.
• Once this checkbox is checked, the data becomes Read-Only, and Gov
can view.

 Click the back button to Save (commit) the record.

• The Payroll Status is updated to Non-Work Week.

Contract Notification Control
Every Contractor user must go into this screen and setup how they want
to receive updates from RMS 3.0. They must enter their email address and
telephone number and enter the following options:

• Notify in RMS (recommended)

• Notify via SMS
• Notify via email

 More capability will be added to set up the Notification system in the future.

Contract Notification Control

Enter to receive notification when data has been
completed and ready for your action.

RMS 3.0 CM – Finances Tab

Chapter 6: Learning Objectives:
▪ Pay Activities ▪ Progress Payment
▪ Overview
▪ Adding a Pay Period
▪ Activity IDs - Identifiers
▪ Submodules ▪ Subcontractor Earnings and Deductions
▪ Financial Basics
▪ Pay Activities ▪ Prompt Payment Certification Report
▪ CLIN Assignment & Pricing
▪ Progress Payment ▪ Additional Earnings
▪ Financial Balancing for Modifications
▪ Stored Materials
▪ Editing – Add, Edit, Delete Options ▪ Payment POCs
▪ FAR Requirements

Table of Contents
RMS 3.0 CM Contract Menu Screen
Finances Tab

▪ Finances in Contractor Mode is very simple; there are only two submodules: Pay Activities and Progress Payment.

▪ Pay Activities will either be imported through the Standard Data Exchange Format (SDEF) import, or manually entered by
Contractor if a Gantt Chart is required by contract. Contractor after award should request Government to setup the schedule as
a NAS Schedule, or Manual Schedule, whatever is required by contract.

▪ If NAS Schedule is selected on Gov side the Contractor imports the pay request through a SDEF import under NAS (SDEF)

▪ If a Manual Schedule, Contractor must manually enter all Pay Activities to each CLIN, and ensure all CLINS and Activities are
balanced. Then, go to Schedules Module/Activity Schedule Submodule to manually enter scheduled start and finish dates for all

▪ Helpful Tips for Achieving Excellent Financial Implementation:

▪ Problems/issues are usually caused by bad planning, or decisions made without thinking about side effects.
▪ Keep things simple.
▪ Don’t make complicated identifiers or convolute things by using negative activities or unnecessarily swapping out activities.
▪ SDEF setup and import are VERY important! (Covered in following slide and Import/Export chapter).
Financial Basics

▪ The contract funding is broken down into priced CLINs (Contract Line Item Numbers).

▪ CLINs are either value based ($$), or quantity based. If the CLIN item is Unit Price based, it will be quantity based.

▪ The Government loads the award CLINs right after construction award. Make sure you know who your Gov POC is, and
soon after award contact them about gaining access to the contract in Contractor Mode.

▪ The Contractor enters Pay Activities and links to CLINs either manually, or via SDEF import. The Contractor ensures Pay
Activities Amount balance to each CLIN amount.

▪ Each Pay Activity ID must be assigned to a CLIN.

One CLIN may have multiple pay activity IDs attached to it . A payment cannot be
processed unless the activities balance with the CLIN.
Pay Activities
▪ Pay Activities are the focal point of the contract. Many items are linked to Pay Activities:
▪ Submittals, User Schools, Transfer Property, Installed Property, QC Tests, QA/QC Deficiencies.

▪ By utilizing the Contractor Pay Request Worksheet Report (Contract Reports Module), and Contractor Action
Items Report:
▪ The Contractor knows if all the QC requirements for Definable Features of Work are completed, or outstanding, before
requesting payment.

▪ The Government receives these same reports and knows if all the QC requirements are completed before allowing

Pay Activities must balance with Contract Line Item Numbers (CLINS) and Contract Amount; or else there will be a
variance and progress payment cannot be generated.
Activities Tab

▪ This is the Pay Activities tab view for a manual, or NAS, schedule.
Contractor after construction award will not see any activities, only the
CLINS. Contractor will see a variance between the current contract
amount and the sum of all activities.

▪ The CLIN/Sum of Activities box at the bottom shows a variance between

Sum of Activities and CLIN amounts. For a manual schedule Contractor
adds Pay Activities until the sum is balanced with the CLIN amount. In
this example the Sum of ALL Activities also shows a variance with the
Current Contract Amount.

▪ For a NAS schedule that have variances Contractor must make

changes in their P6 software, convert to SDEF format and re-import into
NAS (SDEF) submodule. Once the variance is corrected the Contractor
may process a pay request. Contractor must make corrections inside
schedule software and re-import SDEF.

▪ For a manual schedule you must adjust activities to regain the balance
between the Pay Activities amount and CLIN amount.

▪ This is the CLINs tab view for either a manual, or NAS, schedule where
All CLINs, Balanced CLINs and Unbalanced CLINs can be viewed.

▪ CLINs are added on Government side after construction award and after
a mod is added.

▪ CLIN 0001 is balanced with the sum of Pay Activities, so there will not be
any problem when entering progress payment.

▪ CLIN 0002 and CLIN 0003 are not balanced with the sum of Pay
Activities, and Contractor will need to make an adjustment in Pay

▪ For either a manual schedule, or NAS schedule, a payment cannot be

processed when there is a variance.
CLIN Assignment & Pricing

▪ This example shows a CLIN based on Quantity:

▪ If you enter the Activity Amount, the quantity will be computed.
▪ If you enter the Quantity, the Activity Amount will be computed.

▪ This example shows a CLIN based on Lump Sum Amounts:

▪ The only editable field is the Activity Amount.
▪ The Quantity is assumed to be “1”.
Financial Balancing for Modifications

▪ Any change to contract value (mods) will require a change in an existing CLIN, or require a new CLIN.

▪ Government will create the new CLIN for the mod after negotiations are completed, and will create a new
CLIN, or increase an existing CLIN. Government may assign a temporary Pay Activity equal to the mod
amount. Contractor can accept the Pay Activity, edit it, or create multiple pay activities as long as the sum of
the pay activities do not exceed the new CLIN amount.

▪ For credit mods, Government may reduce an existing CLIN, whether it be a quantity, or lump sum, CLIN. The
Contractor must adjust the quantity of the Pay Activity associated with the CLIN, or create a new Pay Activity
to account for the reduction in the CLIN lump sum amount.
Manually Add an Activity ID (Manual Schedule)

1. Open the Pay Activities view

2. Click on Add button

A pop-up form will be displayed:

3. Add Pay Activity Number .

4. Click OK.
Manually Add an Activity ID (Manual Schedule)

1. Tie the Pay Activity ID to a Subcontractor.

2. Click the Blue tile to select Feature of Work from lookup.

3. Enter the Description for the new Pay Activity.

4. Enter the Pay Activity Amount.

5. Use the Blue tile lookup to tie to correct CLIN.

6. Click the back button to save (commit) the record.

Edit a Manually Added Activity Amount (Manual Schedule)

1. Open the Pay Activities view.

2. Click on the Pay Activity ID.

3. Click on the Edit button.

1. Edit the Pay Activity amount.

2. In this case there is a variance of $1.5M between Sum of

Activities and CLIN amount.

3. To fix adjust Pay Activity amounts, or add additional Pay


4. Click the Back Button to save (commit) the record.

Delete a Manually Added Activity ID (Manual Schedule)
1. Open the Pay Activities view.

2. Click on the Pay Activity ID to Delete.

3. Click the Delete button.

4. Select the Delete Option which applies.

5. Confirm the Delete Activity on the pop-up form.

6. Click the back button to save (commit) the record.

Delete Multiple Manually Added Activity IDs (Manual Schedule)

1. Open the Pay Activities view.

2. Click on the Delete button.

3. Click on Enable Multiple Delete option.

4. Check the Pay Activity IDs to delete.

5. Click the Delete button, and select Delete Selected


6. Click the back button to save (commit) the record.

Delete All Manually Added Activity IDs (Manual Schedule)

1. Open the Pay Activities view.

2. Click on the Delete button.

3. Click on Delete All Activities option.

4. Be extremely careful!!

5. Confirm the delete ALL activities by clicking YES.

6. Click the back button to save (commit) the record.

Prepare for Pay Request, Manual, or NAS - Print Contractor Pay Request
• PE (Gov) must turn off QCS under Contract Setup Submodule, so payment can be
processed in RMS 3.0 CM and GM. If Contractor processes a pay request in QCS
2.38, Gov MUST process payment in RMS 2.38.

• The Contractor Pay Request Report with requested earnings is generated by the
Contractor in RMS 3.0 CM (see report on the left).

• A meeting is held with the Gov/Contractor to agree on Pay Request earnings for each
Progress Payment - SDEF

▪ After the meeting to discuss Contractor earnings Contractor enters the agreed-to Requested Earnings in their Schedule software and
generates a Standard Data Exchange Format text file (i.e., from Primavera, etc.). The Contractor goes to Import/Export/NAS (SDEF)
Submodule and imports the SDEF file in RMS 3.0 CM. The Contractor must ensure there are no variances in the SDEF file. If there is a
variance, or other errors, Government will reject the SDEF and ask the Contractor to fix the problem(s) in the scheduling software and
re-upload the SDEF.

▪ The Contractor clicks the Request Acceptance to import this Schedule requests the Government to review loaded SDEF, and
Government reviews/approves in NAS (SDEF) Submodule on Government side.

▪ The Contractor is automatically notified via Notification Control System that SDEF is approved and to proceed with importing Progress
Payment into RMS 3.0 CM. The Contractor clicks “Preview Import Earnings into Payment” and “Import into Invoice 1” and earnings will
upload into Progress Payment Submodule.

▪ The Notification System tells the Contractor when a SDEF file is accepted for import into contract. Also, Contractor is notified when a
Payment is completed by Government, or is returned to Contractor for corrections.

▪ After processing the Pay Request in Progress Payment Submodule the Contractor signs the Prompt Payment Certification and
Supporting Data for Contractor Payment Invoice in the Document Packages folder; and sends the pay request to the Government.

▪ In accordance with the Contract Clause, Prompt Payment for Construction Contracts, the Prompt Payment Act (PPA), payments are
required to be processed within 14 calendar days from receipt of proper invoice; for final payments process within 30 calendar days.
The Government ensures the pay request is correct and, if not, returns to the Contractor within 7 calendar days.
Progress Payment – SDEF

▪ The Progress Payments view shows all the ongoing and completed Progress
▪ Double click the Pay Request that was imported into NAS (SDEF)

Each Pay Request number is system generated. Contractor can add a new Pay Request once the Current Pay Request
is marked Completed.
Processing a Payment – SDEF

▪ Notice the blue tiles (All Activities, Activities not Fully Paid and Activities
with Earnings this Period).
• Copy Previous Activity Earnings button is located on CM and GM side.
• This allows Contractor, or Gov, to generate a pay request by copying activity
percentages from a previous Progress Payment. Then make changes to %, $$, or
quantities that have changed since last Progress Payment.

• Enter a Pay Period Thru and Payment Invoice Date (on the bottom),
• Requested Activity Earnings tab. Requested earnings for each Pay Activity
will be populated when the SDEF is imported. Ensure that earnings agree
with what was agreed with Government, or else pay request will be
• Screen at bottom shows Total Activity Amount and the associated CLIN (left
side) and total Requested Earnings for this Period (right side).
Only the current pay estimate can be edited; past invoices can only be
Processing a Payment – SDEF
• Subcontractor Earnings tab. Enter Subcontractor Earnings Deducted by
• Enter Subcontractor Amount Included in this Payment Estimate (excluding
Deductions) and Subcontractor Earnings deducted by Contractor (total to
• Additional Earnings tab. Click Requested Earnings Complete; and go to
Payment POC’s tab to complete Notice of Assignment, Notice of Defective
Invoice and Certification By.
• A Document Packages folder will automatically be created when Requested
Earnings Complete is checked, and a Prompt Payment Certification and
Supporting Data for Contractor Payment Invoice is added to the folder.
• Contractor signs the Invoice by clicking Total Allowed Earnings for this Pay
Period Entered button. Import any other supporting documents (Scheduling
Reports, DD 1354 Custom Report, etc.) inside the Document Packages folder.
▪ Write Contractor Notes to Government and click Submit for Review. Government will then be able to view the Contractor’s
Pay Request.
▪ The Document Packages folder then becomes Read Only. If changes need to be made, the Government will need to send
back to Contractor for corrections.

RMS 3.0 CM – QC Tab

Chapter 7: Learning Objectives:

▪ QC Summary ▪ QC Requirements ▪ Equipment Checks

▪ QC Tests
▪ QC Daily Reports ▪ Dredging Equipment
▪ User Schools
▪ Definable Features of Work ▪ Exposure hours
▪ Installed Property

▪ Three Phase Inspections ▪ Transfer Property ▪ Offline Mode

▪ Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)

Table of Contents
RMS 3.0 CM Contract Menu Screen
QC Summary
▪ This Submodule gives a quick overview of QC data provided by
the Government.

▪ Excellent source for researching contract data. Contractor and

Government use to research data for REA’s and claims.

▪ Tiles at the top filters all the different status groups.

▪ To filter for QC Deficiencies issued by QC Manager that need to

be Corrected:
▪ Click on Not Corrected box and the Data Grid will display every
deficiency not corrected.
▪ And you can see QC Deficiencies listed below.
QC Summary

▪ For Example:
▪ To view all the Activities Not Started, click on the Not Started box and
the data will show on the bottom screen.
QC Daily Reports

▪ Note the blue tiles. Click to view All Daily QC Reports, Completed QC Reports and
Not Completed QC Reports.

▪ Each row in the QC Daily Reports data grid represents a single day in the life of the
contract starting with the Notice to Proceed (NTP) date, and ending with the
construction completion date. If contract is a Design-Build, should also generate a QC
Daily during the design phase.

▪ Above the Data Grid is a Local Toolbar where you can Add, Edit, and Delete daily

▪ The QC Manager submits a QC Daily Report to the Government every day during the
construction. If you complete the QC Daily Report inside RMS 3.0 CM and transfer the
signed electronic report, check with your field office representative to see if that
satisfies the requirement to submit a daily QC report.

▪ How to send the QC Daily report electronically will be covered below.

Note: Contractor can delete a Daily Report as long as it has not been Completed by
Contractor. If you already sent the QC Daily to the Government, and need to make a
correction, contact the Government to send back for corrections. If there are errors, or
conflicting data in the QC Daily report, the Government will send back.
Add a QC Daily Report

▪ QC Manager creates a QC Daily report by entering data in all 9 blue tiles

(Weather, QC Narratives, QC/QA Deficiencies, QC Requirements,
Prep/Initial Inspections, Activities Started/Finished, Contractors on Site,
Labor/Equipment Hours, Accident Reporting).

▪ For QC Narratives it is recommended to add narratives on the first QC

Daily Report, and use the Copy from Previous Day” for each QC Daily

▪ As the Contractor enters data in each blue tile and clicks the BACK arrow
the changes will be added to the QC Daily Report to the right of the blue

▪ After entering all data in blue tiles click Report Completed. A Document
Package folder will automatically be created and an unsigned QC Daily
Report is added. Do not change the file name format created in Document
Packages folder; can only change the ending. NOTE: you will not be able
to make changes to QC Daily after checking completed.

▪ Double click the file name inside Document Packages folder to open folder
to add attachments and sign the QC Daily Report.
QC Daily Reports - Attachments

▪ Click Sign Selected Documents button to sign QC Daily Report. Click document
to be signed; click Next; ensure Digital Signature Position is QC Report – QC
Rep; click Finish (NOTE: Can enter a title with the signature.)

▪ After signing the QC Manager adds other attachments in Document’s Package

folder, such as completed Preparatory, or Initial, Inspection Worksheets, actual
QC Test Reports, completed AHA, and Photos, etc.. NOTE: QC Manager can
add a QC Test Report in Document Packages folder after the QC Daily Report
has been sent to Gov by creating a new Document Packages folder.

▪ Enter Contractor Notes to Government and click Submit for Review and QC
Daily Report and attachments will be sent to the Government. Contractors
should always ensure the QC Daily is signed prior to sending to the
Government, or Government will return.

▪ If Government returns a QC Daily Report to the Contractor all blue tiles in QC

Daily Report and Document Packages folder will become editable for the
Contractor. Once the Contractor completes the changes click Report Completed
in QC Daily Report and the revised QC Daily Report will be added to the
Document Packages folder. Contractor will re-sign, attach any new documents in
Document Packages folder, add notes to Contractor Notes to Government, click
Submit for Review and revised QC Daily Report will be sent back to the
Definable Features of Work (DFOW)
▪ DFOW will either be imported when loading the SDEF schedule, or,
manually entered when a Manual schedule is required in the contract.
For a Manual Schedule Contractor can add DFOW from a lookup, or
manually add.

▪ Once DFOW have been entered, enter Number of Days after

Preparatory that Initial Inspection is Scheduled.

▪ It’s not advisable to enter DFOW manually before you import your NAS
schedule because, if you enter the DFOWs correctly, the DFOWs will
double up.

▪ Contractor can only DELETE a DFOW only if it is not tied to Three-

Phase Inspections.
Three Phase Inspections
▪ Three phases of control are conducted for each DFOW:
▪ Preparatory (prior to any work started)
▪ Initial (after a portion of work is completed; establishes workmanship).
▪ Follow-up (daily checks until DFOW is completed).

▪ Contractor has five options to add inspection checks and repetitive

deficiencies to the Preparatory and Initial Inspection Worksheet to be
used in Preparatory and Initial Inspection meetings with the Government.
They are:
▪ Manually Add Inspection Check
▪ Copy Checks from 3 Phase Inspections in Library
▪ Copy Checks form 3 Phase Inspections in Contract
▪ Select Checks from 3 Phase Checks in Gov Library
▪ Select Checks from Work Types in Gov Library (Preferred)

▪ Contractor must manually add dates and times for each DFOW
Preparatory and Initial meetings under Schedules/Feature Schedule.
Keep meeting dates and times current so QA won’t be asking when the
Prep meeting will be held.
Three Phase Inspections
 When creating Prep and Initial Inspection Worksheets recommend using Select
Checks Using Work Types in Library option. This option will pull all inspection
checks and repetitive deficiencies from the Gov Library pertaining to the DFOW.
Then use other options to finish Worksheet Report.

▪ When all the data shows in the screen below go to Contract

Reports/QAQC/Three Phase Control Worksheet – Initial to print a
Preparatory, or Initial, Worksheet Report to take to the meeting.

▪ Or, you can click Export to generate a report in Excel, or PDF, for
Preparatory, or Initial, Inspection meetings of the DFOW. You can sort this
data and attach to an Agenda to be used for Preparatory, or Initial,

▪ As a reminder, the Preparatory meeting will be held after all submittals are
approved and Gov QA will have reviewed the Contractor’s DFOW
Worksheet and AHA, and materials delivered on-site are checked against
the approved submittals.
Three Phase Inspections
 Completing Preparatory and Initial Worksheets must be accomplished 1-2 weeks prior to
Inspection meetings, so QA can review and add his/her comments. When you create the
inspection checks the QA will be able to view in Gov Mode. But, QC Manager should sort all
Preparatory, and Initial, comments and generate a PDF Report using Export, attach to an
Agenda, and email to the QA for comments.

 There is no Document Packages folder for Three Phase Inspections.

 AHA Submodule does have a Document Packages folder, so you could attach the
Preparatory, or Initial, Inspection Meeting Agenda along with the Draft AHA’s so QA can
review both documents prior to the Preparatory meeting, or Initial, Inspection meetings.

 After Government QA returns comments to Preparatory Inspection Worksheet and inspects

material/equipment on-site and all submittals have been approved, Contractor will have the
green light to conduct the Preparatory meeting. After a successful Prep meeting Contractor
can go to work.

 After Preparatory meetings are held the Preparatory Worksheet and AHA may be edited and
signed and saved to your C:\ drive and then attached to the QC Daily Report Document
Packages folder on the date the meeting was held .
Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)

 Per “Safety and Health Requirements Manual” (EM 385-1-1), requirement for
developing an AHA:
 01.1.13. Before beginning each work activity involving a type of work (DFOW)
presenting hazards not experienced in previous project operations, or where a
new work crew, or sub-contractor, is to perform the work, the Contractor(s)
performing that work activity shall prepare an Activity Hazard Analysis.

 In AHA Submodule click Add and enter Description and tie to Feature of Work.

 Contractor completes the AHA outside of RMS 3.0 CM, using the Safety Office
approved AHA form, and import into the AHA Document Packages folder.

 Contractor could attach the Preparatory, or Initial, Inspection Worksheet with the
AHA in the AHA Document Packages folder, and send to the Government 1-2
weeks prior to the Preparatory, or Initial, meeting. QA should provide comments
back to the Contractor prior to the Preparatory, or Initial, meeting.

 After the Preparatory, or Initial, meeting, if the AHA is changed, make the
necessary changes and add signed AHA and Preparatory, or Initial, Inspection
Worksheet Reports to the QC Daily Report as an attachment.
Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) Attachment

 Attach the Safety Office approved AHA form to the Document Packages form
using the Drag and Drop feature.

 The AHA can then be signed using Sign Selected Documents.

 Contractor enters Contractor Notes to Government and click Submit for

Review. QA will be able to see the AHA to start their review. Gov will return
comments prior to Prep and Initial meetings.

 The AHA for the DFOW is always discussed at the Preparatory and Initial
Meetings, and adhered to during the follow-up inspections.

 There is no link on the AHA submodule to the QC Daily Report Document

Packages folder; so attach the official signed AHA to QC Daily Report
Document Packages folder the day the Preparatory, or Initial, Inspection
meeting are held.

 Work cannot begin until the AHA for the DFOW has been accepted by USACE
at the Preparatory meeting.
QC Requirements
▪ Contractors adds planned QC Requirements data here outside of the QC Daily
Report (i.e., User Schools, Installed Property and Transfer Property), except for
QC Tests.

▪ QC Manager will complete QC requirement data inside the QC Daily Report

under QC Requirements when the material, or equipment, is installed; when a
User School is held; when property is transferred from Contractor to customer.

▪ QC requirements are tied to DFOW, which are tied to Activities. So, when the
QA runs the Contractor Pay Request Worksheet Report or Contractor Action
Report it shows what QC Requirements are not completed for a DFOW.

▪ QC Tests: RMS 3.0 CM does not allow entering planned QC tests; so, it’s
suggested that Contractors enter planned QC tests in their QC Plan; and actual
QC tests added inside the QC Daily report under QC Tests when they occur.

▪ Gov performs QA tests (10% of Contractor’s QC tests) to verify QC Test results.

The Gov will select what QC tests will be verified with a QA test. The
Government may just witness your QC test to verify results.
QC Requirements – QC Tests
▪ Add QC Test inside QC Daily Report in QC Requirements when they occur. Click Add
and then Add QC Test. The QC Test No. is system generated. Contractor enters raw
QC test data in Description data field. Enter following info for QC Test:
▪ Spec Section and paragraph.
▪ Location of test (click Select location from Lookup).
▪ Testing company performing the test.

▪ Tie QC test to schedule activity with a lag/lead time by selecting Activity from a lookup (after
Contractor Schedule is loaded).
▪ Enter Lag/Lead, if QC test must be accomplish before the start, after the start of the Activity.
▪ Enter detailed first line under Description, so Contractor will be able to find raw test data after
several hundred QC tests have been taken.
▪ Enter all raw test data under Description, such as number of concrete cylinders taken,
concrete temp, ambient temp, slump, air entrainment, etc. It makes it easier to find test
results, if added here and not the narratives.
▪ Since there is no Document Packages in QC Requirements add the QC Test report to
QC Daily Reports Document Packages folder when you receive the Testing Lab’s
report. Add to QC Daily Report when QC test was taken.
▪ Note the two QC Test Reports in Contract Reports: QC Test Listing and QC Test Status
QC Requirements – User Schools
▪ Add Planned User Schools to QC Requirements outside of QC Daily Report. Click Add, then Add User
School. The User School number is system generated. A User School is any training required by
specifications the Contractor will provide for the customer, such as HVAC training.
▪ After Construction Award enter planned User Schools identified in

▪ Add scheduled dates for User Training. The Government will notify the
customer when the training dates are scheduled.

▪ On the actual date of training Contractor will complete the User School
data inside the QC Daily Report.

▪ Note the User School Listing Report under Contract Reports.

QC Requirements – Installed Property
▪ Initially, add Installed Property outside of QC Daily Report. Click Add and then Add Installed
Property. The Installed Property number is system generated.
▪ It’s recommended to start adding planned installed property after Construction Award;
enter first based on specifications, then from submittal information, then information
from actual equipment arriving on-site.

▪ On the day the installed property is installed the Contractor selects the material, or
equipment, inside the QC Daily Report from the Installed Property list inside. Complete
remaining information of installed property and check Completed. The QC Daily Report
will indicate property was installed on this date.

▪ The Gov QA will Concur, or Re-issue, when installed property comes over on the Gov

▪ Government reviews each month the Installed Property Report for each monthly pay
request; funds may be withheld if Installed Property is not being added in Installed
Property Submodule.

▪ The Contractor is required by Closeout specification to generate the Interim DD 1354

(Real Property). The Interim DD 1354 and Installed Property reports are submitted to
the Government 2 weeks prior to the Red Zone meeting; discussed during the Red
Zone meeting; and submitted via ENG 4025 to the Government 2 weeks after Red
Zone meeting.
QC Requirements – Transfer Property
▪ Add Transfer Property initially outside of QC Daily Report. Click Add and then Add
Transfer Property. The Transfer Property number is system generated.
▪ Contractor adds all planned and unplanned Transfer Property.

▪ Planned transfer property, required by specifications, are entered after

a review of the specifications.

▪ Unplanned transfer property may occur during construction between

Contractor and Customer. For example, Contractor purchases 6-inch
pvc drain piping per contract. A mod revises to 10-inch pvc drain pipe,
and User wants the purchased 6-inch pvc drain pipe.

▪ Prior to the transfer of property the Contractor enters the transfer

property in the QC Daily Report and checks property was transferred
on a specific date.

▪ The final Transfer Property ENG Form 1149 Report is generated by

the Government, and is attached to the Interim DD Form 1354
provided to the customer at turnover.
Equipment Checks

• When Contractor brings maintainable equipment to the site the

equipment information is entered into the Equipment Checks form.

▪ The equipment entered will be added to the lookup to track equipment hours in the QC Daily
Report Module.

3 4
Exposure Hours

▪ Prime Contractor is required to provide a monthly Exposure Report in

the first week of each month.

▪ At the beginning of the month the previous month will appear in this
screen and you can generate the Exposure Report for the previous

▪ Highlight month and click Edit.

Exposure Hours

• Add hours from the QC Daily labor by clicking Copy and Yes to the
question, Do you want to copy the labor hours from the daily QC
Reports for the month of ___.

• Contractor can overwrite the labor hours generated from the QC

Daily Reports, if man-hours are tracked by another method.

• NOTE: Be sure to enter labor hours for field management

personnel in the QC Daily Reports (i.e., QC Manager, PM,
Superintendent, SSHO, etc.).
Exposure Hours

▪ After exposure hours are entered enter Submitter name and click
Completed – Ready to send to the Government. Click Yes to the
question, Are you sure you would like to mark these exposure hours

▪ An Exposure Report is automatically added to the Contractor

Document Packages folder. Go into folder and sign using Sign
Selected Documents feature. Add comments under Contractor Notes
to Government and click Submit for Review. The month exposure
hours will then be made available to the Government for review,
acceptance or rejection. QA comments will come back to the
Contractor under Gov Remarks text box.

▪ Be sure the Exposure Report is signed, or Government will send back

if you don’t.

▪ Click Back.

▪ Export allows the Contractor to export Exposure hours in an Excel, or

PDF, report.
Making Corrections to Exposure Hours

▪ If you forget to sign, or Government sends Exposure back for

corrections, the Government will click Return for Corrections and
Hours not Accepted and the Contractor’s Document Packages folder
will open.

▪ To sign the Exposure Report the Contractor opens the Month in

question and double click the Contractor’s Document Packages folder.
Click Sign Selected Documents. Check Document Title and click
Next; make sure Digital Signature Position shows Exposure Hours
Report - Submitter (Contractor) and click Finish. You can click View
Document to see if document is signed. Enter notes to Government in
Contractor Notes to Government, and click Submit for Review. Click
Back Arrow to accept changes.

▪ Click Completed and Back.

Online/Offline Mode

▪ This feature is still being Beta tested.

1 ▪ In the Prime Contractor Selection View, click the Switch to
Offline Mode button, and Click Ok.

▪ Select Prime Contractor to be used offline, and click Ok.

Online/Offline Mode

▪ Select the Contracts to be used offline, and click OK.

▪ Select the modules for each contract you wish to use
while offline.

While Offline

▪ Changes will be saved only to the computer you are using. This means that any changes made
offline will not be seen by other users until a transition back to Online Mode is completed.
▪ After completing the Offline transition, RMS will remember that you are in an offline session, even
if you close the application and login again.
▪ It is recommended to minimize offline session time to ensure all changes can be synchronized
with the online database.

Offline Mode
Transition Back to Online Mode

▪ After clicking the [Switch to Offline Mode] button, the button will change into a [Switch
to Online Mode] button.
▪ Further instructions will be provided to transfer any changes that were saved to your
computer during offline session to the Online Database.
▪ This process will be largely automated, but may require occasional user entry.

Offline Mode

RMS 3.0 CM – Submittals Tab

Chapter 8: Learning Objectives:

▪ Specification Sections ▪ Transmittal Log

▪ Add a Transmittal Log
▪ Submittal Register
▪ Contract Requirement
▪ Post-Award Responsibilities

Table of Contents
RMS 3.0 CM Contract Menu Screen
Specification Sections

 Masterformat 1995 format, 2004 format and 2014 format spec sections are utilized to add
Submittal items for the Submittal Register. Select whichever spec section library is
needed to build your submittal register.

 In a Design-Bid-Build contract a draft Submittal Register is provided in the specifications.

That’s the starting place for the Contractor to build the submittal register in RMS 3.0 CM.

 In a Design-Build contract the Contractor will generate the specifications in Specsintact,

and will generate a Specsintact file. This file will be provided to the Gov and imported into
RMS 3.0 GM. The Submittal Register will then be made available to the Contractor in
RMS 3.0 CM.
Add a Submittal Register
▪ In RMS 3.0 GM Gov will setup Gov review period (30 cal days) for reviewing
submittals, number of copies and default Government reviewers. Contractor can
create multiple submittal registers (i.e., for design phase and construction phase
in a design-build contract). With the advent of electronic copies the number of
hard copies should be a minimum.

▪ Contractor has 3 options to build a Submittal Register:

1) Manually add submittal items.
2) Use Excel Template to enter basic Submittal Register structure (i.e., Spec
Section, Paragraph Number, Description of Submittal Item, Type of
Submittal, Classification and Reviewing Office). Download the Excel
Template inside RMS 3.0 CM under Import/Export and complete each
submittal item in Submittal Register Submodule.
3) Government download Specsintact file, generated by Contractor in design-
build contracts, into RMS 3.0 GM.
 Can sort Submittal Register by each column using filter tool.
 In future release print preview for Submittal Register will be added here, so
Contractor won’t have to go to Contract Reports.
Add a Submittal Register
▪ RMS 3.0 CM now tracks Outstanding Submittal Items – KTR Action
Required, Items in Review – Govt Action Required, and Completed Items.
Also, data such as the number of due submittals greater than 7 days,
due submittals in less than 7 days, and Overdue submittals.

▪ After completing all submittal items in the Submittal Register Contractor

should link submittal items to an Activity once NAS Schedule is loaded
into RMS 3.0 CM. Enter all material and equipment submittals and their
Lag/Lead time, Procurement Period and Government review days.
Contractor can generate the Submittal Register each month and will tell
you when material, or equipment, submittal needs to be submitted to the
Government; when approval is needed by; and when material, or
equipment, is needed on-site. This report will help regulate the timely flow
of materials on-site.
Add a Submittal Item
▪ Manually Adding Submittal Items:

• Contractor must add Spec Sections from various Masterformat libraries

under Specifications Sections submodule.

1. Then, go to Submittal Register and click Add.

2. Select Section (01100) to add new submittal item; then click Next.

3. Enter/Edit the Item Number and Item Number Extension on the form
and click Finish.

4. The new Submittal Item form will be displayed.

5. Add the new Submittal Item info and click BACK to save (commit) the
new submittal. Note you can add a Start Date.

6. Build your submittal register based on GA, or FIO, items noted in the
specs, and submit to the Government, via ENG 4025, for approval.
Transmittal Log

▪ Review/approval, on a ENG Form 4025 of materials and equipment is a

control activity to ensure the Contractor meets the quality of the plans and

▪ Contractor generates a ENG Form 4025 in Transmittal log after entering

required submittal items into the Submittal Register.

▪ Contractor can track the transmittal approval in the blue tiles from Draft
Transmittals to Completed Transmittals.

▪ If a resubmittal is required, a Contractor Received date under Completed

Transmittals blue tile must be entered. Then, RMS 3.0 CM will automatically
add a re-submittal number for that submittal item.

▪ When the transmittal item is selected information on the transmittal appears

at the bottom of the screen.
Add a Transmittal
▪ Go to Transmittal Log, click Add.

▪ A list of Spec Sections with outstanding submittals will come up.

▪ Select the Spec Sec and name you want to develop a transmittal, and click

▪ A list of outstanding submittal items associated with the Spec section comes
up. Select which items will be included in the Transmittal ENG 4025, and
click Next.

▪ Assign Transmittal Number item for New Transmittal by entering a

Transmittal Prefix and Extension; click Finish.
Add a Transmittal
An ENG 4025 screen will come up.

1. Enter Date Prepared.

2. No. of Copies and Classification entered by Government.

3. Contractor enters QC code and clicks Variation, if material varies from

specification. Add reasons for variation under Contractor Remarks to Government.

4. Click Attachments icon next to each Submittal Item and a Contractor Document
Packages folder and Government Document Packages folder will appear. Click Add
to create a Contractor Document Packages folder. Add backup data for the
transmittal line item using the Drag and Drop feature. You can sign the backup data
by clicking Sign Selected Documents and choose one of options (first page bottom
left, etc.) to sign backup data. Add Contractor Notes to Government and click
Submit for Review. This task should be repeated for each transmittal item.

 After all submittal data is entered click Contractor Data Entry Completed
– Create 4025. A Document Packages folder will be created and an ENG
4025 will be created and added to Contractor Document Package folder.
Add a Transmittal
▪1 Go into Document Packages folder.

2▪ Sign ENG 4025 by clicking Sign Selected Documents; select document to be

signed and click Next; ensure Digital Signature Position shows ENG 4025, in
the Document Signature Position Lookup; then click Finish.

3▪ Export Selected Documents feature allows you to send the transmittal backup
data to your C: drive to attach to an email. This feature will be used by the
Government when they receive your data, and they email data to the
Customer, or DOR, to review.

4▪ Enter Contractor Notes to Government.

5▪ Click Submit for Review and Document Package folder will become Read only
after this.

6 Be sure Contractor Document Packages folder status shows In Review, and

then click Contractor Completed – Ready to Send to Gov. Click Yes, to
finalize the transmittal. The Government will then be able to see the
transmittal and start their review.
Submittal Assignments
 Submittal Assignments allows for batch type operations on submittal
register items.

 Click on the Update button to access these operations such as replacing

invalid reviewers, or replacing one reviewer with another.

 You can assign Activity to transmittal item.


RMS 3.0 CM – Schedules Tab

Chapter 9: Learning Objectives:

▪ Activity Schedule

▪ Feature Schedule

Table of Contents
RMS 3.0 CM Contract Menu Screen
▪ Review of Contractor’s P6 schedule will continue to be outside of RMS 3.0 CM using the Contractor’s P6 Schedule software (also Microsoft
Project, or any software than can generate a SDEF text file). Loading the schedule into RMS 3.0 CM is mostly used for importing the
Contractor’s Pay Request, and linking contract requirements to activities.

▪ The only Schedule submodules are 1) Activity Schedule, and 2) Feature Schedule.

▪ Activity Schedule: Activities can be entered by either 1) Network Analysis Schedule (NAS) converted to the Standard Data Exchange format
(SDEF), or 2) Manual Schedule (Gantt).

▪ The toggle button to select Manual schedule or NAS schedule is on the Gov side. Early after award Contractor should ensure that RMS 3.0 CM
can receive a NAS schedule, if it’s a contract requirement. If not, contact field office POC to convert to NAS schedule.

▪ For a NAS schedule the Contractor will load his SDEF file under Import/Export/NAS (SDEF) Submodule.

▪ For Manual Schedules (Gantt) the Contractor will manually add Pay Activities under Finances/Pay Activities and enter Scheduled
Start/Scheduled Finish dates under Schedules/Activity Schedule submodule. Actual start and finish dates will be entered in QC Daily Reports.

▪ If there is a variance showing under Pay Activities submodule/Activities tab, go to CLIN’s tab to see what CLIN(s) are unbalanced. For a NAS
schedule make the changes to remove the variance in the scheduling software (i.e., P6), re-convert to SDEF file and upload into the NAS
(SDEF) Submodule. For a manual schedule you can manually create a new Activity, or adjust an existing activity.

▪ By clicking the blue Activities tiles you can view All Activities or Activities with no CLIN/Invalid CLIN. For the blue CLINs you can view All CLINs,
Balanced CLINS and Unbalanced CLINs.
NAS Schedule

 If contract requires a NAS schedule, the Government will enable the NAS
Schedule SDEF upload on Gov side.
 Prior to the monthly schedule meeting the Contractor loads requested
earnings in Progress Payment Submodule and creates the Contractor Pay
Request Worksheet Report and submits to the Government for review. A
meeting is held with the Government to review/agree on requested earnings
for each Activity.
 After the meeting the Contractor loads the agreed-to earnings in their
scheduling software (i.e., P6) and converts the .XER schedule file to a SDEF
file using the XER to P3/SDEF Project Conversion software. The SDEF file is
uploaded into RMS 3.0 CM under Import/Export/NAS (SDEF) Submodule.
 After Contractor uploads the SDEF click the Request Acceptance to Import
this Schedule button so Government can review/accept the SDEF file inside
of RMS 3.0 GM under NAS (SDEF) Submodule. The Government is notified
by RMS 3.0 Notification system that SDEF Schedule submitted for import
 Once accepted by the Government the Contractor will be notified, via the
Notification System, and schedule will become visible to the Contractor, and
the Approval Status in SDEF Import File will change to Accepted for Import.
NAS Schedule

 The Contractor clicks Preview Data Import into Contract button,

and click Import SDEF data into Contract button to import the
activity schedule into the Activity Schedule Submodule.

 If there are any errors, or variances between the CLINs and Pay
Activities in the SDEF file, the Government will disapprove the
SDEF file. Contractor will make revisions in P6 schedule, re-
converts to a SDEF file and uploads into NAS (SDEF)
Submodule for Government approval.

▪ If pay request earnings were imported along with SDEF, click

Preview Import Earnings into Payment. Then, click Import into
Invoice and Pay Request will be imported into Progress Payment
Submodule. Pay Requests will be covered in a later slide.

▪ Click the back button to save (commit) the record.

Manual Schedule

 If contract requires a manual schedule, the Government will enable the manual Schedule on Gov side.

 Contractor must first add all Pay Activities under Finances/Pay Activities Submodule, and enter
Subcontractor, Feature of Work, Duration, Work Category, Activity Amount, CLIN and Quantity, if bid
item is a unit cost.

 Ensure there are no variances between CLIN amount and Sum of Activities and Current Contract and
Sum of All Activities.

 If there is a variance, go to CLINs tab under Pay Activities submodule to see which CLIN has the
variance. To correct add a new Activity, or adjust an existing Activity.

 When all Activities have been added and there are no variances, proceed to Schedule Module/Activity
Schedule Submodule. For each Activity enter a Scheduled Start and Scheduled Finish date.

 The Actual Start and Actual Finish dates are Read Only because the actual dates come over from the
QC Daily Submodule.

 On the Activity Schedule screen notice you can sort Activities by clicking one of blue tiles (All Activities,
Not Started, In Progress, Not Finished and Finished).
Feature Schedules
▪ Entered by the Contractor to plan Preparatory, Initial and Follow-Up inspections for each Definable Features of Work

▪ RMS 3.0 CM generates a Feature Schedule by finding the first activity scheduled to start under a feature and the last
activity scheduled to be finished under a feature.

▪ This rolled-up Feature Schedule makes an excellent schedule for easily monitoring the progress on a contract. The
customers find this schedule very easy to understand.

▪ Gov QA can look in Feature Schedule on Gov side to see when Preparatory and Initial inspections will be held. That
is, if the dates are entered by the Contractor.

▪ Recap on some rules for Definable Features of Work:

▪ The Contractor’s Quality Control Plan requires that the contract be organized according to DFOW.
▪ All Contractor Activities must be assigned to one and only one DFW.
▪ The DFOW may have MANY Activities linked to it.
▪ The DFOW in the Quality Control Plan must match those in the Scheduling program.
Feature Schedules
▪ Example of Feature Schedule (under Schedules/Feature Schedule).

▪ After Features of Work are entered into RMS 3.0 CM, either by importing NAS
schedule, or manually entering, Contractor must enter scheduled and actual
dates of Preparatory and Initial Inspection meetings here.
▪ This will be the QA’s info source for when a Preparatory, or Initial, Inspection
Meeting will be held.
▪ Double click the Feature of Work and enter scheduled, or actual, date and time
for the Preparatory and Initial Inspection meetings.
▪ The Start Date and Finish Date will be automatically populated by the program.
It’s calculated by taking the earliest start date of all Activities linked to the
Feature of Work, and the latest finish date of all activities associated with the
Feature of Work.
▪ At the bottom of the screen is the Activities that define the Start and Finish
dates of the Feature of Work.

RMS 3.0 CM – Closeout Tab

Chapter 10: Learning Objectives:

▪ Warranty Tracking

Table of Contents
RMS 3.0 CM Contract Menu Screen
Warranty Tracking

▪ Warranty items are those Contractor actions to correct deficiencies from turnover to 12 months after turnover.

▪ Warranty items can be entered by Government, or Contractor, as they are reported by the facility occupant. The warranty items are
entered for the four-month and nine-month Post-Completion Inspections.

▪ When a warranty item is given to the Contractor they will investigate the warranty item and correct as soon as possible. The
Government will track and confirm completion and clears out warranties in QA Daily Reports.

▪ Normally contract requires a four-month and nine-month warranty Inspection. In some contracts the warranty items are entered
during the whole 12 month warranty period.

▪ Under MILCON contracts the Contractor will be evaluated in how well Contractor assists the Government in contract closeout.
Warranty Tracking
▪ To start click Add and enter Warranty Title.

▪ Enter Warranty Start date and Warranty End Date.

▪ Once Contractor clicks the four month, or nine month inspection

required, enter Inspection Due Date and enter Warranty items. Or, click
Add to create a Document Packages folder and import list of warranty
items in the folder. Click Submit for Review and Government will be able
to review the Contractor’s list of warranty items.

▪ If you uncheck the 4-month or 9-month warranty inspection, you cannot

add an individual warranty item.

▪ If 4-month and 9-month inspections are held enter dates click Four
month inspection complete, or Nine Month Inspection Complete.
▪ Future Release:

▪ Contractor for new contracts is required by contract to generate an Interim DD Form

1354 prior to turnover. There is no way to generate a DD Form 1354 inside RMS 3.0
CM; so Contractors will be adding the ability to generate the Interim DD Form 1354
inside the program.

▪ Closeout specification requires Contractor to generate a monthly custom report named Earnings for Real
Property Category Codes in Scheduling software (P6, Microsoft Project). This monthly report is submitted to
the Government for review to track earnings for each Real Property Category Codes. To accomplish this the
Contractor will utilize category codes in the Draft ENG 1354, assign activities to each Category Code and
report the Category codes, earnings and updated quantities in each monthly report. The Government will
review each monthly custom report.

▪ Two weeks prior to Red Zone meeting Contractor will submit to Government an Interim DD Form 1354
(downloaded from internet). During the meeting the Interim DD 1354 will be discussed during the Red Zone
meeting. Two weeks after the Red Zone meeting the Contractor will submit an Interim DD 1354 to the
Government, via ENG 4025.

RMS 3.0 CM – Import/Export

Chapter 11: Learning Objectives

▪ Import/Export
▪ Import Submittals

Table of Contents
RMS 3.0 CM Contract Menu Screen
Import Submittals
▪ Contractor can download the Excel Template under
Import/Export/Import Submittals to generate a Submittal register on an
Excel document.

▪ Excel Template will have columns for Submittal Sections, Submittal

Item Numbers, Submittal Descriptions, Submittal Paragraphs,
Submittal Types and GA, or FIO.

▪ Contractor loads the basic structure of the Submittal Register in the

Excel Template. Once submittal items are loaded into the Excel
Template, import into Import Transmittals using Overwrite Existing
Submittals feature.

▪ From then on importing from the Excel Template Contractor will utilize
the feature Merge with Existing Submittals.
Import QC Deficiencies
▪ Contractor can download the Excel Template under
Import/Export/Import QC Deficiencies to generate a Deficiency items
list on an Excel document.

▪ Excel Template will have columns for Location, Safety Violation,

Description, Activity.

▪ Contractor may use the QC Deficiencies Excel Template to enter QC

deficiencies during the Punchout, Pre-final and Final inspections, and
then upload into RMS 3.0 CM.

▪ After importing of deficiencies using the template QC deficiencies will

populate in QC Deficiencies under QC Daily Report submodule.
Import SpecsIntact
▪ Contractor’s SpecsIntact file, which was developed when editing the
specifications for a Design-Build contract, can now be uploaded on
Contractor side. Before, only the Government could upload the
SpecsIntact file on Government side.

▪ The SpecsIntact file when uploaded will create a Submittal Register.

Contractor will then have to go into Submittal Register and complete
the data fields for each submittal item.
 After meeting with the Government each month to agree on Monthly Updated Schedule
and Pay Activity Earnings, the Contractor loads the NAS schedule with earnings and
generates a .XER file. Contractor converts the .XER file to a SDEF file. The SDEF file is
uploaded into RMS 3.0 CM under Import/Export/NAS (SDEF). Click Add and Select File,
then Next..

 The Contractor will click Request Acceptance to Import this Schedule button to request
the Government to review/approve the SDEF file. The Government will be notified by
RMS 3.0 Notification system that SDEF Schedule submitted for import acceptance. The
Government will review/approve the SDEF file in the NAS (SDEF) Submodule.

 After Government approval the Contractor will receive the notification SDEF Schedule
Contractor accepted for import. And the Approval Status of the SDEF Import File on the Contractor
screen shot side will change to Accepted for Import.

 Contractor will click Preview Data Import into Contract button, and click the Import SDEF
data into Contract button to bring the schedule inside the contract under Activity
Schedule Submodule.

 During the Government review if CLINs are not balanced, or other problems occur, the
Government will send the SDEF back to the Contractor for corrections.

 Contractor should set up the Notification System for each staff member on the RMS 3.0
Government CM side to receive notification messages. Recommend setting up notifications inside
Screen Shot RMS 3.0 CM.
Document Package Export
▪ Contractor can download all signed documents stored in the QC and
QA Document Packages folders in all submodules to your computer.

▪ If you check Include Signed Documents Only, only signed documents

will be uploaded to your computer.

RMS 3.0 CM – Contract Reports


Chapter 12: Learning Objectives:

▪ Contract Reports

Table of Contents
RMS 3.0 CM Contract Menu Screen
Contract Reports

▪ All contract reports are visible, for all menu items, when the user clicks on Contract Reports Module

▪ Click on one of the blue tiles (i.e., Admin, Finance, QAQC, Schedule, Submittal), and the report selection will appear below.

▪ The user can toggle between the different types of reports

▪ Running the report has same steps as 2.38.


RMS 3.0 CM – Government Library

Chapter 13: Learning Objectives:

▪ Overview ▪ Submittal Types

▪ Specification Sections ▪ Contractor Trades

▪ Submittal Types ▪ Labor Classifications

Government Library Table of Contents

Government Library

▪ The Government Library has five lists which are controlled by the
Districts, or by USACE. These lists of values are used on different
forms in RMS 3.0 CM and RMS 3.0 GM.

▪ What is the value of controlling data entry?

▪ Users have to select from the pre-defined data.
▪ Sorting and grouping on these lists has great added value.
▪ Reports have consistent data.

▪ District Level Lists:

▪ The District level lists can be updated by Government at each District, as
▪ Contractor needs to verify all applicable data is included in the contracts.
▪ Contractor may request the Government to add data to Government
Library, so Contractor may use (i.e., Category Code, Labor Classification,
Contractor trades,, Labor Classification).

Government Library
Work Categories

▪ Work Category Codes are used for reporting and sorting purposes.

▪ If any additional codes are needed, contact the USACE

Representative for the contract.

▪ These codes are linked to pay activities in the Finances – Pay

Activities screen; and is used on the Deficiency Items report by both
the QA/QC staff.
Specification Sections
▪ MasterFormat version 1995, 2004 and 2014 specification
sections are stored here in Government Library.

▪ Masterformat 1995 format with 16 Spec Divisions, 2004

format with 50 Spec Divisions and 2014 Format is utilized to
develop Spec Sections for the Submittal Register.
Submittal Types
▪ There are eleven submittal descriptions used on the Corps of Engineers

▪ Additional submittal types can be set up by each District.

▪ These are used when a Submittal Register is created for a contract.

▪ You can sort by SD Number inside Submittal Register.

Contractor Trades

▪ Contractor trades help group Subcontractors allowing for reports

(correspondence, comments, punch list items) to sort data based on
contractor trades.

▪ RMS uses Contractor trades to calculate percentages and types of

subcontracted work that is required for the Contractor Appraisal (DD
Form 2626).

▪ The trades link Labor Classifications for tracking purposes.

Labor Classifications

▪ Labor Classifications listed here are used in the Labor

Interviews and QC Daily Report submodules.

▪ Labor Classifications listed in the lookup may not be labor

classifications in your contract.

▪ Contractor needs to verify that all applicable classifications are

included in the contract.

▪ If not Contractor must contact the Government Representative

to add the contract labor classification.
RMS 3.0 CM – End of Training


RMS 3.0 CM

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