Ge8292 - Engineering Mechanics

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Department of Mechanical Engineering,
PSNA College of Engineering and Technology,
What is Engineering Mechanics?
Engineering Mechanics
Basics of Engineering Mechanics
Types of Body
Scalar and Vector Quantities
Force and its Characteristics
Laws of Engineering Mechanics
Units System
Engineering Mechanics-Basics
 It is the Oldest Science dated back to 300 BC.
 It is the basic science that deals with the Effect of a
Body under the action of Forces.
 Effect means a state of Rest (Statics) or Motion
 Body (Object)
◦ Solid
◦ Liquid
◦ Gas
◦ Engineering Mechanics
Solid Body -Type
Deformable Body Vs Rigid Body
Deformable Body: The distance between two
points in a body changes under the action of
Rigid Body: The distance between two points
in a body does not change under the action of
Idealization: Rigid Body and
Rigid Body: Mass or/and Dimensions are
Particles: in a rigid body, if the Mass or/and
Dimensions are NOT considered, then it is
particle. Also known as Object Idealization

 Ex:-
Scalar and Vector Quantities
 Scalar Quantities: It has a Magnitude alone. Ex:- time ,
volume , speed, mass , temperature , distance, entropy,
energy , work.
 Vector Quantities: It has both Magnitude and Direction.
Ex:- acceleration , velocity , momentum , force 
weight and change of scalar quantities ex: change in
volume (Increasing or decreasing)
Force and its characteristics
 Force: As per Newton’s II Law, it can able to
change the state of any objects.
 It is Characterized by,
 Magnitude
 Direction
 Point of Application
 Line of Application
◦ If any of these characters change , then effect will
also be varied
Force and its characteristics
Force and its characteristics

Fig.1 Fig.2
Law of Mechanics
Newton’s I Law
Newton’s II Law
Newton’s III Law
Newton’s Gravitational Law
Law of Mechanics
Newton’s I Law
If the particle is at rest or in uniform motion
unless it is acted by an unbalanced Force(F)
Law of Mechanics
Newton’s II Law

A particle will move in the direction of a

force (F) or rate of change of momentum is
directly proportional to applied force
Law of Mechanics
Newton’s III Law
The action and reaction forces are same in
magnitude, opposite in direction and same line
of action.
Law of Mechanics
Newton’s Gravitational Law
The force of attraction between two objects is directly
proportional to their masses (m1, m2) and inversely
proportional to square of distance between them (r).

 Consider the Weight (W)

Units System
Basic Units
In mechanics, we consider only the following
basic units
a. Mass
The measure of the quantity of matter that a
body or an object contains.
b. Length
It is the measure of distance between two points
on the earth
c. Time
It is the duration between two events
Unit System
SI (International System of Units) (meter-
kilogram-second) – Almost all countries
FPS (foot-pound-second) – UK and USA
MKS (meter-kilogram-second) – basic for SI
CGS (centimeter-gram-second) – Oldest
International System of Units
Basic Units
Quantity Notation Unit
Mass m kg
Length l m
Time t s

Derived Units
Quantity Notation Unit
Area A m2
Volume v m3
Speed, Velocity V m/s
Acceleration a m/s2
Density ρ Kg/m3
Weight, Force, Tension W , F, T N
Energy, Work, E, W J
Power P W
Prefix used in International
System of Units

Basics of Engineering Mechanics

Types of Body
Scalar and Vector Quantities
Force and its Characteristics
Laws of Engineering Mechanics
Units System
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