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Week 8 Lessons


• Date / Time
• System
• Timepicker
• Saving and Retriving Data to Files
• Cougar Café
• Incorporate Datetime
• UI Cleanup
• Logic for delivery, pickup now and pick up time
• You can get system and current time by placing the clock object from
the sensors palette
• Clock has several procedures that you can call to get or set time
• Time picker works in a similar fashion as the clock does. With time
picker you can pick and set the time, however you need to create the
Saving text File to the Phone
• You can save a text file to the phone with various data that you
capture on the screen.
• This can act as your datasource
• You can also use a csv file in a similar fashion.
• In order to use the database (Tiny DB) you should have a
understanding of how databases work
• Cougar Café can use either a csv or flat file to save and retrieve data
Save and Retrieve Data
Save and Retrieve Data

• You can either use append or savefile. If you use append

you can continue appending to the file.
• \ saves the file to the SD card of the phone
• You need to put the file extension on the file. If you do not
it will treat it as a text file.
• Retriving the file is 2 fold
• The click event to get the data
• The GotText event to attach it to the multiline text
box. The “text” is a variable of the data itself.
• You will need to format this data on save, to retirive it
the way you want it.
Cougar Cafe
• Implement a datatime timestamp for the user
• This should be captured along with the user info and saved to the file
• Use the time picker to capture the pickup time
• Logic - Give the user an option (checkbox, drop down list, radio buttons::
radio would probably be most appropriate) of delivery, pick up now, pick
up later. If picking up later then use the time picker
• Save all user data, along with timestamp, etc to the flat file. Data can be
used for shopping cart as well as any other screen.
• User should go to either a lunch or breakfast menu once all the info is
captured and saved.
UI Cleanup
• Ensure that you are closing the keyboard when not in use or after entry of
• Use inputs rather than creating your own inputs (looks similar to the
timepicker), the look is cleaner.
• Start error checking and trapping
• Ensure that your objects are properly listed. Ie. Numeric, multiline, visible.
• Use label and or textbox visibility and set to true to make them visible when
• Test and troubleshoot each time you add a new element.
• Start versioning

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