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Translation theory

Meaning, message

Translation theory
1. He sat on the chair.
2. He has the chair of philosophy at the university.
3. He will chair the meeting.
4. He was condemned to the chair

5. Dia duduk di kursi.

6. Dia menjabat mahaguru dalam ilmu filsafat di
universitas itu.
7. Dia akan memimpin rapat itu.
8. Dia dihukum mati di kursi listrik.
Meaning in translation
 Lexical meaning
 Grammatical meaning
 Contextual meaning
 Textual meaning
 Socio-cultural meaning
Lexical meaning
 Lexical meaning refers to the meaning in the dictionary.
 separated from its context.

Bad  jahat,buruk, jelek, susah, tidak enak, busuk.

Grammatical meaning
 the relationship between language elements in a larger
unit, such as the relationship of a word with another
word in a phrase or clause.

 I buy a round table  meja yang bundar; as an adj

 I round the table  mengelilingi; as a verb
 He was KO in the first round  ronde; as a noun
Contextual meaning
an utterance relate to its context/situation. Thus, the
meaning is closely related to the context of the situation.

Example, in the context of a woman who want to refuse a

date with a man. The woman responded by saying "I'm
tired“  "I'd rather not."
Textual meaning
 textual meaning is in close connection with the contents
of a text as a whole.
 Same words but different text types can lead to different
 In linguistics, morphology is the science that studies how
morphemes form a specific meaning. Meanwhile, in a
biology text the word morphology means a branch of
biology dealing with the structure of plants and animals.
Socio-cultural meaning
 Relate to socio-cultural background of a language user.

 Harakiri =/= bunuh diri


Translation theory
Dictionary of scientific and technical terms,
(Lapedes: 1974)
 “Message (communication) is a series of words or
symbols, transmitted with the intention of conveying
 “Amanat (message) ialah keseluruhan makna atau isi
suatu wacana; konsep danperasaan yang hendak
disampaikan pembicara untuk dimengerti dan diterima
oleh pendengar.”
Sudjiman (1986)
 “Amanat adalah pesan yang ingin disampaikan
pengarang kepada pembaca atau pendengar.”

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